Chapter 1 Ella, Ella, Cinderella
There is a beauiful girl. Her name is Ella.
She lives with a wicked stepmother.
And she lives with two ugly stepsisters, too.
Every day they yell, "Ella, clean the house!
Make us breakfast!

Ella is cleaning the house.
She is cleaning the fireplace.
"Look at her," laughs one of her sisters.
"She is very dirty from the cinders."
"Right. Let's call her Cinderella,"
says the other sister.

One day a letter arrives from the Prince.
There will be a big party at the palace.
Everyone wants to go.
"Can I go?" asks Cinderella.
"No! You're too ugly and dirty!"
says her mother.

"We need new dresses, Cinderella!"
her sisters yell.

Chapter 2 Cinderella's Fairy Godmother
Cinderella's sisiters are at the party.
They are wearing new dresses.
Cinderella is not at the party.
She is wearing an old dirty dress.

Cinderella is at home alone.
She is sad and lonely. She is crying.
"Don't cry, Cinderella!" says the woman.
"Who are you?" asks Cinderella.
"I'm your Fairy Godmother. I will help you,"
says the woman.

The Fairy Godmother waves her magic wand.
PUFFFF! A pumpkin changes into a coach.
PUFFFF! A mouse changes into a coachman.
And two mice change into two white horses.
Cinderella's dirty dress changes into a beautiful dress.
Finally the Fairy Godmother gives beautiful
glass shoes to Cinderella.

"Now go to the party. But be home
by 12 o'clock," says the Fairy Godmother.
"My magic will disappear at 12 o'clock."

Chapter 3 The Party
Cinderella arrives at the palace.
"She is very beautiful!" says the Prince.
He goes to Cinderella and says,
"Please dance with me."
They dance all evening.
Cinderella is very happy with the Prince.

It is nearly 12 o'clock,
"Oh, I must go," says Cinderella.
She runs away.
"Wait! Wait!" yells the Prince.
Cinderella runs down the stairs.
She runs and runs.
OH, NO! One of her glass shoes falls off.

The Prince runs after Cinderella.
But he finds only one glass shoe.
"Oh, here is her shoe. I will find her," he says.

At last it is 12 o'clock.
The magic disappears.
The coach turns back into a pumpkin.
The horses and the coachman turn back into mice.
Cinderella is in her dirty dress again.

chapter4 The Glass Shoe
The Prince tries to find Cinderella.
Many women try on the shoe.
But it doesn't fit anyone.
Cinderella's sisters try, too.
But their feet are too big.

Cinderella is working in the kitchen.
The Prince sees her.
"She must try on the shoe," he says.
"Cinderella is only a kitchen girl," yell her sisters.
"She is too dirty," says her mother.
"Every woman must try," says the Prince.

Cinderella tries on the galss shoe.
It fits!
"Yes, Yes! It's you!" says the Prince.
"Will you marry me?"
"Yes, I will," says Cinderella.

Cinderella and the Prince get married.
They are happy.
Cinderella is never lonely again.


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