1. 功能


2. 代码


#pragma once

//Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise


#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#define DELETED -2

#define le 0
#define re 1

struct    Freenode
    struct    Freenode *nextfree;

struct FreeNodeArrayList
    struct    Freenode* memory;
    struct    FreeNodeArrayList* next;


struct    Freelist
    struct    Freenode    *head;
    int        nodesize;

struct Point
    float x, y;

// structure used both for sites and for vertices
struct Site
    struct    Point    coord;
    int        sitenbr;
    int        refcnt;

struct Edge
    float   a, b, c;
    struct    Site     *ep[2];
    struct    Site    *reg[2];
    int        edgenbr;


struct GraphEdge
    float x1, y1, x2, y2;
    struct GraphEdge* next;

struct Halfedge
    struct    Halfedge    *ELleft, *ELright;
    struct    Edge    *ELedge;
    int        ELrefcnt;
    char    ELpm;
    struct    Site    *vertex;
    float    ystar;
    struct    Halfedge *PQnext;

class VoronoiDiagramGenerator

    bool generateVoronoi(float *xValues, float *yValues, int numPoints, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY, float minDist = 0);

    void resetIterator()
        iteratorEdges = allEdges;

    bool getNext(float& x1, float& y1, float& x2, float& y2)
        if (iteratorEdges == 0)
            return false;

        x1 = iteratorEdges->x1;
        x2 = iteratorEdges->x2;
        y1 = iteratorEdges->y1;
        y2 = iteratorEdges->y2;

        iteratorEdges = iteratorEdges->next;

        return true;

    void cleanup();
    void cleanupEdges();
    char *getfree(struct Freelist *fl);
    int PQempty();

    struct    Halfedge **ELhash;
    struct    Halfedge *HEcreate(struct Edge *e, int pm);

    struct Point PQ_min();
    struct Halfedge *PQextractmin();
    void freeinit(struct Freelist *fl, int size);
    void makefree(struct Freenode *curr, struct Freelist *fl);
    void geominit();
    void plotinit();
    bool voronoi(int triangulate);
    void ref(struct Site *v);
    void deref(struct Site *v);
    void endpoint(struct Edge *e, int lr, struct Site * s);

    void ELdelete(struct Halfedge *he);
    struct Halfedge *ELleftbnd(struct Point *p);
    struct Halfedge *ELright(struct Halfedge *he);
    void makevertex(struct Site *v);
    void out_triple(struct Site *s1, struct Site *s2, struct Site * s3);

    void PQinsert(struct Halfedge *he, struct Site * v, float offset);
    void PQdelete(struct Halfedge *he);
    bool ELinitialize();
    void ELinsert(struct    Halfedge *lb, struct Halfedge *newHe);
    struct Halfedge * ELgethash(int b);
    struct Halfedge *ELleft(struct Halfedge *he);
    struct Site *leftreg(struct Halfedge *he);
    void out_site(struct Site *s);
    bool PQinitialize();
    int PQbucket(struct Halfedge *he);
    void clip_line(struct Edge *e);
    char *myalloc(unsigned n);
    int right_of(struct Halfedge *el, struct Point *p);

    struct Site *rightreg(struct Halfedge *he);
    struct Edge *bisect(struct    Site *s1, struct    Site *s2);
    float dist(struct Site *s, struct Site *t);
    struct Site *intersect(struct Halfedge *el1, struct Halfedge *el2, struct Point *p = 0);

    void out_bisector(struct Edge *e);
    void out_ep(struct Edge *e);
    void out_vertex(struct Site *v);
    struct Site *nextone();

    void pushGraphEdge(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);

    void openpl();
    void line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
    void circle(float x, float y, float radius);
    void range(float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY);

    struct  Freelist    hfl;
    struct    Halfedge *ELleftend, *ELrightend;
    int     ELhashsize;

    int        triangulate, sorted, plot, debug;
    float    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, deltax, deltay;

    struct    Site    *sites;
    int        nsites;
    int        siteidx;
    int        sqrt_nsites;
    int        nvertices;
    struct     Freelist sfl;
    struct    Site    *bottomsite;

    int        nedges;
    struct    Freelist efl;
    int        PQhashsize;
    struct    Halfedge *PQhash;
    int        PQcount;
    int        PQmin;

    int        ntry, totalsearch;
    float    pxmin, pxmax, pymin, pymax, cradius;
    int        total_alloc;

    float borderMinX, borderMaxX, borderMinY, borderMaxY;

    FreeNodeArrayList* allMemoryList;
    FreeNodeArrayList* currentMemoryBlock;

    GraphEdge* allEdges;
    GraphEdge* iteratorEdges;

    float minDistanceBetweenSites;


int scomp(const void *p1, const void *p2);



#include "VoronoiDiagramGenerator.h"

siteidx = 0;
sites = 0;

allMemoryList = new FreeNodeArrayList;
allMemoryList->memory = 0;
allMemoryList->next = 0;
currentMemoryBlock = allMemoryList;
allEdges = 0;
iteratorEdges = 0;
minDistanceBetweenSites = 0;


if (allMemoryList != 0)
delete allMemoryList;

bool VoronoiDiagramGenerator::generateVoronoi(float *xValues, float *yValues, int numPoints, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY, float minDist)
int i;

minDistanceBetweenSites = minDist;

nsites = numPoints;
plot = 0;
triangulate = 0;
debug = 1;
sorted = 0;
freeinit(&sfl, sizeof(Site));

sites = (struct Site *) myalloc(nsites * sizeof(*sites));

if (sites == 0)
return false;

xmin = xValues[0];
ymin = yValues[0];
xmax = xValues[0];
ymax = yValues[0];

for (i = 0; i< nsites; i++)
sites[i].coord.x = xValues[i];
sites[i].coord.y = yValues[i];
sites[i].sitenbr = i;
sites[i].refcnt = 0;

if (xValues[i] < xmin)
xmin = xValues[i];
else if (xValues[i] > xmax)
xmax = xValues[i];

if (yValues[i] < ymin)
ymin = yValues[i];
else if (yValues[i] > ymax)
ymax = yValues[i];

//printf("\n%f %f\n",xValues[i],yValues[i]);

qsort(sites, nsites, sizeof(*sites), scomp);

siteidx = 0;
float temp = 0;
if (minX > maxX)
temp = minX;
minX = maxX;
maxX = temp;
if (minY > maxY)
temp = minY;
minY = maxY;
maxY = temp;
borderMinX = minX;
borderMinY = minY;
borderMaxX = maxX;
borderMaxY = maxY;

siteidx = 0;

return true;

bool VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELinitialize()
int i;
freeinit(&hfl, sizeof **ELhash);
ELhashsize = 2 * sqrt_nsites;
ELhash = (struct Halfedge **) myalloc(sizeof *ELhash * ELhashsize);

if (ELhash == 0)
return false;

for (i = 0; i<ELhashsize; i += 1) ELhash[i] = (struct Halfedge *)NULL;
ELleftend = HEcreate((struct Edge *)NULL, 0);
ELrightend = HEcreate((struct Edge *)NULL, 0);
ELleftend->ELleft = (struct Halfedge *)NULL;
ELleftend->ELright = ELrightend;
ELrightend->ELleft = ELleftend;
ELrightend->ELright = (struct Halfedge *)NULL;
ELhash[0] = ELleftend;
ELhash[ELhashsize - 1] = ELrightend;

return true;

struct Halfedge* VoronoiDiagramGenerator::HEcreate(struct Edge *e, int pm)
struct Halfedge *answer;
answer = (struct Halfedge *) getfree(&hfl);
answer->ELedge = e;
answer->ELpm = pm;
answer->PQnext = (struct Halfedge *) NULL;
answer->vertex = (struct Site *) NULL;
answer->ELrefcnt = 0;

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELinsert(structHalfedge *lb, struct Halfedge *newHe)
newHe->ELleft = lb;
newHe->ELright = lb->ELright;
(lb->ELright)->ELleft = newHe;
lb->ELright = newHe;

/* Get entry from hash table, pruning any deleted nodes */
struct Halfedge * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELgethash(int b)
struct Halfedge *he;

if (b<0 || b >= ELhashsize)
return((struct Halfedge *) NULL);
he = ELhash[b];
if (he == (struct Halfedge *) NULL || he->ELedge != (struct Edge *) DELETED)
return (he);

/* Hash table points to deleted half edge.  Patch as necessary. */
ELhash[b] = (struct Halfedge *) NULL;
if ((he->ELrefcnt -= 1) == 0)
makefree((Freenode*)he, &hfl);
return ((struct Halfedge *) NULL);

struct Halfedge * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELleftbnd(struct Point *p)
int i, bucket;
struct Halfedge *he;

/* Use hash table to get close to desired halfedge */
bucket = (int)((p->x - xmin) / deltax * ELhashsize);//use the hash function to find the place in the hash map that this HalfEdge should be

if (bucket<0) bucket = 0;//make sure that the bucket position in within the range of the hash array
if (bucket >= ELhashsize) bucket = ELhashsize - 1;

he = ELgethash(bucket);
if (he == (struct Halfedge *) NULL)//if the HE isn't found, search backwards and forwards in the hash map for the first non-null entry
for (i = 1; 1; i += 1)
if ((he = ELgethash(bucket - i)) != (struct Halfedge *) NULL)
if ((he = ELgethash(bucket + i)) != (struct Halfedge *) NULL)
totalsearch += i;
ntry += 1;
/* Now search linear list of halfedges for the correct one */
if (he == ELleftend || (he != ELrightend && right_of(he, p)))
he = he->ELright;
} while (he != ELrightend && right_of(he, p));//keep going right on the list until either the end is reached, or you find the 1st edge which the point
he = he->ELleft;//isn't to the right of
else //if the point is to the left of the HalfEdge, then search left for the HE just to the left of the point
he = he->ELleft;
} while (he != ELleftend && !right_of(he, p));

/* Update hash table and reference counts */
if (bucket > 0 && bucket <ELhashsize - 1)
if (ELhash[bucket] != (struct Halfedge *) NULL)
ELhash[bucket]->ELrefcnt -= 1;
ELhash[bucket] = he;
ELhash[bucket]->ELrefcnt += 1;
return (he);

/* This delete routine can't reclaim node, since pointers from hash
table may be present.   */
void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELdelete(struct Halfedge *he)
(he->ELleft)->ELright = he->ELright;
(he->ELright)->ELleft = he->ELleft;
he->ELedge = (struct Edge *)DELETED;

struct Halfedge * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELright(struct Halfedge *he)
return (he->ELright);

struct Halfedge * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELleft(struct Halfedge *he)
return (he->ELleft);

struct Site * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::leftreg(struct Halfedge *he)
if (he->ELedge == (struct Edge *)NULL)
return(he->ELpm == le ?
he->ELedge->reg[le] : he->ELedge->reg[re]);

struct Site * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::rightreg(struct Halfedge *he)
if (he->ELedge == (struct Edge *)NULL) //if this halfedge has no edge, return the bottom site (whatever that is)

//if the ELpm field is zero, return the site 0 that this edge bisects, otherwise return site number 1
return(he->ELpm == le ? he->ELedge->reg[re] : he->ELedge->reg[le]);

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::geominit()
float sn;

freeinit(&efl, sizeof(Edge));
nvertices = 0;
nedges = 0;
sn = (float)nsites + 4;
sqrt_nsites = (int)sqrt(sn);
deltay = ymax - ymin;
deltax = xmax - xmin;

struct Edge * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::bisect(struct Site *s1, structSite *s2)
float dx, dy, adx, ady;
struct Edge *newedge;

newedge = (struct Edge *) getfree(&efl);

newedge->reg[0] = s1; //store the sites that this edge is bisecting
newedge->reg[1] = s2;
newedge->ep[0] = (struct Site *) NULL; //to begin with, there are no endpoints on the bisector - it goes to infinity
newedge->ep[1] = (struct Site *) NULL;

dx = s2->coord.x - s1->coord.x;//get the difference in x dist between the sites
dy = s2->coord.y - s1->coord.y;
adx = dx>0 ? dx : -dx;//make sure that the difference in positive
ady = dy>0 ? dy : -dy;
newedge->c = (float)(s1->coord.x * dx + s1->coord.y * dy + (dx*dx + dy * dy)*0.5);//get the slope of the line

if (adx>ady)
newedge->a = 1.0; newedge->b = dy / dx; newedge->c /= dx;//set formula of line, with x fixed to 1
newedge->b = 1.0; newedge->a = dx / dy; newedge->c /= dy;//set formula of line, with y fixed to 1

newedge->edgenbr = nedges;

//printf("\nbisect(%d) ((%f,%f) and (%f,%f)",nedges,s1->coord.x,s1->coord.y,s2->coord.x,s2->coord.y);

nedges += 1;

//create a new site where the HalfEdges el1 and el2 intersect - note that the Point in the argument list is not used, don't know why it's there
struct Site * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::intersect(struct Halfedge *el1, struct Halfedge *el2, struct Point *p)
structEdge *e1, *e2, *e;
struct  Halfedge *el;
float d, xint, yint;
int right_of_site;
struct Site *v;

e1 = el1->ELedge;
e2 = el2->ELedge;
if (e1 == (struct Edge*)NULL || e2 == (struct Edge*)NULL)
return ((struct Site *) NULL);

//if the two edges bisect the same parent, return null
if (e1->reg[1] == e2->reg[1])
return ((struct Site *) NULL);

d = e1->a * e2->b - e1->b * e2->a;
if (-1.0e-10<d && d<1.0e-10)
return ((struct Site *) NULL);

xint = (e1->c*e2->b - e2->c*e1->b) / d;
yint = (e2->c*e1->a - e1->c*e2->a) / d;

if ((e1->reg[1]->coord.y < e2->reg[1]->coord.y) ||
(e1->reg[1]->coord.y == e2->reg[1]->coord.y &&
e1->reg[1]->coord.x < e2->reg[1]->coord.x))
el = el1;
e = e1;
el = el2;
e = e2;

right_of_site = xint >= e->reg[1]->coord.x;
if ((right_of_site && el->ELpm == le) || (!right_of_site && el->ELpm == re))
return ((struct Site *) NULL);

//create a new site at the point of intersection - this is a new vector event waiting to happen
v = (struct Site *) getfree(&sfl);
v->refcnt = 0;
v->coord.x = xint;
v->coord.y = yint;

/* returns 1 if p is to right of halfedge e */
int VoronoiDiagramGenerator::right_of(struct Halfedge *el, struct Point *p)
struct Edge *e;
struct Site *topsite;
int right_of_site, above, fast;
float dxp, dyp, dxs, t1, t2, t3, yl;

e = el->ELedge;
topsite = e->reg[1];
right_of_site = p->x > topsite->coord.x;
if (right_of_site && el->ELpm == le) return(1);
if (!right_of_site && el->ELpm == re) return (0);

if (e->a == 1.0)
dyp = p->y - topsite->coord.y;
dxp = p->x - topsite->coord.x;
fast = 0;
if ((!right_of_site & (e->b<0.0)) | (right_of_site & (e->b >= 0.0)))
above = dyp >= e->b*dxp;
fast = above;
above = p->x + p->y*e->b > e->c;
if (e->b<0.0) above = !above;
if (!above) fast = 1;
if (!fast)
dxs = topsite->coord.x - (e->reg[0])->coord.x;
above = e->b * (dxp*dxp - dyp * dyp) <
dxs*dyp*(1.0 + 2.0*dxp / dxs + e->b*e->b);
if (e->b<0.0) above = !above;
else  /*e->b==1.0 */
yl = e->c - e->a*p->x;
t1 = p->y - yl;
t2 = p->x - topsite->coord.x;
t3 = yl - topsite->coord.y;
above = t1 * t1 > t2*t2 + t3 * t3;
return (el->ELpm == le ? above : !above);

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::endpoint(struct Edge *e, int lr, struct Site * s)
e->ep[lr] = s;
if (e->ep[re - lr] == (struct Site *) NULL)


makefree((Freenode*)e, &efl);

float VoronoiDiagramGenerator::dist(struct Site *s, struct Site *t)
float dx, dy;
dx = s->coord.x - t->coord.x;
dy = s->coord.y - t->coord.y;
return (float)(sqrt(dx*dx + dy * dy));

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::makevertex(struct Site *v)
v->sitenbr = nvertices;
nvertices += 1;

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::deref(struct Site *v)
v->refcnt -= 1;
if (v->refcnt == 0)
makefree((Freenode*)v, &sfl);

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ref(struct Site *v)
v->refcnt += 1;

//push the HalfEdge into the ordered linked list of vertices
void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQinsert(struct Halfedge *he, struct Site * v, float offset)
struct Halfedge *last, *next;

he->vertex = v;
he->ystar = (float)(v->coord.y + offset);
last = &PQhash[PQbucket(he)];
while ((next = last->PQnext) != (struct Halfedge *) NULL &&
(he->ystar  > next->ystar ||
(he->ystar == next->ystar && v->coord.x > next->vertex->coord.x)))
last = next;
he->PQnext = last->PQnext;
last->PQnext = he;
PQcount += 1;

//remove the HalfEdge from the list of vertices
void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQdelete(struct Halfedge *he)
struct Halfedge *last;

if (he->vertex != (struct Site *) NULL)
last = &PQhash[PQbucket(he)];
while (last->PQnext != he)
last = last->PQnext;

last->PQnext = he->PQnext;
PQcount -= 1;
he->vertex = (struct Site *) NULL;

int VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQbucket(struct Halfedge *he)
int bucket;

bucket = (int)((he->ystar - ymin) / deltay * PQhashsize);
if (bucket<0) bucket = 0;
if (bucket >= PQhashsize) bucket = PQhashsize - 1;
if (bucket < PQmin) PQmin = bucket;

int VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQempty()
return(PQcount == 0);

struct Point VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQ_min()
struct Point answer;

while (PQhash[PQmin].PQnext == (struct Halfedge *)NULL) { PQmin += 1; };
answer.x = PQhash[PQmin].PQnext->vertex->coord.x;
answer.y = PQhash[PQmin].PQnext->ystar;
return (answer);

struct Halfedge * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQextractmin()
struct Halfedge *curr;

curr = PQhash[PQmin].PQnext;
PQhash[PQmin].PQnext = curr->PQnext;
PQcount -= 1;

bool VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQinitialize()
int i;

PQcount = 0;
PQmin = 0;
PQhashsize = 4 * sqrt_nsites;
PQhash = (struct Halfedge *) myalloc(PQhashsize * sizeof *PQhash);

if (PQhash == 0)
return false;

for (i = 0; i<PQhashsize; i += 1) PQhash[i].PQnext = (struct Halfedge *)NULL;

return true;

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::freeinit(struct Freelist *fl, int size)
fl->head = (struct Freenode *) NULL;
fl->nodesize = size;

char * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::getfree(struct Freelist *fl)
int i;
struct Freenode *t;

if (fl->head == (struct Freenode *) NULL)
t = (struct Freenode *) myalloc(sqrt_nsites * fl->nodesize);

if (t == 0)
return 0;

currentMemoryBlock->next = new FreeNodeArrayList;
currentMemoryBlock = currentMemoryBlock->next;
currentMemoryBlock->memory = t;
currentMemoryBlock->next = 0;

for (i = 0; i<sqrt_nsites; i += 1)
makefree((struct Freenode *)((char *)t + i * fl->nodesize), fl);
t = fl->head;
fl->head = (fl->head)->nextfree;
return((char *)t);

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::makefree(struct Freenode *curr, struct Freelist *fl)
curr->nextfree = fl->head;
fl->head = curr;

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::cleanup()
if (sites != 0)
sites = 0;

FreeNodeArrayList* current = 0, *prev = 0;

current = prev = allMemoryList;

while (current->next != 0)
prev = current;
current = current->next;
delete prev;
prev = 0;

if (current != 0 && current->memory != 0)
delete current;

allMemoryList = new FreeNodeArrayList;
allMemoryList->next = 0;
allMemoryList->memory = 0;
currentMemoryBlock = allMemoryList;

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::cleanupEdges()
GraphEdge* geCurrent = 0, *gePrev = 0;
geCurrent = gePrev = allEdges;

while (geCurrent != 0 && geCurrent->next != 0)
gePrev = geCurrent;
geCurrent = geCurrent->next;
delete gePrev;

allEdges = 0;


void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::pushGraphEdge(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
GraphEdge* newEdge = new GraphEdge;
newEdge->next = allEdges;
allEdges = newEdge;
newEdge->x1 = x1;
newEdge->y1 = y1;
newEdge->x2 = x2;
newEdge->y2 = y2;

char * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::myalloc(unsigned n)
char *t = 0;
t = (char*)malloc(n);
total_alloc += n;

/* for those who don't have Cherry's plot */
/* #include <plot.h> */
void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::openpl() {}
void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
pushGraphEdge(x1, y1, x2, y2);

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::circle(float x, float y, float radius) {}
void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::range(float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY) {}

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_bisector(struct Edge *e)


void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_ep(struct Edge *e)


void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_vertex(struct Site *v)


void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_site(struct Site *s)
if (!triangulate & plot & !debug)
circle(s->coord.x, s->coord.y, cradius);


void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_triple(struct Site *s1, struct Site *s2, struct Site * s3)


void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::plotinit()
float dx, dy, d;

dy = ymax - ymin;
dx = xmax - xmin;
d = (float)((dx > dy ? dx : dy) * 1.1);
pxmin = (float)(xmin - (d - dx) / 2.0);
pxmax = (float)(xmax + (d - dx) / 2.0);
pymin = (float)(ymin - (d - dy) / 2.0);
pymax = (float)(ymax + (d - dy) / 2.0);
cradius = (float)((pxmax - pxmin) / 350.0);
range(pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax);

void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::clip_line(struct Edge *e)
struct Site *s1, *s2;
float x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y1 = 0, y2 = 0, temp = 0;;

x1 = e->reg[0]->coord.x;
x2 = e->reg[1]->coord.x;
y1 = e->reg[0]->coord.y;
y2 = e->reg[1]->coord.y;

//if the distance between the two points this line was created from is less than
//the square root of 2, then ignore it
if (sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))) < minDistanceBetweenSites)
pxmin = borderMinX;
pxmax = borderMaxX;
pymin = borderMinY;
pymax = borderMaxY;

if (e->a == 1.0 && e->b >= 0.0)
s1 = e->ep[1];
s2 = e->ep[0];
s1 = e->ep[0];
s2 = e->ep[1];

if (e->a == 1.0)
y1 = pymin;
if (s1 != (struct Site *)NULL && s1->coord.y > pymin)
y1 = s1->coord.y;
if (y1>pymax)
//printf("\nClipped (1) y1 = %f to %f",y1,pymax);
y1 = pymax;
x1 = e->c - e->b * y1;
y2 = pymax;
if (s2 != (struct Site *)NULL && s2->coord.y < pymax)
y2 = s2->coord.y;

if (y2<pymin)
//printf("\nClipped (2) y2 = %f to %f",y2,pymin);
y2 = pymin;
x2 = (e->c) - (e->b) * y2;
if (((x1> pxmax) & (x2>pxmax)) | ((x1<pxmin)&(x2<pxmin)))
//printf("\nClipLine jumping out(3), x1 = %f, pxmin = %f, pxmax = %f",x1,pxmin,pxmax);
if (x1> pxmax)
x1 = pxmax; y1 = (e->c - x1) / e->b;
if (x1<pxmin)
x1 = pxmin; y1 = (e->c - x1) / e->b;
if (x2>pxmax)
x2 = pxmax; y2 = (e->c - x2) / e->b;
if (x2<pxmin)
x2 = pxmin; y2 = (e->c - x2) / e->b;
x1 = pxmin;
if (s1 != (struct Site *)NULL && s1->coord.x > pxmin)
x1 = s1->coord.x;
if (x1>pxmax)
//printf("\nClipped (3) x1 = %f to %f",x1,pxmin);
x1 = pxmax;
y1 = e->c - e->a * x1;
x2 = pxmax;
if (s2 != (struct Site *)NULL && s2->coord.x < pxmax)
x2 = s2->coord.x;
if (x2<pxmin)
//printf("\nClipped (4) x2 = %f to %f",x2,pxmin);
x2 = pxmin;
y2 = e->c - e->a * x2;
if (((y1> pymax) & (y2>pymax)) | ((y1<pymin)&(y2<pymin)))
//printf("\nClipLine jumping out(6), y1 = %f, pymin = %f, pymax = %f",y2,pymin,pymax);
if (y1> pymax)
y1 = pymax; x1 = (e->c - y1) / e->a;
if (y1<pymin)
y1 = pymin; x1 = (e->c - y1) / e->a;
if (y2>pymax)
y2 = pymax; x2 = (e->c - y2) / e->a;
if (y2<pymin)
y2 = pymin; x2 = (e->c - y2) / e->a;

//printf("\nPushing line (%f,%f,%f,%f)",x1,y1,x2,y2);
line(x1, y1, x2, y2);

/* implicit parameters: nsites, sqrt_nsites, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
deltax, deltay (can all be estimates).
Performance suffers if they are wrong; better to make nsites,
deltax, and deltay too big than too small.  (?) */

bool VoronoiDiagramGenerator::voronoi(int triangulate)
struct Site *newsite, *bot, *top, *temp, *p;
struct Site *v;
struct Point newintstar;
int pm;
struct Halfedge *lbnd, *rbnd, *llbnd, *rrbnd, *bisector;
struct Edge *e;

bottomsite = nextone();
bool retval = ELinitialize();

if (!retval)
return false;

newsite = nextone();
while (1)

if (!PQempty())
newintstar = PQ_min();

//if the lowest site has a smaller y value than the lowest vector intersection, process the site
//otherwise process the vector intersection

if (newsite != (struct Site *)NULL && (PQempty() || newsite->coord.y < newintstar.y
|| (newsite->coord.y == newintstar.y && newsite->coord.x < newintstar.x)))
{/* new site is smallest - this is a site event*/
out_site(newsite);//output the site
lbnd = ELleftbnd(&(newsite->coord));//get the first HalfEdge to the LEFT of the new site
rbnd = ELright(lbnd);//get the first HalfEdge to the RIGHT of the new site
bot = rightreg(lbnd);//if this halfedge has no edge, , bot = bottom site (whatever that is)
e = bisect(bot, newsite);//create a new edge that bisects
bisector = HEcreate(e, le);//create a new HalfEdge, setting its ELpm field to 0
ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);//insert this new bisector edge between the left and right vectors in a linked list

if ((p = intersect(lbnd, bisector)) != (struct Site *) NULL) //if the new bisector intersects with the left edge, remove the left edge's vertex, and put in the new one
PQinsert(lbnd, p, dist(p, newsite));
lbnd = bisector;
bisector = HEcreate(e, re);//create a new HalfEdge, setting its ELpm field to 1
ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);//insert the new HE to the right of the original bisector earlier in the IF stmt

if ((p = intersect(bisector, rbnd)) != (struct Site *) NULL)//if this new bisector intersects with the
PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p, newsite));//push the HE into the ordered linked list of vertices
newsite = nextone();
else if (!PQempty()) /* intersection is smallest - this is a vector event */
lbnd = PQextractmin();//pop the HalfEdge with the lowest vector off the ordered list of vectors
llbnd = ELleft(lbnd);//get the HalfEdge to the left of the above HE
rbnd = ELright(lbnd);//get the HalfEdge to the right of the above HE
rrbnd = ELright(rbnd);//get the HalfEdge to the right of the HE to the right of the lowest HE
bot = leftreg(lbnd);//get the Site to the left of the left HE which it bisects
top = rightreg(rbnd);//get the Site to the right of the right HE which it bisects

out_triple(bot, top, rightreg(lbnd));//output the triple of sites, stating that a circle goes through them

v = lbnd->vertex;//get the vertex that caused this event
makevertex(v);//set the vertex number - couldn't do this earlier since we didn't know when it would be processed
endpoint(lbnd->ELedge, lbnd->ELpm, v);//set the endpoint of the left HalfEdge to be this vector
endpoint(rbnd->ELedge, rbnd->ELpm, v);//set the endpoint of the right HalfEdge to be this vector
ELdelete(lbnd);//mark the lowest HE for deletion - can't delete yet because there might be pointers to it in Hash Map
PQdelete(rbnd);//remove all vertex events to do with the  right HE
ELdelete(rbnd);//mark the right HE for deletion - can't delete yet because there might be pointers to it in Hash Map
pm = le;//set the pm variable to zero

if (bot->coord.y > top->coord.y)//if the site to the left of the event is higher than the Site
{//to the right of it, then swap them and set the 'pm' variable to 1
temp = bot;
bot = top;
top = temp;
pm = re;
e = bisect(bot, top);//create an Edge (or line) that is between the two Sites. This creates
//the formula of the line, and assigns a line number to it
bisector = HEcreate(e, pm);//create a HE from the Edge 'e', and make it point to that edge with its ELedge field
ELinsert(llbnd, bisector);//insert the new bisector to the right of the left HE
endpoint(e, re - pm, v);//set one endpoint to the new edge to be the vector point 'v'.
//If the site to the left of this bisector is higher than the right
//Site, then this endpoint is put in position 0; otherwise in pos 1
deref(v);//delete the vector 'v'

//if left HE and the new bisector don't intersect, then delete the left HE, and reinsert it
if ((p = intersect(llbnd, bisector)) != (struct Site *) NULL)
PQinsert(llbnd, p, dist(p, bot));

//if right HE and the new bisector don't intersect, then reinsert it
if ((p = intersect(bisector, rrbnd)) != (struct Site *) NULL)
PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p, bot));
else break;

for (lbnd = ELright(ELleftend); lbnd != ELrightend; lbnd = ELright(lbnd))
e = lbnd->ELedge;



return true;


int scomp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
struct Point *s1 = (Point*)p1, *s2 = (Point*)p2;
if (s1->y < s2->y) return(-1);
if (s1->y > s2->y) return(1);
if (s1->x < s2->x) return(-1);
if (s1->x > s2->x) return(1);

/* return a single in-storage site */
struct Site * VoronoiDiagramGenerator::nextone()
struct Site *s;
if (siteidx < nsites)
s = &sites[siteidx];
siteidx += 1;
return((struct Site *)NULL);

3. 用法示例

#include <stdio.h>
#include <search.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "VoronoiDiagramGenerator.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)

float xValues[4] = { -22, -17, 4,22 };
float yValues[4] = { -9, 31,13,-5 };

long count = 4;

VoronoiDiagramGenerator vdg;
vdg.generateVoronoi(xValues, yValues, count, -100, 100, -100, 100, 3);


float x1, y1, x2, y2;

while (vdg.getNext(x1, y1, x2, y2))
printf("GOT Line (%f,%f)->(%f,%f)\n", x1, y1, x2, y2);


return 0;


未完 ......


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