- node
- The measured node.
Value: atom()
Mandatory - setcookie
- Cookie to use for the etop node - must be the same
as the cookie on the measured node.
Value: atom() - lines
- Number of lines (processes) to display.
Value: integer()
Default: 10 - interval
- The time interval (in seconds) between each update of
the display.
Value: integer()
Default: 5 - accumulate
- If true the execution time and reductions are
Value: boolean()
Default: false - sort
- Identifies what information to sort by.
Value: runtime | reductions | memory | msg_q
Default: runtime (reductions if
tracing=off) - tracing
etop uses the erlang trace facility, and thus no
other tracing is possible on the measured node while
etop is running, unless this option is set to
off. Also helpful if the etop tracing causes too
high load on the measured node. With tracing off, runtime is
not measured.
Value: on | off
Default: on
start() -> ok
This function starts etop. Note that etop is preferably started with the etop and getop scripts
start(Options) -> ok
This function starts etop. Use
help/0 to see a
description of the possible options.
help() -> ok
This function prints the help of etop and
its options.
config(Key,Value) -> Result
This function is used to change the tool's configuration
parameters during runtime. The table above indicates the
allowed values for each parameter.
dump(File) -> Result
This function dumps the current display to a text file.
stop() -> stop
This function terminates etop.
erl -sname aa -remsh remote@domain
或者etop -sname local@domain -lines 10 -sort reductions -accumulations true -interval 10 -setcookie remotecookie -remsh remote@domain(系统shell下执行)
- ========================================================================================
- tiger@durin 13:40:32
- Load: cpu 0 Memory: total 1997 binary 33
- procs 197 processes 0 code 173
- runq 135 atom 1002 ets 95
- Pid Name or Initial Func Time Reds Memory MsgQ Current Function
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <127.23.0> code_server 0 59585 78064 0 gen_server:loop/6
- <127.21.0> file_server_2 0 36380 44276 0 gen_server:loop/6
- <127.2.0> erl_prim_loader 0 27962 3740 0 erl_prim_loader:loop
- <127.9.0> kernel_sup 0 6998 4676 0 gen_server:loop/6
- <127.17.0> net_kernel 62 6018 3136 0 gen_server:loop/6
- <127.0.0> init 0 4156 4352 0 init:loop/1
- <127.16.0> auth 0 1765 1264 0 gen_server:loop/6
- <127.18.0> inet_tcp_dist:accept 0 660 1416 0 prim_inet:accept0/2
- <127.5.0> application_controll 0 569 6756 0 gen_server:loop/6
- <127.137.0> net_kernel:do_spawn_ 0 553 5840 0 dbg:do_relay_1/1
- ========================================================================================
- etop:config(lines, 5)
- (etop@durin)2>
- ========================================================================================
- tiger@durin 10:12:44
- Load: cpu 0 Memory: total 1859 binary 33
- procs 192 processes 0 code 173
- runq 2 atom 1002 ets 95
- Pid Name or Initial Func Time Reds Memory MsgQ Current Function
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <127.17.0> net_kernel 183 70 4092 0 gen_server:loop/6
- <127.335.0> inet_tcp_dist:do_acc 141 22 1856 0 dist_util:con_loop/9
- <127.19.0> net_kernel:ticker/2 155 6 1244 0 net_kernel:ticker1/2
- <127.341.0> net_kernel:do_spawn_ 0 0 5840 0 dbg:do_relay_1/1
- <127.43.0> ddll_server 0 0 3744 0 gen_server:loop/6
- ========================================================================================
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