$课文68  纠缠不休

712. I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.


713. It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him.


714. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes.


715. He never has anything to do.


716. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you.


717. I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.


718. 'Hello, Nigel,' I said. 'Fancy meeting you here!'


719. 'Hi, Elizabeth,' Nigel answered.


720. I was just wondering how to spend the morning -- until I saw you.


721. You're not busy doing anything, are you?


722. 'No, not at all,' I answered. 'I'm going to...'


723. 'Would you mind my coming with you?' he asked, before I had finished speaking.


724. 'Not at all,' I lied, 'but I'm going to the dentist.'


725. 'Then I'll come with you,' he answered. 'There's always plenty to read in the waiting room!


$课文69  并非谋杀!

726. I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time.


727. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully.


728. After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.


729. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.


730. The examiner must have been pleased with my performance, for he smiled and said.


731. Just one more thing, Mr.Eames.


732. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you.


733. As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop within five feet.


734. I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly.


735. Though the sound could be heard clearly, it took me a long time to react.


736. I suddenly pressed the brake pedal hard and we were both thrown forward.


737. The examiner looked at me sadly.


738. 'Mr.Eames,' he said, in a mournful voice, 'you have just killed that child!'


$课文70  危险的红色

739. During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.


740. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger.


741. The bull was busy with the matador at the time,


742. but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.


743. Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.


744. The crowd suddenly grew quiet.


745. The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself.


746. When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass.


747. The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.


748. By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.


749. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him,


750. for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way


751. before once more turning its attention to the matador.


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