How can I manage the modules for python2 when python3 installed as well. In OSX
I'm using OSX and I installed python3 with anaconda installed. In my OSX, there exists two versions of python, i.e. python2 and python3.
I managed the modules in anaconda which only affect modules in python3. But how can I manage(install, delete, update) the modules for python2?
I've checked some posts about 'python2 is at /usr/bin/python' . So it's ok to use python2 by '/usr/bin/python' without configuring alias. But, how can I manage(install, delete, update) the modules for python2 when python3 installed as well. In OSX.
Anaconda comes with a package and environment manager called conda. This is what you need to do:
Create a separate Python 2.7 environment, let's call it old and busted.
conda create --name old_and_busted python=2.7
Now switch to this environment:
conda activate old_and_busted
Verify it worked if you want:
python --version
Install some modules cool:
conda install flask
Bonus, use pip to install something cool in the same environment:
pip install flask
What environment are we in again?
conda env list
Let's check for that package:
conda list
Now this part is very important, make sure to do it often - go back to your Python 3 environment:
conda activate base
pipenv manages environments in a similar way. Anaconda specializes in packaging for scientific computing handling packaging non-python extensions (e. g. C, C++) dependencies well.
** Note on conda
vs source
for environment activation **
If conda activate does not work use source activate
. This was changed in Anaconda 4.4.0.
If you have this in your .bash_profile (or .profile or other magical dotfile) you use source activate:
export PATH="$HOME/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
If you have this updated code in your shell startup then you can use conda activate:
. $HOME/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate
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