


Stimulus is a JavaScript framework with modest ambitions. It doesn’t seek to take over your entire front-end—in fact, it’s not concerned with rendering HTML at all. Instead, it’s designed to augment your HTML with just enough behavior to make it shine. Stimulus pairs beautifully with Turbolinks to provide a complete solution for fast, compelling applications with a minimal amount of effort.


它解决了取元素data-target和绑事件data-action的问题. 用 MutationObserver 监控元素的变化, 补绑事件或者修改元素的引用.

这是 Ruby 社区给多页面应用设计的框架。


如果你已经在使用 Turbolinks + SJR(非Ajax),那么可以马上使用 Stimulus,它会让前端代码更规范。


如果你的团队已经使用前后端分离的方式开发、不需要 SEO、没有对前后端分裂感到痛苦,那么就不需要 Stimulus。

At its core, Stimulus’ purpose is to automatically connect DOM elements to JavaScript objects. Those objects are called controllers.


Identifiers连接HTML元素和controllers(这里是一个单文件.js组件), 例子;

  <div data-controller="hello">
<input type="text">

在controllers/hello_controller.js中使用:connect() { console.log()}方法,刷新浏览器,可以看到成功连接上<div>和hello controller

import { Controller } from "stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
connect() {
console.log("Hello, Stimulus!", this.element)

处理事件events的controller方法,叫做action methods

In Stimulus, controller methods which handle events are called action methods.

使用data-action来使用event激活action methods。

    <button data-action="click->hello#greet">  //称为action descriptor
  • click是事件名字
  • hello是controller identifier
  • greet是action method的名字

标记重要元素为targets, 通过对应的属性来引用位于controller对象中的它们。

Stimulus lets us mark important elements as targets so we can easily reference them in the controller through corresponding properties.

<input data-target="" type="text">
  • name是target的name

当增加name到controller的target定义的list中后,static targets = ["xxx", ...]

Stimulus自动创建一个this.nameTarget属性,它会返回第一个匹配的target element。

我们可以用这个属性来读取元素的value并创建我们的greeting string

  greet() {
const element = this.nameTarget
const name = element.value
console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`)


  static targets = [ "name" ]

  greet() {
console.log(`Hello, ${}!`) //this是t{context: e} 上下文作用域中的内容。
} get name() {
return this.nameTarget.value





什么是 static targets = [ ...]

When Stimulus loads your controller class, it looks for target name strings in a static array called targets.

For each target name in the array, Stimulus adds three new properties to your controller. Here, our "source" target name becomes the following properties:

  • this.sourceTarget evaluates to the first source target in your controller’s scope. If there is no source target, accessing the property throws an error.
  • this.sourceTargets evaluates to an array of all sourcetargets in the controller’s scope.
  • this.hasSourceTarget evaluates to true if there is a source target or false if not.



  <div data-controller="clipboard">
PIN: <input data-target="clipboard.source" type="text" value="1234" readonly>
<button data-action="clipboard#copy">
Copy to Clipboard
import { Controller } from "stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["source"]
copy() {    //select()方法,用于选择。
document.execCommand("copy") //copy是Clipboard API中的事件。

Stimulus Controllers are Reusable


比如多个<input data-target="clipboard.source" ...略>

Actions and Targets Can Go on Any Kind of Element

Stimulus lets us use any kind of element we want as long as it has an appropriate data-action attribute.

Managing State

Most contemporary frameworks encourage you to keep state in JavaScript at all times. They treat the DOM as a write-only rendering target, reconciled by client-side templates consuming JSON from the server.


Stimulus takes a different approach. A Stimulus application’s state lives as attributes in the DOM; controllers themselves are largely stateless. This approach makes it possible to work with HTML from anywhere—the initial document, an Ajax request, a Turbolinks visit, or even another JavaScript library—and have associated controllers spring to life automatically without any explicit initialization step.

Stimulus使用不同的方法。一个Stimulus程序的state作为DOM的属性而存在;controllers本身是没有状态的。这种方法让Stimulus可以和HTML一起使用在任何地方--最初的document, an Ajax request, a Turbolinks vist, 甚至其他JS库--并且有关联的controllers自动地突然启动,无需任何明确的初始化步骤。


1.根元素<div>加上data-controller属性。通过属性值,调用.js文件中的类对象实例化一个对象t {context: e}用于连接到根元素<div>。




本例是通过event,把子元素<div>的class属性display:none修改为display: block。

<div data-controller="slideshow">
<button data-action="slideshow#previous">←</button>
<button data-action="slideshow#next">→</button> <div data-target="slideshow.slide" class="slide">


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