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Interesting topic


Edwin Chen




Dirichlet Process

学习目标:Dirichlet Process, HDP, HDP-HMM, IBP, CRM

Alex Kendall

Geometry and Uncertainty in Deep Learning for Computer Vision


colah's blog

Feature Visualization


Jason Yosinski

Understanding Neural Networks Through Deep Visualization



general CV


Global Average Pooling Layers for Object Localization



DL, CV and the algorithms that are shaping the future of AI.


专注于数据分析之Kaggle and 图像处理之AR on phone

How to be a Top AR Full-Stack Developer



Ref: 计算机视觉入门书?


一个单元代表一门course (12 weeks)或者一本book (600 pages)的学习量,亲测。


人工智能之计算机视觉 - 学术体系
第四层 计算机视觉:模型,学习,推理
第三层 统计机器学习 深度学习
第二层 机器学习入门 计算机视觉入门
第一层 统计推断 贝叶斯分析 多元线性分析 凸优化


人工智能之计算机视觉 - 软件工程
第四层 实践!实践!实践!
第三层 Android API, RN, OpenCV, Scikit-learning, ARToolkit, Unity
第二层 软件架构,设计模式,代码管理,单元测试
第一层 C/C++, Python, Java, Kotlin, Javascript, SQL


Phones with ARCore support, Feb, 2018

Indoor navigation app: you'll never be lost again

Inside Navigation【好东西,但时机不对】

My Hierarchy of AI Knowledge


如果你想要一个能走到冰箱面前而不撞到墙壁的机器人,那就使用 SLAM。

如果你想要一个能识别冰箱中各种物品的机器人,那就使用 Deep Learning。


增强现实 - Deep Learning 识别


[Object Tracking] Overview of Object Tracking

[Object Tracking] Overview of algorithms for Object Tracking


[Object Tracking] Active contour model - Snake Model

[Object Tracking] Deep Boundary detection Tech

[Object Tracking] Contour Detection through Tensorflow running on smartphone

[Object Tracking] Contour Detection through OpenCV


[OpenCV] Real-time object detection with dnn module in OpenCV 3.3

[Localization] SSD - Single Shot MultiBoxDetector

[Localization] MobileNet with SSD

[Tensorflow] Android Meets TF in TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017

[Tensorflow] Object Detection API - prepare your training data

[Tensorflow] Object Detection API - build your training environment

[Tensorflow] Object Detection API - predict through your exclusive model

[Tensorflow] Object Detection API - retrain mobileNet

[Tensorflow] Object Detection API -

[Object Tracking] Identify and Track Specific Object

[Object Tracking] MeanShift

增强现实 - SLAM 跟踪

[SLAM] 01. "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping"

[SLAM] 02. Some basic algorithms of 3D reconstruction


[SLAM] AR Tracking based on which tools?

[ARCORE, Continue...]




生成式网络 - Conv & Deconv

[Paper] Before GAN: sparse coding


深度学习概念 - UFLDL

[UFLDL] Basic Concept

[UFLDL] Linear Regression & Classification

[UFLDL] Dimensionality Reduction

[UFLDL] Generative Model

[UFLDL] Sparse Representation

[UFLDL] ConvNet

[UFLDL] Train and Optimize

深度学习理论 - Stats 385

[Stats385] Lecture 01-02, warm up with some questions

[Stats385] Lecture 03, Harmonic Analysis of Deep CNN

[Stats385] Lecture 04: Convnets from Probabilistic Perspective

[Stats385] Lecture 05: Avoid the curse of dimensionality


统计机器学习 - PRML

9. [Bayesian] “我是bayesian我怕谁”系列 - Gaussian Process
8. [Bayesian] “我是bayesian我怕谁”系列 - Variational Autoencoders
7. [Bayesian] “我是bayesian我怕谁”系列 - Boltzmann Distribution
6. [Bayesian] “我是bayesian我怕谁”系列 - Markov and Hidden Markov Models
5. [Bayesian] “我是bayesian我怕谁”系列 - Continuous Latent Variables
4. [Bayesian] “我是bayesian我怕谁”系列 - Variational Inference
3. [Bayesian] “我是bayesian我怕谁”系列 - Latent Variables
2. [Bayesian] “我是bayesian我怕谁”系列 - Exact Inference
1. [Bayesian] “我是bayesian我怕谁”系列 - Naive Bayes with Prior





Bayesian Analysis


[Bayes] What is Sampling

[Bayes] Point --> Line: Estimate "π" by R

[Bayes] Point --> Hist: Estimate "π" by R

[Bayes] qgamma & rgamma: Central Credible Interval

[Bayes] Hist & line: Reject Sampling and Importance Sampling

[Bayes] runif: Inversion Sampling

[Bayes] dchisq: Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

[Bayes] prod: M-H: Independence Sampler for Posterior Sampling

[Bayes] Metroplis Algorithm --> Gibbs Sampling

[Bayes] Parameter estimation by Sampling

[Bayes] openBUGS: this is not the annoying bugs in programming



[BOOK] Applied Math and Machine Learning Basics

[Bayes] Multinomials and Dirichlet distribution

[Bayes] Understanding Bayes: A Look at the Likelihood

[Bayes] Understanding Bayes: Updating priors via the likelihood

[Bayes] Understanding Bayes: Visualization of the Bayes Factor

[Bayes] Why we prefer Gaussian Distribution

[Bayes] Improve HMM step by step

[Math] Unconstrained & Constrained Optimization

[Bayes] KL Divergence & Evidence Lower Bound

[Bayes] Variational Inference for Bayesian GMMs

[Bayes] Latent Gaussian Process Models


[Math] A love of late toward Mathematics - how to learn it?

[Bayes ML] This is Bayesian Machine Learning 【原文总结得相当好】

Deep Learning


[BOOK] Applied Math and Machine Learning Basics             【DL书基础,1至5章笔记】

[Hinton] Neural Networks for Machine Learning - Basic

[Hinton] Neural Networks for Machine Learning - Converage

[Hinton] Neural Networks for Machine Learning - RNN

[Hinton] Neural Networks for Machine Learning - Bayesian

[Hinton] Neural Networks for Machine Learning - Hopfield Nets and Boltzmann Machine


[Tensorflow] Architecture - Computational Graphs   【TF 框架】

[Tensorflow] Practice - The Tensorflow Way       【相对基础】

[Tensorflow] Cookbook - The Tensorflow Way   【前者的 Detail】

[Tensorflow] Cookbook - Neural Network           【代码基础写法】

[Tensorflow] Cookbook - CNN                            【卷积网络专题】

[Tensorflow] Cookbook - Object Classification based on CIFAR-10

[Tensorflow] Cookbook - Retraining Existing CNNs models - Inception Model

[Tensorflow] RNN - 01. Spam Prediction with BasicRNNCell

[Tensorflow] RNN - 02. Movie Review Sentiment Prediction with LSTM

[Tensorflow] RNN - 03. MultiRNNCell for Digit Prediction

[Tensorflow] RNN - 04. Work with CNN for Text Classification

[TensorBoard] Cookbook - Tensorboard

[TensorBoard] Train and Test accuracy simultaneous tracking

[TensorBoard] Name & Variable scope


[Converge] Gradient Descent - Several solvers

[Converge] Weight Initialiser

[Converge] Backpropagation Algorithm 【BP实现细节】

[Converge] Feature Selection in training of Deep Learning 【特性相关性的影响】

[Converge] Training Neural Networks 【cs231n-lec5&6,推荐】

[Converge] Batch Normalisation


[CNN] What is Convolutional Neural Network 【导论】

[CNN] Understanding Convolution 【图像角度理解】

[CNN] Tool - Deep Visualization


[Model] LeNet-5 by Keras

[Model] AlexNet

[Model] VGG16

[Model] GoogLeNet

[Model] ResNet  

[Localization] R-CNN series for Localization and Detection

[Localization] YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection

[Localization] SSD - Single Shot MultiBoxDetector

[Localization] MobileNet with SSD


[GPU] CUDA for Deep Learning, why?

[GPU] DIY for Deep Learning Workstation

[Keras] Install and environment setting

[Keras] Develop Neural Network With Keras Step-By-Step

[GAN] *What is Generative networks 【导论,”生成式模型“有哪些,与”判别式模型“同级】

[GAN] How to use GAN - Meow Generator

[DQN] What is Deep Reinforcement Learning 【导论:此方向优先级低】

[Understanding] Compressive Sensing and Deep Model 【感知压缩,暂且不懂】

[DL] *Deep Learning for Industry - Wang Yi 【课外阅读】

Machine Learning

/* ML文件夹待整理 */

IR & NLP基础


[IR] Boolean retrieval

[IR] Index Construction

[IR] Compression

[IR] Tolerant Retrieval & Spelling Correction & Language Model

[IR] Probabilistic Model

[IR] Link Analysis

[IR] Ranking - top k

[IR] Evaluation

[IR] Information Extraction

[IR] Open Source Search Engines

[IR] Search Server - Sphinx

[IR] Concept Search and LSI

[IR] Concept Search and PLSA

[IR] Concept Search and LDA


[IR] What is XML

[IR] XML Compression

[IR] Advanced XML Compression - ISX

[IR] Advanced XML Compression - XBW

[IR] XPath for Search Query

[IR] Graph Compression

[IR] Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Semi-Structured Data

[IR] Huffman Coding

[IR] Arithmetic Coding

[IR] Dictionary Coding


[IR] String Matching

[IR] Suffix Trees and Suffix Arrays

[IR] Time and Space Efficiencies Analysis of Full-Text Index Techniques

[IR] Extraction-based Text Summarization


[IR] Word Embeddings

【以上内容需随recommended system一起再过一遍,完善体系】


[Artoolkit] Marker Training

[Artoolkit] ARToolKit's SDK Structure on Android

[Artoolkit] Framework Analysis of nftSimple

[Artoolkit] kpmMatching & Tracking of nftSimple

[Artoolkit] Android Sample of nftSimple

[Artoolkit] Can I Use LGPL code for commercial application

[Artoolkit] Marker of nftSimple

[Artoolkit] ARSimpleNativeCarsProj for Multi Markers Tracking

[Unity3D] 01 - Try Unity3D

[Unity3D] 02 - ** Editor Scripting, Community Posts, Project Architecture

[Unity3D] 03 - Component of UI

[Unity3D] 04 - Event Manager

[Unity3D] 05 - Access to DB or AWS





[OpenCV] Install openCV in Qt Creator

[OpenCV] Basic data types - Matrix

[OpenCV] IplImage and Operation

[OpenCV] HighGUI

[OpenCV] Image Processing - Image Elementary Knowledge

[OpenCV] Image Processing - Grayscale Transform

[OpenCV] Image Processing - Frequency Domain Filtering

[OpenCV] Image Processing - Spatial Filtering

[OpenCV] Image Processing - Fuzzy Set

[OpenCV] Feature Extraction

[OpenCV] Feature Matching

[SLAM] Little about SLAM

[SLAM] Camera math knowledge

[Tango] Basic Knowledge


// 内容将合并,重新整理

[OpenCV] Samples 01: drawing【几何图案、文字等】

[OpenCV] Samples 02: [ML] kmeans【聚类算法】

[OpenCV] Samples 03: cout_mat【Mat计算能力】

[OpenCV] Samples 04: contours2【二值图案找轮廓】

[OpenCV] Samples 05: convexhull【散点的凸包轮廓】

[OpenCV] Samples 06: [ML] logistic regression【线性二分类】

[OpenCV] Samples 07: create_mask【鼠标圈图】

[OpenCV] Samples 08: edge【边缘检测】

[OpenCV] Samples 09: plImage <==> Mat【色域通道分离】

[OpenCV] Samples 10: imagelist_creator【图片地址list参数】

[OpenCV] Samples 11: image sequence【视频流提取】

[OpenCV] Samples 12: laplace【视频流处理】

[OpenCV] Samples 13: opencv_version【版本信息显示】

[OpenCV] Samples 14: kalman filter【预测下一个状态】

[OpenCV] Samples 15: Background Subtraction and Gaussian mixture models【背景差分】

[OpenCV] Samples 16: Decompose and Analyse RGB channels【色域通道分离】

[OpenCV] Samples 17: Floodfill【聚类算法】

[OpenCV] Samples 18: Load image and check its attributes【图片属性】


[CNN] Face Detection

[Android Studio] Using Java to call OpenCV

[Android Studio] Using NDK to call OpenCV

[OpenCV] Install OpenCV 3.3 with DNN

[OpenCV] Install OpenCV 3.4 with DNN


[Link] Face Swap Collection

[Link] Face Swap without DLIB【代码可用】


[Algorithm] Deferred Acceptance Algorithm

[Algorithm] Beating the Binary Search algorithm – Interpolation Search, Galloping Search

[Algorithm] Warm-up puzzles

[Algorithm] Asymptotic Growth Rate

[Algorithm] Polynomial and FFT

[Algorithm] Maximum Flow

[Algorithm] String Matching and Hashing

[Optimization] Greedy method

[Optimization] Dynamic programming

[Optimization] Advanced Dynamic programming

Everything here starts from 2016

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