shell & bash


interactive shell:从是否通过标准输入输出与用户进行交互的角度分为交互式shell(interactive)和非交互式shell(non-interactive)。

login shell:从是否以一个指定用户及其环境进入shell角度分为登录式shell和非登录式shell,登录式shell会额外source /etc/profile,/etc/profile.d,~/.profile,~/.bash_login等profile相关脚本。


  • H histexpand
  • m monitor
  • h hashall
  • B braceexpand
  • i interactive


case "$-" in
*i*) echo This shell is interactive ;;
*) echo This shell is not interactive ;;
esac if [[ "$-" == *i* ]]; then
echo This shell is interactive

当前使用的shell类型(bash, cshell...):echo \(0;注意\)SHELL是默认shell,并非当前shell,也就说如果在echo $SHELL不是当前shell的类型。



ssh连接在很短的不活跃时间后自动断开,如需延长这个闲置时间,通过在ssh配置文件中修改ServerAliveInterval ServerAliveCountMax两个量实现,前者指给远程发送心跳包的时间间隔,后者指连续发送心跳包的最大次数。


# 每60秒发送一个心跳包
ServerAliveInterval 60
# 最多连续发送3次
ServerAliveCountMax 3


sshpass -p PASSWORD ssh -p PORT USER@HOST

sudo -E 保留当前环境变量执行命令

sudo -i 登入root用户shell


echo $SHELL


cat /etc/shells




登录bash shell相关(ubuntu):/etc/profile -> /etc/bash.bashrc(在/etc/profile中被source) -> /etc/profile.d/ -> ~/.bash_profile -> ~/.bash_login -> .bashrc

交互式bash shell: /etc/bash.bashrc -> .bashrc

如果shell不是bash,/etc/profile中不会source /etc/bash.bashrc,如启动intellij idea IDE时。

shell script脚本

shell脚本(shell script)是指由一系列shell命令组成的脚本程序文件。shell script不是interative shell,也不是login shell。

小心ls、grep等带有颜色的输出,输出字符串看起来一样的,在做uni时被视为不一样,则小心其中有个输出可能带有颜色字符,用cat -A确认。

for, while中计数



export name=value



while IFS=, read x1 x2 remainning
echo ${x2},${x1},$remainning
done < FILE




\W:working directory(basename)

\s: shell名字(bash、sh)

\v: shell version

\d: 英文日期

\D{fmt}:日期格式(man strftime)

\n: 换行(多行提示符相关)

\w: full path of working directory

\H: full hostname



[ -d /path/to/dir ] || mkdir -p /path/to/dir

io重定向 io redirect:

stdout stderr输出到同一个文件:

ls -l /usr > out 2>&1 或者 ls -l /usr &> out

stdout stderr输出到单独文件 ls -l /usr > stdout 2> stderr

忽略stderr输出 ls -l /usr > stdout 2>/dev/null


将epoc seconds格式化输出 date -d @1305741420。注意,需带@前缀。 若想将millis(毫秒)格式化输出则先去掉数值后3位:echo 1305741420 | cut -b1-10 | xargs -I {} date -d @{}

date +"格式化模式"
date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" # 20470801-050903 2047年8月1日5点9分3秒


  • %Y 年数,四位数。
  • %m 月数,两个字符,00..12,不足时以0补。 (month of year)
  • %d 月中的天数(day of month),00..31,两个字符,不足时以0补。
  • %H 小时,(01..23),两个字符,不足时以0补。
  • %M 分钟数,(01..59),两个字符,不足时以0补。


将xargs的输入(通常是前面管道的输出)作为待执行命令最后一个参数,如果需要拼接固定(或其他形式格式化),可以指定替换串形式,如:echo 1305741420 | xargs -I {} | date -d @{},则指定{}为替换串,会将命令形式date -d @{}中的{}替换为xargs接收到的输入。



忽略#开头的行 awk '$1 ~ /^[^#]/'

忽略#开头的行,输出第三列(默认以空格分隔)以<开头的行awk '$1 ~ /^[^#]/ && $3 ~ /^</'

设置分隔符为逗号,:awk -F, awk 'BEGIN{FS=,}'


sed -i '5d' FILE # -i 将改动保存到该文件; 5d 删除文件前5行
sed -i '$d' FILE # '$':最后一行





comm -12仅输出两文件共有行

comm -23仅输出FILE1独有行

comm -13仅输出FILE2独有行


shuffle lines

shuf <FILE>

... | shuf




  • -b 输出到文件
  • -p 指定pid, -pN1,N2,N3
  • -O 打印可以输出的字段,相当于对-o的帮助信息
  • -n 迭代次数 -n num
  • -O 排序字段 [+|-]fieldName


分辨ssd/hdd:lsblk -d -o name,rota 输出0代表ssd,1代表hdd。

lsblk -o name可展示出物理盘的从属虚拟硬盘(slave disk),如物理盘虚拟出的lvm盘。



strace -e trace=open -f ping -c1 localhost





#指定DNS服务器,通过 '@server-ip'
dig @


cat 默认会以空格分割字符串,因此如果文件中行包含空格,则cat不能迭代成功,解决方案是在cat文件之前把IFS变量设为换行符,然后用cat迭代,完成后应该把IFS重置为之前的值


for line in `cat file`


\(((<表达式>))、\)[<表达式>]、expr <表达式>,其中"<表达式>"为算术运算表达式,这几种形式都只能进行整数运算,不支持浮点数运算。


bc FILE对算术表达式文件执行计算,bc -i以交互式进行执行。


if ... ; then
elif ... ; then
fi for x in ...; do
echo $x
done # inline
for x in ...; do CMD1; CMD2; done #文件不存在
if [ ! -f FILE_PATH ] #文件夹存在
if [ -d DIR_PATH ]


function fun(){
echo $1 , $2;
return $(($1 + $2))
fun 5 7;
s = $?

输出错误信息到stderr: echo .... >&2

字符串 String


if [[ "$a" == "$b" ]] #不等
if [[ "$a" != "$b" ]]


if [[ <string> == *"sub-string"* ]]; then

String Manipulation

online doc

${#str}     #
lengthexpr length $str #
expr index $str $substr     #
Substring Extraction
expr substr $str $position $length
Substring Removal
${string#substring}     # deletes *shortest* match of $substr from *front* of $str
${str##substr} # deletes *longest* match of $substr from *front* of $str
${str%substr} # deletes *shortest* match of $substr from *back* of $str
${str%%substr} # deletes *longest* match of $substr from *back* of $str

Patterns are supported in substr, e.g. ${[e]g} to strip trailing .jpg or .jpeg.

${str/substr/replacement}   # replace first match
${str//substr/repl} # replace all matches
${str/#substr/repl} # if substr matces *front* end of str, substitute repl for substr
${str/%substr/repl} # if substr matces *back* end of str, substitute repl for substr



根据url下载小文件 wget -nd URL。选项-nd指明不创建目录,否则程序将根据url创建层级目录;选项-b指明后台下载;选项-d打印处理过程;-v指明更详细输出。



crontab <crontab-file>
crontabl -l # 列出任务





echo 1 > /sys/block/sd<x>/device/delete
# rescan hard disk
# where <n> is the BUS number (the number before the first ':' in text info listed by command 'lspci'
echo "0 0 0" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/scan


ssh ...
export DISPLAY=:0
[sudo] notify-send <msg> #右上角显示提示信息
[sudo] xmessage <msg> [-timeout <n>(单位:sec)] [-buttons OK,Cancle] #以xmessage丑陋的窗口弹窗显示信息 #某些可以从命令行打开GUI的程序,如redis-desktop-manager


route add -net eth0

报错:-net: Unknown host


  • unreachable these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded and the ICMP message host unreachable is generated. The local senders get an EHOSTUNREACH error.
  • blackhole these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded silently. The local senders get an EINVAL error.
  • prohibit these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded and the ICMP message communication administratively prohibited is generated. The local senders get an EACCES error.


ip route add blackhole

代码注释 Comments



# this is a comment
echo 'balabala' # comment here :<<'
block comment, within which there is no single quotation mark


# 命令行补全时不区分大小写
set completion-ignore-case on #设置快捷键
# Alt+h 光标回移一字符
"\eh": backward-char
# Alt + l(小写L)光标前移一字符
"\el": forward-char
"\ej": next-history
"\ek": previous-history
# Alt+Shift+H
"\eH": backward-word
"\eL": forward-word
"\eJ": beginning-of-line
"\eK": end-of-line


# show full command line for a process
cat /proc/{PID}/cmdline # sort 排序
sort -h #对 *KB, *MB, *GB格式的数据排序
-r 逆序(默认升序)
-n 视为数值(默认视为普通文本) #打印或设置用户限制
ulimit -a #打印所有限制
ulimit -n #打印允许用户可持有打开中的文件的最大数量
ulimit -n <NUMBER> #设置 #打开socket并往里写数据
nc -k -l <HOST> <PORT>
nc -k -l <PORT>
# -l指定网口、端口,亦可换之分开以 -s <HOST>、 -p <PORT>指定 #查看路由表
route # -n 显示ip而非主机名
route add -net dev eth0
route del -net
netstat -rn
ip route
ip route list #列举文件,不排序。在文件非常多时很实用。
ls -U #paste : merge/reduce lines. opts: -s串联成一串 -d LIST 利用LIST中的字符合并
paste -sd+ FILE | bc # 将FILE中每行的数字串联成n1+n2+...的形式,输出给命令bc以求和 #测量命令执行的real/cpu/user time
time COMMAND #将输出保存到文件同时在控制台打印
COMMAND | tee FILE1 [FILE2 ...] (-a追加)
#重定向std out到FILE1, std err到FILE2,同时在控制台输出std err
COMMAND > FILE1 2> >(tee FILE2 >&2) #split file at line number
split -l N FILE #将文件FILE以每N行切分成多个小文件,生成的文件顺序名是aa-zz
split -l N FILE PREFIX #定义小文件的文件名前缀(默认'x') [ -d "~" ] is false
[ -d ~ ] is true
[ -d "$HOME" ] is true
apt-cache show app # check whether app is installed
apt-get update # update apt repository telnet <CTRL+]> back to telnet then quit or <CTRL+D> to quit telnet tail -n +NUM FILE # show line NUM to end export NAME=xxx
unset NAME # detect encoding of tile content 检测文件内容编码
enca FILE
# convert encoding of file content
enconv FILE
# convert encoding of text
iconv -f from-encoding -t to-encoding
# convert encoding of file name 文件名
convmv -f from-encoding -t to-encoding --notest
# convert file content between character sets 文件内容
recode FROM-ENC..TO-ENC FILE (e.g. recode gbk..utf8 /a.txt)
# list the supported character sets of recode
recode -l lsusb
lscpu # specify an encoding before extracting
unzip -O encoding
unzip -O cp936 -l | head -n -2 | sed -n '4,$p' | awk '{print $4}' | grep
# read the contents of files in a zip file; extract file into stdout
unzip -c ZIPFILE ENTRY locate:
locate -b(basename) xx ; locate -r regex # manual for command
man xx; man [1-7] xx; man 7 man
# help for shell-built command
help <CMD> # help cd; help pwd
# document
info xx
# search man page names and descriptions
apropos xx # block device, uuid, &...
(sudo) blkid /device... ; blkid -s UUID /device ; blkid -s LABEL /device # To cut out the third field of text from file or stdin, which is delimited by a #:
cut -d # -f3
# first char of column instead of whole column, cut twice
cut -d # -f3 | cut -c 1 # cannot cut -f3 -c 1 # sort file name numerically
ls /dev/sda* | sort -k 1.9n
# list files sorted by size(desending order)
ls -S
# list files sorted by time(desending order)
ls -t # list files, dereference symbolic link
ls -L ... # short desciption of ascii characters
man 7 ascii # directory or file usage
du -hs FILE
du -a <directory> # including files not only directory
du -d <depth> FILE # disk usage
df -lh /mount/point /# or mounted /dev/xxx, if /dev/xx not mounted, output is not what we expected # disk ssd or hdd
lsblk -d -o name,rota # 0 for ssd, 1 for hdd
cat /sys/block/sdx/quene/rotational # create an iso image file from a cd/dvd/bd
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/image.iso # eject a disc
eject eject cdrom eject /mount/point eject /dev/cdrom # mount Windows shared folder, mount samba share (cifs <- sambfs)
mount -t cifs -o username="WinUser",password="secret",uid="localuser",gid="localgroup",dir_mode=0777 //192.168.x.x /mnt/win
# maybe need run the following command before mount
apt install cifs-utils # if no cifs filesystem supporting lib in system (by checking if /sbin/mount.cifs exists) # mount an iso image file
mount -o loop /path/to/image.iso /path/to/mount/point
# mount partition by non-superuser
gvfs-mount -d /dev/sda1 /mnt/point/ # gvfs-* for gnome user only
# unmount
gvfs-mount -u <location>
# list
gvfs-mount -l 无密码访问远程主机R
# generate key pair on local host
ssh-keygen -t rsa
#copy public key into remote host R
scp user@host:/home/u/.ssh/
# on remote host
cat >> .ssh/authrized_keys # cgroup: control group
# sudo apt-get install cgroup-bin # share a read-only/readable-writable directory over lan
????? # find devices on lan
???? # find a device on lan then mount
????? # list open files for a process
ls /proc/PID/fd
lsof -p PID # determine / identify processes using files or sockets
fuser name... # merge two folders
rsync -abviuzP src/ dest/
-i turns on the itemized format, which shows more information than the default format
-b makes rsync backup files that exist in both folders, appending ~ to the old file. You can control this suffix with --suffix .suf
-u makes rsync transfer skip files which are newer in dest than in src
-z turns on compression, which is useful when transferring easily-compressible files over slow links
-P turns on --partial and --progress
--partial makes rsync keep partially transferred files if the transfer is interrupted
--progress shows a progress bar for each transfer, useful if you transfer big files # merge two folders with cp, tip: hard link: cp -r --link dir1/* dir2/* merged/ && rm -r dir1/ dir2/
# IMPOSSIBLE: create necessary destination directories when copying file, e.g. cp foo.txt /path/not/existing/foo.txt # telnet to a ssl port(e.g. 443)
openssl s_client -connect host:port # shared library dependencies
ldd BINARY # list symbols from object files
nm OBJ(?.o) LIB(?.so ?.a) # set shared library search paths(directories), add paths to /etc/, then run ldconfig
vim /etc/
# report missing objects
ldd -r /path/to/ELF_binary
ldd /path/to/executable | grep 'not found' #
readelf -d <binary> | grep RPATH # restore trash that deleted as root
cd /path/to/parent/of/file/trashed
restore-trash # change label of partitions
# mlabel or fatlabel for fat32
# ntfslabel for ntfs
# exfatlabel for exFAT
# e2label for ext2/ext3/ext4
# btrfs for BTRFS # change label of a fat32 filesystem
sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdb1 ::"new_label"
#if fails & print '... add mtools_skip_check=1 to .mtoolsrc', do
#echo "mtools_skip_check=1" >> ~/.mtoolsrc # as the program says
# get or set label of ms-dos filesystem
sudo fatlabel /dev/sdc1 [new_label]
# change label of a ntfs filesystem
sudo ntfslabel /dev/sda7 "new_label"
# change label of a exfat filesystem
sudo exfatlabel /dev/sdc1 "new_label"
# change label of a ext2/3/4 filesystem
sudo e2label /dev/sdc1 "new_label" # list background jobs
# foreground jobs
fg # get gpu information
lspci -v | grep VGA -A 12 # grep
grep PATTERN {FILE | stdin}
-r # deep in FILE recursively
-i # case-insensitive
-v # not matching
-A NUM, --after-context=NUM # print NUM lines after matching lines
-B NUM, --before-context=NUM # print NUM lines before matching lines
-C NUM, --context=NUM
-H, --with-filename
-h, --no-filename sudo ssldump -i lo port 443 # delete entries from a zip file
zip -d foo/entry/to/delete
# delete a directory from a zip file
zip -d "foo/dir/*" # command information
type <command>
# locate a command
which <command> # make naming fifo
# make special files
mknod <name> <type> # change password of current user
# change another user
sudo passwd <username> # add group
sudo addgroup <group-name>
# add user
sudo adduser -ingroup <group-name> <user-name>
adduser -g <gid/group-name> -m(--create-home) -p(--password) PASSWORD -s(--shell) SHELL -u(--uid指定UID) UID <user-name>
adduser -U(创建同名组,与-g互斥) <user-name> #改变默认shell
chsh -s SHELL [user-name] #不提供user-name时表示当前用户 # login as / become another user, default as root
su - <user-name> # tell login shell or not
shopt login_shell # add user in sudoers
# just put the user into 'sudo' group
usermod -a -G sudo <USER-NAME> #centos不能
su - # login as root
# then move to the last line, write <user-name> ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL then ctrl-X to exit, Alt-B to backup previous version file # screen resolution
xdpyinfo | grep dimensions # groups of user
groups <user-name>...
# list groups of current user
groups # add user into group
usermod -a -G <group-name> <user-name> #e.g usermod -a -G sudo jack # top
# E : memory usage summary value scale (circle in KB<-->PB)
# ? : memory usage of process: swap between size/percentage: ?
# M : sort by memory usage
# P : sort by cpu usage
# c : toggle command/command-line # memory usage
free -m (by M unit)
free -g (by G unit) ps aux -p <PID> screen [-S session-name] # create a screen sesion
# run some long-time-consuming script
screen -d [session-name] # <Ctrl-A d> detach from session
screen -ls # list sessions
screen -r <session-name> # attach to session
screen -d -r <session-name> # attach , detach first if necessary
# which sesseion i am in
echo $STY
# exit: close session then exit # to leave the process running after closing the terminal
<ctrl+z> # suspend the process and back to terminal 将当前前台程序挂起后回到终端命令行,被挂起的程序不会得到CPU因此看起来没有工作
jobs # 列举后台程序(包括被挂起的) show background jobs, find out the job id of corresponding process
bg # 将最近被挂起的程序以后台方式开始执行
bg %<jobid> # bg %3 第<jobid>号程序后台执行
fg #将最近的后台程序拿到终端前台执行
fg %<jobid>
disown -h %<jobib> <- let the job run in background pgrep -f <pattern> # search pattern in command line (not only in command)
pgrep -a <pattern> # print full command # find
# find files whose name ends with .c in (and desending into) current directory
find . -name "*.c" # quotes are must. or: find . -name \*.c or: find .-name '*.c'
# 在大范围内查找(如根目录/)是很鲁莽的,find在大范围内查找的开销较大 #!!! * in a shell command line will be expanded as file names(hidden files excluded), if it is a wildcard in an argument, should be enclosed by qutoes or escaped
# find . -name *.c => means find . -name x.c y.c z.c where x.c y.c z.c are only files ending with .c in current directory
# find . -name \*.c or "*.c" '*.c' => means find files in .(and desending), which name ending with .c
# find files on which no read-permission
find <FILE> ! -perm -u+r # user-non-readable
find <FILE> ! -perm -g+r # no permision on group
# find files by size
find . -size +100M # larger than 100M
find . -size -100M # smaller than 100M
# find files by owner
find . -user <USER> # username or user id all allowed
# find files by time in day unit, -ctime, -atime, -mtime; c: change(attributes been changed), a: access, m: modify
# by time in minute unit, -cmin, -amin, -mmin
# time argument, +<NUM> over NUM day/min, -<NUM> within NUM day/min
find . -ctime +2 -and -mmin 60 #
# striping leading './' of output of find . ; find * will not search hidden file/dir(file of name starts with '.')
find -printf '%P\n' # find AND
find expr1 -and expr2 #same as expr1 expr2
# find OR
find \(expr1 -or expr2 \) #没有括号将导致非预期效果 # find no hidden files
find . -not -path '*/\.*' #
find ... -exec bash -c '<expression>' \; # md5 checksum
md5sum FILE... # gui sudo
gksudo <cmd line> # print http headers
curl -v <URL> # startup services management
sysv-rc-conf # change owner of symbolic file, put -h (no dereference) option
chown -h user:group FILE # mount remote directory conneting by ssh
sshfs user@host:/path /local/path
# umount remote directory
fusermount -u /local/path # determine linux distribution info
ls /etc/*-release
# or
lsb_release -a # print kernal version
uname -a # print listening, established connections with specific port
(sudo) lsof -i:<PORT> # lsof -i:8080
(sudo) netstat -tunlp|grep <PORT> # -tunlp: tcp, udp # list symbols in a shared library
readelf -s /path/to/libx.s # encode a image or a file in base64
base64 <FILE> # system time(date)
# hardware clock time
hwclock # sudo hwclock # dmesg, messages from kernel
dmesg # awk
# swap columns
awk '{print $2"\t"$1}' <FILE>
# accumulate numbers, one per line (sum)
awk '{s+=$1} END {print $s}' <FILE>
# using shell variable in awk, you cannot use one directly
awk -v home=$HOME 'print(home)' # careful: it's home, not $home
# output columns satisfy criteria, e.g not begin with #, and 3rd column starts with <
awk '$1 ~ /^[^#]/ && $3 ~ /^</' # create directory if not exist
[ -d /dir ] || mkdir -p /dir ss -tlnp # rename network interface temporarily, 'eth0' -> 'eth1'
ifconfig eth0 down
ip link set eth0 name eth1
ifconfig eth1 up
# rename network interface permanently, edit /etc/udev/rules.d/some-file # io statistics
iostat -x 2 5 # extented info, update every 2sec, total 5 updates # top io wait process
iotop # list open files
lsof -p <pid> # copy into gui clipboard
xsel -b # compare unique file line by line, make lines *sorted* & *unique* in each file
comm FILE1 FILE2 # a hyphen - means stdin, only one hyphen allowed
-1 supress column 1 - unique lines in FILE1
-2 supress column 2 - unique lines in FILE2
-3 supress column 3 - unique lines in FILE1 & FILE2
-12 tells intersect, -23 tells {FILE1} - {FILE2}, -13 tells {FILE2} - {FILE1} # file status
stat FILE # system uptime
uptime # network monitor
iftop # change user name
usermod -l new_name user_name
# move home dir, -m -d
usermod -m(move) -d <NEW_DIR> <USER>
# change uid
usermod -u <NEW_UID> <USER>
# append user to group, add group to user, -a -G
usermod -a -G <GROUP,GROUP2...> <USER>
# list user and group id
# list id and belonging groups
id <USER>
#change group name
groupmod -n <NEW_GP> <GROUP> #算术运算
# $[...] ; $((...)) ; expr ... ; 功能、方式相同,且均只支持整数运算,不支持浮点
$[1+2] # $((1+2))
# bc, awk命令支持浮点
echo 'scale=3; 1/3' | bc # 设置精度为3,计算1/3的结果,必须设置精度,否则为整数运算(即使表达式为1.0/3)
echo '1 3' | awk 'printf(%0.3f\n,$1/$2)' #查看cpu温度
sudo apt-get install lm-sensors -y
sudo sensors-detect #初始化传感器检测。一直按回车使用选项
# 检测温度

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