Persistence contexts

org.hibernate.Session API and javax.persistence.EntityManager API represent a context for dealing with persistent data. This concept is called  apersistencec context. Persistent data has a state in relation to both a persistence context and the underlying database.


The entity has just been instantiated and is not assocaiated with a persistence context.

It has no persistent representation in the database and typically no identifier value has been assigned(unless the assigned generator was used).

managed, or persistent 持久的]



detached 托管的,游离的




大多数org.hibernate.Session API and javax.persistence.EntityManager API的方法处理实体在这些状态之间的变动.

-------------从JPA中访问Hibernate APIs--------

Session session = entityManager.unwrap( Session.class );
SessionImplementor sessionImplementor = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class ); SessionFactory sessionFactory = entityManager.getEntityManagerFactory().unwrap( SessionFactory.class );

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