
  1. window.Global = {
  2. gint: 168,
  3. };
  4. cc.Class({
  5. extends: cc.Component,
  7. properties: {
  8. label: {
  9. default: null,
  10. type: cc.Label
  11. },
  12. // defaults, set visually when attaching this script to the Canvas
  13. text: 'Hello, World!'
  14. },
  16. // use this for initialization
  17. onLoad: function () {
  18. this.label.string = this.text;
  20. },
  22. // called every frame
  23. update: function (dt) {
  25. },
  26. });



  1. var helloWorld = require("HelloWorld");
  2. cc.Class({
  3. extends: cc.Component,
  5. properties: {
  6. userID: {
  7. default: 20,
  8. displayName: "用户ID",
  9. tooltip: "用户的ID",
  10. },
  11. userName: "Foobar",
  12. pos: new cc.Vec2(10, 20),
  13. color: new cc.Color(255, 255, 255, 128),
  14. any: [], // 不定义具体类型的数组
  15. bools: [cc.Boolean],
  16. strings: [cc.String],
  17. floats: [cc.Float],
  18. ints: [cc.Integer],
  19. values: [cc.Vec2],
  20. nodes: [cc.Node],
  21. frames: [cc.SpriteFrame],
  22. score: {
  23. default: 0,
  24. displayName: "Score (player)",
  25. tooltip: "The score of player",
  26. },
  27. width: {
  28. get: function () {
  29. return this._width;
  30. },
  31. set: function (value) {
  32. this._width = value;
  33. }
  34. },
  35. player: {
  36. default: null,
  37. type: cc.Node
  38. }
  39. },
  41. // use this for initialization
  42. onLoad: function () {
  43. var Shape = cc.Class({
  44. properties: {x:1},
  45. ctor: function () {
  46. cc.log("Shape"); // 实例化时,父构造函数会自动调用,
  47. },
  48. print: function (str) { cc.log("print:" + str+" x:"+this.node.x); },
  49. start: function () {
  50. var node = this.node;
  51. node.x = 100;
  52. }
  53. });
  54. var shape = new Shape();
  55. //shape.print("hello");
  56. //shape.start();
  57. var node = this.node;
  58. cc.log(node);
  59. cc.log(node.name);
  60. cc.log(node.color);
  62. var sprite = this.getComponent("cc.Sprite");
  63. if(sprite!=null){
  64. cc.log("sprite.type:"+sprite.type);
  65. }
  67. var label = this.getComponent("cc.Label");
  68. if(label!=null){
  69. cc.log("label:"+label.fontSize);
  70. }
  71. cc.log("this.userID:"+this.userID);
  72. if(this.player){
  73. var sprite2 = this.player.getComponent("cc.Sprite");
  74. cc.log("sprite2:"+sprite2);
  75. if(sprite2!=null){
  76. cc.log("this.player.sprite.type:"+sprite2.type);
  77. }
  78. var sayHello = this.player.getComponent("SayHello");
  79. cc.log("sayHello:"+sayHello);
  80. if(sayHello!=null){
  81. cc.log("this.player.sayHello.userID:"+sayHello.userID);
  82. }
  83. }
  84. cc.log(Global.gint);
  85. cc.log("helloWorld:"+helloWorld);
  86. var hw=new helloWorld();
  87. cc.log("hw:"+hw);
  88. cc.log("text:"+hw.text);
  90. },
  91. // called every frame, uncomment this function to activate update callback
  92. update: function (dt) {
  93. cc.log("update..");
  94. },
  95. });


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