题目链接 : https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/29228

There is an apple tree in Teemo's yard. It contains n nodes and n-1 branches, and the node 1 is always the root of the tree. Today, Teemo's father will go out for work. So Teemo should do his father's job in the family: Cut some branches to make the tree more beautiful. His father's told him that he should cut some branches, finally, the tree should just contains q branches. But when Teemo start to cut, he realizes that there are some apples in the branches( For example, there are 10 apples in the branches which connecting node 1 and node 4). So Teemo not only wants to achieve his father's order, but also wants to preserve apples as much as possible. Can you help him?

2  5
 \ /
 3   4
   \ /

Input Format

The first line of the input contains an integer T(1<=T<=10) which means the number of test cases.

For each test case, The first line of the input contains two integers n,q(3<=n<=100,1<=q<=n-1), giving the number of the node and the number of branches that the tree should preserve.
    In the next n-1 line, each line contains three integers u,v,w(1<=u<=n,1<=v<=n,u!=v,1<=w<=100000), which means there is a branch connecting node u and node v, and there are w apple(s) on it.

Output Format

Print a single integer, which means the maximum possible number of apples can be preserved.

5 2
1 3 1
1 4 10
2 3 20
3 5 20



题意是有一棵以 1号点为根节点的 n个结点的树, n-1 条边均有权值,现在把这棵树在保留根节点的情况下剪成一棵 q条边的树并且使剩余的树权值最大。(注意 : 减去一条边该边后面的边都会被去掉)

这应该是一道十分经典的树形dp 。

除根节点外将 边的权值赋给点,val[i]记录i号点的权值。

have[i] 表示i号点及其之后的所有点的个数, dp[i][j]表示在i号点为"根"的情况下共保留j个点的最大权值。


using namespace std;
#define pb(x) push_back((x)) typedef long long ll;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
struct Edge{
int to;
int wei;
Edge(int v,int w):to(v),wei(w) {}
vector< Edge > G[];
int val[];
int have[];
int dp[][]; void getVal(int u){
for( auto e : G[u]){
} int dfs(int u,int fa){
for( auto e : G[u]){
if(e.to==fa) continue;
for( auto e : G[u]){
if(e.to==fa) continue;
for(int tot=have[u];tot>=;tot--){
for(int i=;i<tot&&i<=have[e.to];++i){
return have[u];
} int main(){
int T;
int N,rmn;
for(int i=;i<=N;++i) G[i].clear();
for(int i=;i<N-;++i){
int u,v,w;
for(int i=1;i<=N;++i)
printf("%d : %d\n",i,val[i]);
int ans=dp[][rmn+];
return ;

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