Implement a MapSum class with insert, and sum methods.

For the method insert, you'll be given a pair of (string, integer). The string represents the key and the integer represents the value. If the key already existed, then the original key-value pair will be overridden to the new one.

For the method sum, you'll be given a string representing the prefix, and you need to return the sum of all the pairs' value whose key starts with the prefix.

Example 1:
Input: insert("apple", 3), Output: Null
Input: sum("ap"), Output: 3
Input: insert("app", 2), Output: Null
Input: sum("ap"), Output: 5







class MapSum {
class node {
node* next[26];
int end;
node() {
for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
next[i] = nullptr;
end = 0;
node* root;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
MapSum() {
root = new node();
} void insert(string key, int val) {
if (key.size() == 0) return ;
node* p = root;
for (int i = 0; i < key.size(); ++i) {
int x = key[i] - 'a';
if (p->next[x] == nullptr) {
p->next[x] = new node();
//p->end += val;
p = p->next[x];
} else {
//p->end += val;
p = p->next[x];
p->end = val;
} int sum(string prefix) {
node* p = root;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < prefix.size(); ++i) {
int x = prefix[i] - 'a';
if (p->next[x] != nullptr) {
p = p->next[x];
} else {
return false;
//sum += p->end;
dfs(p, sum);
return sum;
void dfs(node *p, int& sum) {
sum += p->end;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
if (p->next[i] != nullptr) {
dfs(p->next[i], sum);
}; /**
* Your MapSum object will be instantiated and called as such:
* MapSum obj = new MapSum();
* obj.insert(key,val);
* int param_2 = obj.sum(prefix);

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