


  set term on:查询结果既显示于假脱机文件中,又在SQLPLUS中显示;
  set term off:查询结果仅仅显示于假脱机文件中。


SQL>set colsep'|';    //-域输出分隔符

SQL>set echo off;    //显示start启动的脚本中的每个sql命令,缺省为on

SQL> set echo on             //设置运行命令是是否显示语句

SQL> set feedback on;       //设置显示“已选择XX行”

SQL>set feedback off;     //回显本次sql命令处理的记录条数,缺省为on

SQL>set heading off;   //输出域标题,缺省为on

SQL>set pagesize 0;      //输出每页行数,缺省为24,为了避免分页,可设定为0。

SQL>set linesize 80;     //输出一行字符个数,缺省为80

SQL>set numwidth 12;     //输出number类型域长度,缺省为10

SQL>set termout off;     //显示脚本中的命令的执行结果,缺省为on

SQL>set trimout on;      //去除标准输出每行的拖尾空格,缺省为off

SQL>set trimspool on;    //去除重定向(spool)输出每行的拖尾空格,缺省为off

SQL>set serveroutput on; //设置允许显示输出类似dbms_output

SQL> set timing on;           //设置显示“已用时间:XXXX”

SQL> set autotrace on;      //设置允许对执行的sql进行分析

set verify off                       //可以关闭和打开提示确认信息old 1和new 1的显示.



1.查看表结构 desc 2.编辑SQL语句 append、list、change、run 3.保存、检索并运行文件 save、get、start、edit、spool 4.格式化列 column 5.设置页面大小 pagesize 6.设置行大小 linesize 7.清除列格式 clear 8.使用变量 define 9.创建简单报表 10.帮助信息 help

1.查看表结构 desc

DESC customers;

2.编辑SQL语句 append、list、change、run

SQL> select customer_id,first_name,last_name
from customers
where customer_id = 1; CUSTOMER_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME
----------- ---------- ----------
1 John Brown SQL> 1
1* select customer_id,first_name,last_name SQL> append , dob --在行尾添加", dob"
1* select customer_id,first_name,last_name, dob SQL> list --查看sqlplus缓存区所有行
1 select customer_id,first_name,last_name, dob
2 from customers
3* where customer_id = 1 SQL> change /customer_id = 1/customer_id = 2 --将最后一行"customer_id = 1"改为"customer_id = 2"
3* where customer_id = 2 SQL> run --执行sqlplus缓存区的查询,同/
1 select customer_id,first_name,last_name, dob
2 from customers
3* where customer_id = 2 CUSTOMER_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DOB
----------- ---------- ---------- ---------
2 Cynthia Orange 05-FEB-68 SQL> / --执行sqlplus缓存区的查询,同run CUSTOMER_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DOB
----------- ---------- ---------- ---------
2 Cynthia Orange 05-FEB-68

3.保存、检索并运行文件 save、get、start、edit、spool

SQL> select customer_id,first_name,last_name
from customers
where customer_id = 1; CUSTOMER_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME
----------- ---------- ----------
1 John Brown SQL> save /tmp/cust_query.sql --将sqlplus缓存区的内容保存到磁盘目录
Created file /tmp/cust_query.sql SQL> get /tmp/cust_query.sql --将磁盘上的脚本读入sqlplus缓存区
1 select customer_id,first_name,last_name
2 from customers
3* where customer_id = 1 SQL> / CUSTOMER_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME
----------- ---------- ----------
1 John Brown SQL> start /tmp/cust_query.sql --执行磁盘目录上的sql脚本 CUSTOMER_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME
----------- ---------- ----------
1 John Brown
SQL> define _editor = 'vim';                        --改变默认编辑器

SQL> edit                                             --编辑sqlplus缓存区的内容
Wrote file afiedt.buf 1 select customer_id,first_name,last_name
2 from customers
3* where customer_id = 2 SQL> /
----------- ---------- ----------
2 Cynthia Orange
SQL> spool /tmp/cust_results.txt                    --将sqlplus的输出结果保存到磁盘文件中
SQL> /
----------- ---------- ----------
2 Cynthia Orange
SQL> spool off

4.格式化列 column

column product_id format 99
column name heading product_name format a13 word_wrapped
column description format a13 word_wrapped
column price format $99.99 select product_id,name,description,price
from products
where product_id < 6;

5.设置页面大小 pagesize

set pagesize 100         --设置一页显示的行数

6.设置行大小 linesize

set linesize 50         --设置一行显示的字符数,默认80

7.清除列格式 clear

column product_id clear
clear columns

8.使用变量 define

select product_id,name,price
from products
where product_id = &v_product_id; --使用变量 &v_product_id
Enter value for v_product_id: 2
old 3: where product_id = &v_product_id
new 3: where product_id = 2 PRODUCT_ID product_name PRICE
---------- ------------- -------
2 Chemistry $30.00 SQL> /
Enter value for v_product_id: 3
old 3: where product_id = &v_product_id
new 3: where product_id = 3 PRODUCT_ID product_name PRICE
---------- ------------- -------
3 Supernova $25.99
SQL> set verify off                    --禁止显示旧行和新行
SQL> /
Enter value for v_product_id: 4 PRODUCT_ID product_name PRICE
---------- ------------- -------
4 Tank War $13.95
SQL> set verify on                     --重新显示新旧行
SQL> /
Enter value for v_product_id: 1
old 3: where product_id = &v_product_id
new 3: where product_id = 1 PRODUCT_ID product_name PRICE
---------- ------------- -------
1 Modern $19.95
SQL> set define '#'                    --修改变量定义符为'#'
select product_id,name,price
from products
where product_id = #v_product_id;
Enter value for v_product_id: 4
old 3: where product_id = #v_product_id
new 3: where product_id = 4 PRODUCT_ID product_name PRICE
---------- ------------- -------
4 Tank War $13.95 SQL> set define '&' --将变量定义符改回'&'
select name,&v_col
from &v_table
where &v_col = &v_val; --使用变量替换表名和列名
Enter value for v_col: product_type_id
old 1: select name,&v_col
new 1: select name,product_type_id
Enter value for v_table: products
old 2: from &v_table
new 2: from products
Enter value for v_col: product_type_id
Enter value for v_val: 1
old 3: where &v_col = &v_val
new 3: where product_type_id = 1
select name,&&v_col
from &v_table
where &&v_col = &v_val; --使用&&避免重复输入变量
Enter value for v_col: product_type_id
old 1: select name,&&v_col
new 1: select name,product_type_id
Enter value for v_table: products
old 2: from &v_table
new 2: from products
Enter value for v_val: 1
old 3: where &&v_col = &v_val
new 3: where product_type_id = 1
SQL> define v_product_id = 4        --使用define命令定义变量
SQL> define v_product_id
select product_id,name,price
from products
3 where product_id = &v_product_id;
old 3: where product_id = &v_product_id
new 3: where product_id = 4 PRODUCT_ID product_name PRICE
---------- ------------- -------
4 Tank War $13.95 SQL> define
DEFINE _O_VERSION = "Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options" (CHAR)
DEFINE _O_RELEASE = "1102000400" (CHAR)
DEFINE V_COL = "product_type_id" (CHAR)
SQL> accept v_customer_id number format 99 prompt 'Customer id: '    --使用accept命令定义并设置变量
Customer id: 4
SQL> accept v_date date format 'DD-MON-YYYY' prompt 'Date: '
Date: 06-MAY-2012
SQL> accept v_password char prompt 'Password: ' hide
SQL> define
DEFINE _O_VERSION = "Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options" (CHAR)
DEFINE _O_RELEASE = "1102000400" (CHAR)
DEFINE V_COL = "product_type_id" (CHAR)
DEFINE V_DATE = "06-MAY-2012" (CHAR)
SQL> undefine v_col
SQL> undefine v_product_id
SQL> undefine v_customer_id
SQL> undefine v_date
SQL> undefine v_password --使用undefine命令删除变量 SQL> define
DEFINE _O_VERSION = "Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options" (CHAR)
DEFINE _O_RELEASE = "1102000400" (CHAR)


vim /tmp/report1.sql

--suppress display of the statements and verification message
set echo off --禁止显示脚本中的SQL语句
set verify off --禁止显示验证消息
select product_id,name,price
from products
where product_id = &v_product_id; --使用临时变量v_product_id
SQL> @ /tmp/report1.sql
Enter value for v_product_id: 2 PRODUCT_ID product_name PRICE
---------- ------------- -------
2 Chemistry $30.00

vim /tmp/report2.sql

--suppress display of the statements and verification message
set echo off
set verify off
accept v_product_id number format 99 prompt 'Enter product id: ' --使用已定义变量v_product_id
select product_id,name,price
from products
where product_id = &v_product_id;
--clear up
undefine v_product_id
SQL> @ /tmp/report2.sql
Enter product id: 4 PRODUCT_ID product_name PRICE
---------- ------------- -------
4 Tank War $13.95

vim /tmp/report3.sql

--suppress display of the statements and verification message
set echo off --禁止显示脚本中的SQL语句
set verify off --禁止显示验证消息
select product_id,name,price
from products
where product_id = &1; --向脚本中的变量传递值
SQL> @ /tmp/report3.sql 4

PRODUCT_ID product_name    PRICE
---------- ------------- -------
4 Tank War $13.95

vim /tmp/report4.sql

--suppress display of the statements and verification message
set echo off --禁止显示脚本中的SQL语句
set verify off --禁止显示验证消息
select product_id,product_type_id,name,price
from products
where product_id = &1
and price > &2; --向脚本中的多个变量传递值

vim /tmp/report5.sql

ttitle left 'Run date: ' _date center 'Run by the' sql.user ' user' right 'Page: ' format 999 sql.pno skip 2
btitle center 'Thanks for running the report' right 'Page: ' format 999 sql.pno set echo off
set verify off
set pagesize 15
set linesize 70
clear columns
column product_id heading id format 99
column name heading 'Product Name' format a20 word_wrapped
column description heading Description format a30 word_wrapped
column price heading Price format $99.99 select product_id,name,description,price
from products; clear columns
ttitle off
btitle off

vim /tmp/report6.sql

break on product_type_id --根据列值的范围分隔输出结果
compute sum of price on product_type_id --计算一列的值
set echo off
set verify off
set pagesize 20
set linesize 70 clear columns
column price heading Price format $999.99 select product_type_id,name,price
from products
order by product_type_id; clear columns

10.帮助信息 help

help index


select 'drop table ' || table_name||';'
from user_tables
order by table_name; 'DROPTABLE'||TABLE_NAME||';'
drop table CUSTOMERS;
drop table EMPLOYEES;
drop table PRODUCTS;
drop table PRODUCT_TYPES;
drop table PURCHASES;
drop table SALARY_GRADES;
define 不区分大小写
 &data 和 &DATA 是一样的。

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