但是这样似乎感觉不够优秀,可以把转移矩阵分块预处理出来,$n\leqslant10^{18}<2^{60}$,可以$\sqrt{\sqrt n}$即$2^{15}$分一块,这样就可以在常数复杂度内求出一次的答案了,复杂度$O(4\times2^3T)$
C++ Code:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#define N 65537
const int mod = 998244353, cover = (1 << 16) - 1; namespace std {
struct istream {
#define M (1 << 23 | 3)
char buf[M], *ch = buf - 1;
inline istream() { fread(buf, 1, M, stdin); }
inline istream& operator >> (int &x) {
while (isspace(*++ch));
for (x = *ch & 15; isdigit(*++ch); ) x = x * 10 + (*ch & 15);
return *this;
inline istream& operator >> (long long &x) {
while (isspace(*++ch));
for (x = *ch & 15; isdigit(*++ch); ) x = x * 10 + (*ch & 15);
return *this;
#undef M
} cin;
struct ostream {
#define M (1 << 22 | 3)
char buf[M], *ch = buf - 1;
inline ostream& operator << (int x) {
if (!x) {*++ch = '0'; return *this;}
static int S[20], *top; top = S;
while (x) {*++top = x % 10 ^ 48; x /= 10;}
for (; top != S; --top) *++ch = *top;
return *this;
inline ostream& operator << (const char x) {*++ch = x; return *this;}
inline ~ostream() { fwrite(buf, 1, ch - buf + 1, stdout); }
#undef M
} cout;
} struct Matrix {
int s00, s01, s10, s11;
Matrix() { }
Matrix(int __00, int __01, int __10, int __11) : s00(__00), s01(__01), s10(__10), s11(__11) { }
inline Matrix operator * (const Matrix &rhs) {
#define M(l, r) static_cast<long long> (s##l) * rhs.s##r
#define C(ll, lr, rl, rr) (M(ll, lr) + M(rl, rr)) % mod
return Matrix(C(00, 00, 01, 10), C(00, 10, 01, 11), C(10, 00, 11, 10), C(10, 01, 11, 11));
#undef M
#undef calc
} base0[N], base1[N], ans(3, 1, 0, 0); void init() {
const Matrix I(1, 0, 0, 1);
#define work(x) \
*base##x = I; \
for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i) base##x[i] = base##x[i - 1] * __base##x;
const Matrix __base0(1, 1, 1, 0); work(0);
const Matrix __base1 = base0[N - 1]; work(1);
#undef work
} int Tim;
int main() {
std::cin >> Tim;
while (Tim --> 0) {
static long long n;
static int res;
std::cin >> n; --n, n %= 1996488708;
res = (ans * base0[n & cover] * base1[n >> 16 & cover]).s01 + !(n & 1) - mod;
std::cout << res + (res >> 31 & mod) << '\n';
return 0;
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