As long as Binbin loves Sangsang
- 题意:
给定一个无向图,每一个边有两个属性。长度和一个字母‘L',’O',‘V’。‘E'中的一个。从1点開始到达n点,每次必须依照L -> O -> V -> E -> ... -> E的顺序。到达终点时候必须经过E边 - 分析:
对于这样的对边的限制,比較简单的方法是将一个点拆成若干个点。由于经过’L'到达点p的状态和经过‘O'到达点p的状态时不一样的,第一个之后仅仅能经过’O'边。而第二个仅仅能经过‘V'边,所以经过不同的边到达同一个点的时候相应的状态应该分开。也就是将点拆分成四个点。分别表示经过四种边到达p点。 - 注意:
const LL INF = 1e18;
const int MAXV = 10000; struct Edge
LL from, to, dist;
}; struct HeapNode
LL d, u, num;
bool operator < (const HeapNode& rhs) const
return d > rhs.d;
}; struct Dijkstra
int n; //n:点数 m:暂时变量
vector<Edge> edges; //存储全部的边
vector<int> G[MAXV];//每一个点的全部相邻边序号
bool done[MAXV]; // 是否已永久标号
LL d[MAXV]; // s起点到各个点的距离
LL num[MAXV]; void init(int n)
this->n = n;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) G[i].clear();
} void AddEdge(int from, int to, int dist)
edges.push_back((Edge) { from, to, dist });
} void dijkstra(int s)
priority_queue<HeapNode> Q;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) d[i] = INF;
CLR(num, 0);
d[s] = 0;
memset(done, 0, sizeof(done));
Q.push((HeapNode) { 0, s, 0 });
HeapNode x =;
int u = x.u;
if(done[u]) continue;
done[u] = true;
for(int i = 0; i < G[u].size(); i++)
Edge& e = edges[G[u][i]];
if (d[] == d[u] + e.dist)
num[] = max(num[], num[x.u] + 1);
if(d[] > d[u] + e.dist)
d[] = d[u] + e.dist;
num[] = num[x.u] + 1;
Q.push((HeapNode) { d[],, num[] });
} dij; LL chk[4]; int main()
int T;
FE(kase, 1, T)
REP(i, 4) chk[i] = INF;
int n, m, u, v, d, op;
char type;
RII(n, m);
dij.init(n << 2);
REP(i, m)
scanf("%d%d%d %c", &u, &v, &d, &type);
u--; v--;
if (type == 'L') op = 0;
else if (type == 'O') op = 1;
else if (type == 'V') op = 2;
else op = 3;
chk[op] = min(chk[op], (LL)d);
dij.AddEdge(u + (op + 3) % 4 * n, v + op * n, d);
dij.AddEdge(v + (op + 3) % 4 * n, u + op * n, d);
printf("Case %d: ", kase);
if (n == 1)
REP(i, 4)
if (chk[i] == INF)
puts("Binbin you disappoint Sangsang again, damn it!");
goto end;
printf("Cute Sangsang, Binbin will come with a donkey after travelling %I64d meters and finding %d LOVE strings at last.\n"
, chk[0] + chk[1] + chk[2] + chk[3], 1);
dij.dijkstra(3 * n);
if (dij.d[4 * n - 1] == INF)
puts("Binbin you disappoint Sangsang again, damn it!");
printf("Cute Sangsang, Binbin will come with a donkey after travelling %I64d meters and finding %I64d LOVE strings at last.\n"
, dij.d[4 * n - 1], dij.num[4 * n - 1] / 4);
return 0;
const LL INF = 1e18;
const int MAXV = 10000; struct Edge
int from, to, dist;
}; struct SPFA
int n;
int num[MAXV];
vector<Edge> edges;
vector<int> G[MAXV];
bool inq[MAXV];
void init(int n)
this->n = n;
REP(i, n)
void AddEdge(int from, int to, int dist)
edges.push_back((Edge) {from, to, dist});
void spfa(int s)
queue<int> q;
CLR(inq, false);
CLR(num, 0);
REP(i, n) d[i] = INF;
d[s] = 0;
q.push(s); inq[s] = true;
while (!q.empty())
int u = q.front();
q.pop(); inq[u] = false;
REP(i, G[u].size())
Edge& e = edges[G[u][i]];
if (d[] == d[u] + e.dist && num[u] + 1 > num[])
num[] = num[u] + 1;
if (!inq[])
inq[] = true;
if(d[] > d[u] + e.dist)
d[] = d[u] + e.dist;
num[] = num[u] + 1;
if (!inq[])
inq[] = true;
} spfa; LL chk[4]; int main()
int T;
FE(kase, 1, T)
REP(i, 4) chk[i] = INF;
int n, m, u, v, d, op;
char type;
RII(n, m);
spfa.init(n << 2);
REP(i, m)
scanf("%d%d%d %c", &u, &v, &d, &type);
u--; v--;
if (type == 'L') op = 0;
else if (type == 'O') op = 1;
else if (type == 'V') op = 2;
else op = 3;
chk[op] = min(chk[op], (LL)d);
spfa.AddEdge(u + (op + 3) % 4 * n, v + op * n, d);
spfa.AddEdge(v + (op + 3) % 4 * n, u + op * n, d);
printf("Case %d: ", kase);
if (n == 1)
REP(i, 4)
if (chk[i] == INF)
puts("Binbin you disappoint Sangsang again, damn it!");
goto end;
printf("Cute Sangsang, Binbin will come with a donkey after travelling %I64d meters and finding %d LOVE strings at last.\n"
, chk[0] + chk[1] + chk[2] + chk[3], 1);
spfa.spfa(3 * n);
if (spfa.d[4 * n - 1] == INF)
puts("Binbin you disappoint Sangsang again, damn it!");
printf("Cute Sangsang, Binbin will come with a donkey after travelling %I64d meters and finding %d LOVE strings at last.\n"
, spfa.d[4 * n - 1], spfa.num[4 * n - 1] / 4);
return 0;
4 4
1 2 1 L
2 1 1 O
1 3 1 V
3 4 1 E
ans:4, 1
4 4
1 2 1 L
2 3 1 O
3 4 1 V
4 1 1 E
12 12
1 5 10 L
5 6 10 O
6 7 10 V
7 12 10 E
1 2 1 L
2 3 1 O
3 4 1 V
4 8 1 E
8 9 1 L
9 10 1 O
10 11 1 V
11 12 33 E
ans:40, 2
12 12
1 5 10 L
5 6 10 O
6 7 10 V
7 12 10 E
1 2 1 L
2 3 1 O
3 4 1 V
4 8 1 E
8 9 1 L
9 10 1 O
10 11 1 V
11 12 34 E
ans:40, 1
1 4
1 1 1 L
1 1 1 O
1 1 1 V
1 1 1 E
ans:4, 1
2 8
1 1 2 L
1 1 1 O
1 1 1 V
1 1 1 E
1 2 3 L
2 1 1 O
1 2 1 V
2 1 1 E
ans:5, 1
1 3
1 1 1 L
1 1 1 O
1 1 1 E
11 11
1 2 1 L
2 3 1 O
3 4 348 V
4 11 1000 E
1 5 50 L
5 6 50 O
6 7 50 V
7 8 50 E
8 9 50 L
9 10 50 O
10 4 50 V
ans:1350 2
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