JavaScriptNext - ES6 Syntax

Better JavaScript language definition for TextMate and SublimeText. This builds on the language files commonly used and adds more fine grained matching and also includes new features from ECMAScript 6 like modules, succinct methods, arrow functions, classes, generators, and accessors (ES5).


What is this?

SublimeFileSync is a plugin for the text editor SublimeText 2 and 3 providing an easy way to synchronise files between different locations.

The main goal is to keep files outside of Sublime Text projects in-sync with Sublime Text project files. The plugin works as an EventListener and will synchronise any matching files as soon as you save it.

Be aware that the synchronisation is only in one direction, from sublime Text to the outside world.


"mappings": [{
"source": "/Users/source/", //Unix style paths
"destination": "/Users/destination/",
"exclude_pattern_list": ["*.bak"] //exclude files

Local History


A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for maintaining local history of files. [backup | open | compare | incremental diff]


A SublimeText plugin for reviewing todo (and other) comments within your code.


Launch terminals from the current file or the root project folder


{ "keys": ["super+shift+t"], "command": "open_terminal" },
{ "keys": ["super+shift+alt+t"], "command": "open_terminal_project_folder" }


DocBlockr is a package for Sublime Text 2 & 3 which makes writing documentation a breeze. DocBlockr supports JavaScript (including ES6), PHP, ActionScript, Haxe, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Java, Apex, Groovy, Objective C, C, C++ and Rust.

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