Microsoft Onenote shortcuts / Onenote快捷键大全
Onenote跟Libreoffice ,有道笔记比起来一个快捷键特别不太好用,就是Ctrl + Shift +v 并不会提供一个选择粘贴模式选项。
而在Onenote 中 Ctrl + Shift + v 是和Ctrl + Shift + c 配合起来拷贝格式的
Microsoft onenote还是经常使用,为了提升效率,把快捷键列出来以方便使用。
Typing and editing notes
To do this |
Press |
Open a new OneNote window. |
Ctrl+M |
Open a small OneNote window to create a side note. |
Ctrl+Shift+M or Windows+Alt+N |
Dock the OneNote window. |
Ctrl+Alt+D |
Undo the last action. |
Ctrl+Z |
Redo the last action. |
Ctrl+Y |
Select all items on the current page. Note: Press Ctrl+A more than once to increase the scope of the selection. |
Ctrl+A |
Cut the selected text or item. |
Ctrl+X |
Copy the selected text or item to the Clipboard. |
Ctrl+C |
Paste the contents of the Clipboard. |
Ctrl+V |
Move to the beginning of the line. |
Home |
Move to the end of the line. |
End |
Move one character to the left. |
Left Arrow |
Move one character to the right. |
Right Arrow |
Move one word to the left. |
Ctrl+Left Arrow |
Move one word to the right. |
Ctrl+Right Arrow |
Delete one character to the left. |
Backspace |
Delete one character to the right. |
Delete |
Delete one word to the left. |
Ctrl+Backspace |
Delete one word to the right. |
Ctrl+Delete |
Insert a line break without starting a new paragraph. |
Shift+Enter |
Check spelling. |
F7 |
Open the thesaurus for the currently selected word. |
Shift+F7 |
Bring up the context menu for any note, tab, or any other object that currently has focus. |
Shift+F10 |
Execute the action suggested on the Information Bar if it appears at the top of a page. |
Ctrl+Shift+W |
Formatting notes
To do this |
Press |
Highlight selected text. |
Ctrl+Shift+H or Ctrl+Alt+H |
Insert a link. |
Ctrl+K |
Copy the formatting of selected text (Format Painter). |
Ctrl+Shift+C |
Paste the formatting to selected text (Format Painter). |
Ctrl+Shift+V |
Open a link. Note: The cursor must be placed anywhere within the formatted link text. |
Enter |
Apply or remove bold formatting from the selected text. |
Ctrl+B |
Apply or remove italic formatting from the selected text. |
Ctrl+I |
Apply or remove the underline from the selected text. |
Ctrl+U |
Apply or remove strikethrough from the selected text. |
Ctrl+Hyphen |
Apply or remove superscript formatting from the selected text. |
Ctrl+Shift+= |
Apply or remove subscript formatting from the selected text. |
Ctrl+= |
Apply or remove bulleted list formatting from the selected paragraph. |
Ctrl+Period |
Apply or remove numbered list formatting from the selected paragraph. |
Ctrl+Slash |
Apply a Heading 1 style to the current note. |
Ctrl+Alt+1 |
Apply a Heading 2 style to the current note. |
Ctrl+Alt+2 |
Apply a Heading 3 style to the current note. |
Ctrl+Alt+3 |
Apply a Heading 4 style to the current note. |
Ctrl+Alt+4 |
Apply a Heading 5 style to the current note. |
Ctrl+Alt+5 |
Apply a Heading 6 style to the current note. |
Ctrl+Alt+6 |
Apply the Normal style to the current note. |
Ctrl+Shift+N |
Indent a paragraph from the left. |
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow |
Remove a paragraph indent from the left. |
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow |
Right-align the selected paragraph. |
Ctrl+R |
Left-align the selected paragraph. |
Ctrl+L |
Increase the font size of selected text. |
Ctrl+Shift+> |
Decrease the font size of selected text. |
Ctrl+Shift+< |
Clear all formatting applied to the selected text. |
Ctrl+Shift+N |
Show or hide rule lines on the current page. |
Ctrl+Shift+R |
Adding items to a page
To do this |
Press |
Insert a document or file on the current page. |
Alt+N, F |
Insert a document or file as a printout on the current page. |
Alt+N, O |
Show or hide document printouts on the current page (when running OneNote in High Contrast mode). |
Alt+Shift+P |
Insert a picture from a file. |
Alt+N, P |
Insert a picture from a scanner or a camera. |
Alt+N, S |
Insert a screen clipping. Note: The OneNote icon must be active in the notification area, at the far right of the Windows taskbar. |
Windows logo key+Shift+S |
Insert the current date. |
Alt+Shift+D |
Insert the current date and time. |
Alt+Shift+F |
Insert the current time. |
Alt+Shift+T |
Insert a line break. |
Shift+Enter |
Start a math equation or convert selected text to a math equation. |
Alt+= |
Insert a Euro (€) symbol. |
Ctrl+Alt+E |
Create a table by adding a second column to already typed text. |
Tab |
Create another column in a table with a single row. |
Tab |
Create another row when at the end cell of a table. Note: Press Enter a second time to finish the table. |
Enter |
Create a row below the current row in a table. |
Ctrl+Enter |
Create another paragraph in the same cell in a table. |
Alt+Enter |
Create a column to the right of the current column in a table. |
Ctrl+Alt+R |
Create a row above the current one in a table (when the cursor is at the beginning of any row). |
Enter |
Delete the current empty row in a table (when the cursor is at the beginning of the row). |
DEL (press twice) |
Selecting notes and objects
To do this |
Press |
Select all items on the current page. Press Ctrl+A more than once to increase the scope of the selection. |
Ctrl+A |
Select to the end of the line. |
Shift+End |
Select the whole line (when the cursor is at the beginning of the line). |
Shift+Down Arrow |
Jump to the title of the page and select it. |
Ctrl+Shift+T |
Cancel the selected outline or page. |
Esc |
Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs up. |
Alt+Shift+Up Arrow |
Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs down. |
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow |
Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs left (decreasing the indent). |
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow |
Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs right (increasing the indent). |
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow |
Select the current paragraph and its subordinate paragraphs. |
Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen |
Delete the selected note or object. |
Delete |
Move to the beginning of the line. |
Home |
Move to the end of the line. |
End |
Move one character to the left. |
Left Arrow |
Move one character to the right. |
Right Arrow |
Go back to the last page visited. |
Alt+Left Arrow |
Go forward to the next page visited. |
Alt+Right Arrow |
Start playback of a selected audio or video recording. |
Ctrl+Alt+P or Ctrl+Alt+S |
Rewind the current audio or video recording by a few seconds. |
Ctrl+Alt+Y |
Fast-forward the current audio or video recording by a few seconds. |
Ctrl+Alt+U |
Tagging notes
To do this |
Press |
Apply, mark, or clear the To Do tag. |
Ctrl+1 |
Apply or clear the Important tag. |
Ctrl+2 |
Apply or clear the Question tag. |
Ctrl+3 |
Apply or clear the Remember for later tag. |
Ctrl+4 |
Apply or clear the Definition tag. |
Ctrl+5 |
Apply or clear a custom tag. |
Ctrl+6 |
Apply or clear a custom tag. |
Ctrl+7 |
Apply or clear a custom tag. |
Ctrl+8 |
Apply or clear a custom tag. |
Ctrl+9 |
Remove all note tags from the selected notes. |
Ctrl+0 |
Using outlines
To do this |
Press |
Show through Level 1. |
Alt+Shift+1 |
Expand to Level 2. |
Alt+Shift+2 |
Expand to Level 3. |
Alt+Shift+3 |
Expand to Level 4. |
Alt+Shift+4 |
Expand to Level 5. |
Alt+Shift+5 |
Expand to Level 6. |
Alt+Shift+6 |
Expand to Level 7. |
Alt+Shift+7 |
Expand to Level 8. |
Alt+Shift+8 |
Expand to Level 9. |
Alt+Shift+9 |
Expand all levels. |
Alt+Shift+0 |
Increase indent by one level. |
Tab |
Decrease indent by one level. |
Shift+Tab |
Expand a collapsed outline. |
Alt+Shift+Plus Sign |
Collapse an expanded outline. |
Alt+Shift+Minus Sign |
Specifying language settings
Note: To change the writing direction for your notes, you must first enable right-to-left languages in the Microsoft Office Language Preferences tool.
To do this |
Press |
Set writing direction left to right. |
Ctrl+Left Shift |
Set writing direction right to left. |
Ctrl+Right Shift |
Increase indent by one level in right-to-left text. |
Tab |
Decrease indent by one level in right-to-left text. |
Shift+Tab |
Organizing and managing your notebook
Working with pages and side notes
To do this |
Press |
Enable or disable full page view. |
F11 |
Open a new OneNote window. |
Ctrl+M |
Open a small OneNote window to create a side note. |
Ctrl+Shift+M |
Expand or collapse the tabs of a page group. |
Ctrl+Shift+* |
Print the current page. |
Ctrl+P |
Add a new page at the end of the selected section. |
Ctrl+N |
Increase the width of the page tabs bar. |
Ctrl+Shift+[ |
Decrease the width of the page tabs bar. |
Ctrl+Shift+] |
Create a new page below the current page tab at the same level. |
Ctrl+Alt+N |
Decrease indent level of the current page tab label. |
Ctrl+Alt+[ |
Increase indent level of the current page tab label. |
Ctrl+Alt+] |
Create a new subpage below the current page. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N |
Select all items. Press Ctrl+A several times to increase the scope of the selection. |
Ctrl+A |
Select the current page. |
Ctrl+Shift+A |
Move the selected page tab up. |
Alt+Shift+Up Arrow |
Move the selected page tab down. |
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow |
Move the insertion point to the page title. |
Ctrl+Shift+T |
Go to the first page in the currently visible set of page tabs. |
Alt+PAGE Up |
Go to the last page in the currently visible set of page tabs. |
Alt+PAGE Down |
Scroll up in the current page. |
Scroll down in the current page. |
PAGE Down |
Scroll to the top of the current page. |
Ctrl+Home |
Scroll to the bottom of the current page. |
Ctrl+End |
Go to the next paragraph. |
Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Go to the previous paragraph. |
Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Go to the next note container. |
Alt+Down Arrow |
Go to the beginning of the line. |
Home |
Go to the end of the line. |
End |
Move one character to the left. |
Left Arrow |
Move one character to the right. |
Right Arrow |
Go back to the last page visited. |
Alt+Left Arrow |
Go forward to the next page visited. |
Alt+Right Arrow |
Zoom in. |
Alt+Ctrl+Plus Sign (on the numeric keypad) or Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Plus Sign |
Zoom out. |
Alt+Ctrl+Minus Sign (on the numeric keypad) or Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen |
Save changes. Note: While OneNote is running, your notes are automatically saved whenever you change them. Manually saving notes is not necessary. |
Ctrl+S |
Working with notebooks and sections
To do this |
Press |
Open OneNote. |
Windows+Shift+N |
Open a notebook. |
Ctrl+O |
Send to OneNote Tool |
Windows+N |
Create a new section. |
Ctrl+T |
Open a section. |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O |
Go to the next section. |
Ctrl+Tab |
Go to the previous section. |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab |
Go to the next page in the section. |
Ctrl+PAGE Down |
Go to the previous page in the section. |
Ctrl+PAGE Up |
Go to the first page in the section. |
Alt+Home |
Go to the last page in the section. |
Alt+End |
Go to the first page in the currently visible set of page tabs. |
Alt+PAGE Up |
Go to the last page of the currently visible set of page tabs. |
Alt+PAGE Down |
Move or copy the current page. |
Ctrl+Alt+M |
Put focus on the current page tab. |
Ctrl+Alt+G |
Select the current page tab. |
Ctrl+SHFT+A |
Put focus on the current section tab. |
Ctrl+Shift+G |
Move the current section. |
Ctrl+Shift+G, and then Shift+F10, M |
Switch to a different notebook on the Navigation bar. |
Ctrl+G, then press Down Arrow or Up Arrow keys to select a different notebook, and then press Enter |
Searching notes
To do this |
Press |
Move the insertion point to the Search box to search all notebooks. |
Ctrl+E |
While searching all notebooks, preview the next result. |
Down Arrow |
While searching all notebooks, go to the selected result and dismiss Search. |
Enter |
Change the search scope. |
Ctrl+E, Tab, Space |
Open the Search Results pane. |
Alt+O after searching |
Search only the current page. Note: You can switch between searching everywhere and searching only the current page at any point by pressing Ctrl+E or Ctrl+F. |
Ctrl+F |
While searching the current page, move to the next result. |
Enter or F3 |
While searching the current page, move to the previous result. |
Shift+F3 |
Dismiss Search and return to the page. |
Esc |
Sharing notes
Sharing notes with other people
To do this |
Press |
Send the selected pages in an e-mail message. |
Ctrl+Shift+E |
Sharing notes with other programs
To do this |
Press |
Send the selected pages in an e-mail message. |
Ctrl+Shift+E |
Create a Today Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
Ctrl+Shift+1 |
Create a Tomorrow Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
Ctrl+Shift+2 |
Create a This Week Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
Ctrl+Shift+3 |
Create a Next Week Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
Ctrl+Shift+4 |
Create a No Date Outlook task from the currently selected note. |
Ctrl+Shift+5 |
Open the selected Outlook task. |
Ctrl+Shift+K |
Mark the selected Outlook task as complete. |
Ctrl+Shift+9 |
Delete the selected Outlook task. |
Ctrl+Shift+0 |
Sync changes in the current shared notebook. |
Shift+F9 |
Sync changes in all shared notebooks. |
F9 |
Mark the current page as Unread. |
Ctrl+Q |
Protecting notes
Password-protecting sections
To do this |
Press |
Lock all password-protected sections. |
Ctrl+Alt+L |
Typing and editing notesTo do this
Open a new OneNote window.
Open a small OneNote window to create a side note.
Ctrl+Shift+M or Windows+Alt+N
Dock the OneNote window.
Undo the last action.
Redo the last action.
Select all items on the current page.
Note: Press Ctrl+A more than once to increase the scope of the selection.
Cut the selected text or item.
Copy the selected text or item to the Clipboard.
Paste the contents of the Clipboard.
Move to the beginning of the line.
Move to the end of the line.
Move one character to the left.
Left Arrow
Move one character to the right.
Right Arrow
Move one word to the left.
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Move one word to the right.
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Delete one character to the left.
Delete one character to the right.
Delete one word to the left.
Delete one word to the right.
Insert a line break without starting a new paragraph.
Check spelling.
Open the thesaurus for the currently selected word.
Bring up the context menu for any note, tab, or any other object that currently has focus.
Execute the action suggested on the Information Bar if it appears at the top of a page.
Top of Page
Formatting notesTo do this
Highlight selected text.
Ctrl+Shift+H or Ctrl+Alt+H
Insert a link.
Copy the formatting of selected text (Format Painter).
Paste the formatting to selected text (Format Painter).
Open a link.
Note: The cursor must be placed anywhere within the formatted link text.
Apply or remove bold formatting from the selected text.
Apply or remove italic formatting from the selected text.
Apply or remove the underline from the selected text.
Apply or remove strikethrough from the selected text.
Apply or remove superscript formatting from the selected text.
Apply or remove subscript formatting from the selected text.
Apply or remove bulleted list formatting from the selected paragraph.
Apply or remove numbered list formatting from the selected paragraph.
Apply a Heading 1 style to the current note.
Apply a Heading 2 style to the current note.
Apply a Heading 3 style to the current note.
Apply a Heading 4 style to the current note.
Apply a Heading 5 style to the current note.
Apply a Heading 6 style to the current note.
Apply the Normal style to the current note.
Indent a paragraph from the left.
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow
Remove a paragraph indent from the left.
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow
Right-align the selected paragraph.
Left-align the selected paragraph.
Increase the font size of selected text.
Decrease the font size of selected text.
Clear all formatting applied to the selected text.
Show or hide rule lines on the current page.
Top of Page
Adding items to a pageTo do this
Insert a document or file on the current page.
Alt+N, F
Insert a document or file as a printout on the current page.
Alt+N, O
Show or hide document printouts on the current page (when running OneNote in High Contrast mode).
Insert a picture from a file.
Alt+N, P
Insert a picture from a scanner or a camera.
Alt+N, S
Insert a screen clipping.
Note: The OneNote icon must be active in the notification area, at the far right of the Windows taskbar.
Windows logo key+Shift+S
Insert the current date.
Insert the current date and time.
Insert the current time.
Insert a line break.
Start a math equation or convert selected text to a math equation.
Insert a Euro (€) symbol.
Create a table by adding a second column to already typed text.
Create another column in a table with a single row.
Create another row when at the end cell of a table.
Note: Press Enter a second time to finish the table.
Create a row below the current row in a table.
Create another paragraph in the same cell in a table.
Create a column to the right of the current column in a table.
Create a row above the current one in a table (when the cursor is at the beginning of any row).
Delete the current empty row in a table (when the cursor is at the beginning of the row).
DEL (press twice)
Top of Page
Selecting notes and objectsTo do this
Select all items on the current page.
Press Ctrl+A more than once to increase the scope of the selection.
Select to the end of the line.
Select the whole line (when the cursor is at the beginning of the line).
Shift+Down Arrow
Jump to the title of the page and select it.
Cancel the selected outline or page.
Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs up.
Alt+Shift+Up Arrow
Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs down.
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow
Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs left (decreasing the indent).
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow
Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs right (increasing the indent).
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow
Select the current paragraph and its subordinate paragraphs.
Delete the selected note or object.
Move to the beginning of the line.
Move to the end of the line.
Move one character to the left.
Left Arrow
Move one character to the right.
Right Arrow
Go back to the last page visited.
Alt+Left Arrow
Go forward to the next page visited.
Alt+Right Arrow
Start playback of a selected audio or video recording.
Ctrl+Alt+P or Ctrl+Alt+S
Rewind the current audio or video recording by a few seconds.
Fast-forward the current audio or video recording by a few seconds.
Top of Page
Tagging notesTo do this
Apply, mark, or clear the To Do tag.
Apply or clear the Important tag.
Apply or clear the Question tag.
Apply or clear the Remember for later tag.
Apply or clear the Definition tag.
Apply or clear a custom tag.
Apply or clear a custom tag.
Apply or clear a custom tag.
Apply or clear a custom tag.
Remove all note tags from the selected notes.
Using outlinesTo do this
Show through Level 1.
Expand to Level 2.
Expand to Level 3.
Expand to Level 4.
Expand to Level 5.
Expand to Level 6.
Expand to Level 7.
Expand to Level 8.
Expand to Level 9.
Expand all levels.
Increase indent by one level.
Decrease indent by one level.
Expand a collapsed outline.
Alt+Shift+Plus Sign
Collapse an expanded outline.
Alt+Shift+Minus Sign
Top of Page
Specifying language settingsNote: To change the writing direction for your notes, you must first enable right-to-left languages in the Microsoft Office Language Preferences tool.
To do this
Set writing direction left to right.
Ctrl+Left Shift
Set writing direction right to left.
Ctrl+Right Shift
Increase indent by one level in right-to-left text.
Decrease indent by one level in right-to-left text.
Organizing and managing your notebookWorking with pages and side notesTo do this
Enable or disable full page view.
Open a new OneNote window.
Open a small OneNote window to create a side note.
Expand or collapse the tabs of a page group.
Print the current page.
Add a new page at the end of the selected section.
Increase the width of the page tabs bar.
Decrease the width of the page tabs bar.
Create a new page below the current page tab at the same level.
Decrease indent level of the current page tab label.
Increase indent level of the current page tab label.
Create a new subpage below the current page.
Select all items.
Press Ctrl+A several times to increase the scope of the selection.
Select the current page.
Ctrl+Shift+AIf the selected page is part of a group, press Ctrl+A to select all of the pages in the group.
Move the selected page tab up.
Alt+Shift+Up Arrow
Move the selected page tab down.
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow
Move the insertion point to the page title.
Go to the first page in the currently visible set of page tabs.
Go to the last page in the currently visible set of page tabs.
Alt+PAGE Down
Scroll up in the current page.
Scroll down in the current page.
Scroll to the top of the current page.
Scroll to the bottom of the current page.
Go to the next paragraph.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Go to the previous paragraph.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Go to the next note container.
Alt+Down Arrow
Go to the beginning of the line.
Go to the end of the line.
Move one character to the left.
Left Arrow
Move one character to the right.
Right Arrow
Go back to the last page visited.
Alt+Left Arrow
Go forward to the next page visited.
Alt+Right Arrow
Zoom in.
Alt+Ctrl+Plus Sign (on the numeric keypad) or Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Plus Sign
Zoom out.
Alt+Ctrl+Minus Sign (on the numeric keypad) or Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen
Save changes.
Note: While OneNote is running, your notes are automatically saved whenever you change them. Manually saving notes is not necessary.
Top of Page
Working with notebooks and sectionsTo do this
Open OneNote.
Open a notebook.
Send to OneNote Tool
Create a new section.
Open a section.
Go to the next section.
Go to the previous section.
Go to the next page in the section.
Ctrl+PAGE Down
Go to the previous page in the section.
Ctrl+PAGE Up
Go to the first page in the section.
Go to the last page in the section.
Go to the first page in the currently visible set of page tabs.
Go to the last page of the currently visible set of page tabs.
Alt+PAGE Down
Move or copy the current page.
Put focus on the current page tab.
Select the current page tab.
Put focus on the current section tab.
Move the current section.
Ctrl+Shift+G, and then Shift+F10, M
Switch to a different notebook on the Navigation bar.
Ctrl+G, then press Down Arrow or Up Arrow keys to select a different notebook, and then press Enter
Top of Page
Searching notesTo do this
Move the insertion point to the Search box to search all notebooks.
While searching all notebooks, preview the next result.
Down Arrow
While searching all notebooks, go to the selected result and dismiss Search.
Change the search scope.
Ctrl+E, Tab, Space
Open the Search Results pane.
Alt+O after searching
Search only the current page.
Note: You can switch between searching everywhere and searching only the current page at any point by pressing Ctrl+E or Ctrl+F.
While searching the current page, move to the next result.
Enter or F3
While searching the current page, move to the previous result.
Dismiss Search and return to the page.
Top of Page
Sharing notesSharing notes with other peopleTo do this
Send the selected pages in an e-mail message.
Sharing notes with other programsTo do this
Send the selected pages in an e-mail message.
Create a Today Outlook task from the currently selected note.
Create a Tomorrow Outlook task from the currently selected note.
Create a This Week Outlook task from the currently selected note.
Create a Next Week Outlook task from the currently selected note.
Create a No Date Outlook task from the currently selected note.
Open the selected Outlook task.
Mark the selected Outlook task as complete.
Delete the selected Outlook task.
Sync changes in the current shared notebook.
Sync changes in all shared notebooks.
Mark the current page as Unread.
Protecting notesPassword-protecting sectionsTo do this
Lock all password-protected sections.
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一个软件最大的用处是提高工作效率,衡量一个软件的好坏,除了是否出名之外,最主就是能否让一个新手更快的学会这个软件和提高工作速度.就拿Excel表格来说吧,平常办公中我们经常会用它来制作表格,统计数据或 ...
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熟练掌握PowerPoint快捷键可以让我们更快速的制作PPT模板,大大的节约时间成本.想提高工作效率吗?请熟悉PowerPoint快捷键吧!想成为高手吗?请先了解PPT快捷键吧!想制作出一个优秀的P ...
- [No00000C]Word快捷键大全 Word2013/2010/2007/2003常用快捷键大全
Word对于我们办公来说,是不可缺少的办公软件,因为没有它我们可能无法进行许多任务.所以现在的文员和办公室工作的人,最基础的就是会熟悉的使用Office办公软件.在此,为提高大家Word使用水平,特为 ...
- [LeetCode] 254. Factor Combinations 因子组合
Numbers can be regarded as product of its factors. For example, 8 = 2 x 2 x 2; = 2 x 4. Write a func ...
- [LeetCode] 282. Expression Add Operators 表达式增加操作符
Given a string that contains only digits 0-9 and a target value, return all possibilities to add bin ...
- Kubernetes StatefulSet
StatefulSet 简介 在Kubernetes中,Pod的管理对象RC.Deployment.DaemonSet和Job都是面向无状态的服务.但现实中有很多服务是有状态的,特别是一些复杂的中间件 ...
- python zip函数(11)
一.zip函数描述和使用 zip() 函数用于将可迭代的对象作为参数,将对象中对应的元素打包成一个个元组,然后返回由这些元组组成的对象,返回的结果可以直接强转为list列表,这样做的好处是节约了不少的 ...
- Java 8 集合之流式(Streams)操作, Streams API 详解
因为当时公司的业务需要对集合进行各种各样的业务逻辑操作,为了提高性能,就用到了这个东西,因为以往我们以前用集合都是需要去遍历(串行),所以效率和性能都不是特别的好,而Streams就可以使用并行的方式 ...
- npm,umi,yarn
npm 是什么? npm 为你和你的团队打开了连接整个 JavaScript 天才世界的一扇大门.它是世界上最大的软件注册表,每星期大约有 30 亿次的下载量,包含超过 600000 个 包(pack ...
- !与&&优先级的问题
逻辑否(!)是一元操作符,逻辑与(&&)是二元操作符,一元操作符的优先级高于任何二元操作符. 例如: bool flag:int t: if(!flag && t &g ...
- rest_framework框架——版本控制组件
API版本控制可以用来在不同的客户端使用不同的行为.REST框架提供了大量不同的版本设计. 版本控制是由传入的客户端请求决定的,并且可基于请求URL,或者基于请求头. rest_framework 当 ...
- python with方法
在实际的编码过程中,有时有一些任务,需要事先做一些设置,事后做一些清理,这时就需要python with出场了,with能够对这样的需求进行一个比较优雅的处理,最常用的例子就是对访问文件的处理. 一般 ...
- json转义问题
后端程序接受前台传递过来json 1正常json没有问题 比如 {"id":21,"userName":"2张天师","phon ...