Uninstalling JIRA applications from Linux
If you wish to re-install JIRA in 'unattended mode', do not uninstall your previous installation of JIRA just yet. See Using the silent installation feature for more information.
To uninstall JIRA from Linux:
- Open a Linux console.
- Change directory (
) to your JIRA installation directory. For example:cd /opt/atlassian/jira/
- Execute the command
This command must be executed as the same user account that was used to install JIRA with the Linux installer. - Follow the prompts to uninstall JIRA from your computer.
Please note:
- All files within the JIRA installation directory will be deleted (with the exception of the Tomcat log folder located in the JIRA installation directory).
- The uninstaller will NOT delete:
- The JIRA database
- The JIRA home directory
- Log files that were generated while JIRA was running
- The uninstaller can be made to operate in unattended mode by specifying the -q option — i.e. uninstall -q
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