954I Yet Another String Matching Problem
对于S的子串SS,如果它有位置i使得SS[i] != T[i]那么我们就将两个字符之间用并查集连边
于是我们可以发现对于S[i] != T[j]衣服那个会在S的第i-j个子串连边
我们通过观察可以发现i - j = i - (m - j) +m
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<string>
- #include<algorithm>
- #include<cctype>
- #include<cmath>
- #include<cstdlib>
- #include<queue>
- #include<ctime>
- #include<vector>
- #include<set>
- #include<map>
- #include<stack>
- using namespace std;
- const int mod = ;
- const int g = ;
- int fa[][];
- char s[],ot[],t[];
- int n,m,r[],len,N,a[],b[],G,ans[];
- inline int pw(int x,int p){
- int res=;
- while(p){
- if(p&)res=1ll*res*x%mod;
- x=1ll*x*x%mod;
- p>>=;
- }
- return res;
- }
- inline void ntt(int a[],int f){
- register int i,j,k;
- int now;
- for(i=;i<n;++i)
- if(i<r[i])swap(a[i],a[r[i]]);
- for(i=;i<n;i<<=){
- if(f==)now=g;
- else now=G;
- int wn=pw(now,(mod-)/(i<<));
- for(j=;j<n;j+=(i<<)){
- int w=,x,y;
- for(k=;k<i;++k,w=1ll*w*wn%mod){
- x=a[j+k],y=1ll*a[i+j+k]*w%mod;
- a[j+k]=(x+y)%mod,a[i+j+k]=(x+mod-y)%mod;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- inline int sf(int wh,int x){return fa[wh][x]==x?x:fa[wh][x]=sf(wh,fa[wh][x]);}
- signed main(){
- register int i,j,k;
- int on,om;
- G=pw(g,mod-);
- scanf("%s",s);
- scanf("%s",ot);
- n=strlen(s),m=strlen(ot);
- for(i=;i<m;++i)t[i]=ot[m-i-];
- n--,m--;
- on=n,om=m;
- m+=n;
- for(n=;n<=m;n<<=)len++;
- for(i=;i<n;++i)r[i]=((r[i>>]>>)|((i&)<<(len-)));
- for(i=om;i<=on;++i)
- for(j=;j<;++j)fa[i-om][j]=j;
- for(i=;i<;++i)
- for(j=;j<;++j){
- if(i==j)continue;
- memset(a,,sizeof(a));
- memset(b,,sizeof(b));
- for(k=;k<=on;++k)a[k]=((s[k]-'a')==i);
- for(k=;k<=om;++k)b[k]=((t[k]-'a')==j);
- ntt(a,),ntt(b,);
- for(k=;k<n;k++)a[k]=1ll*a[k]*b[k]%mod;
- ntt(a,-);
- int inv=pw(n,mod-);
- for(k=;k<n;++k)a[k]=1ll*a[k]*inv%mod;
- for(k=om;k<=on;++k)if(a[k]){
- int x=sf(k-om,i),y=sf(k-om,j);
- if(x==y)continue;
- ans[k-om]++;
- fa[k-om][x]=y;
- }
- }
- for(i=om;i<=on;++i)printf("%d ",ans[i-om]);
- return ;
- }
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