








~ > whereis make
make: /usr/bin/make /usr/share/man/man1/make.1.gz

可以看到make是bin下的以可执行文件。 看看用户手册

MAKE(1)                                                          User Commands                                                         MAKE(1)

make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs SYNOPSIS
The make utility will determine automatically which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issue the commands to recom‐
pile them. The manual describes the GNU implementation of make, which was written by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath, and is cur‐
rently maintained by Paul Smith. Our examples show C programs, since they are very common, but you can use make with any programming
language whose compiler can be run with a shell command. In fact, make is not limited to programs. You can use it to describe any
task where some files must be updated automatically from others whenever the others change. To prepare to use make, you must write a file called the makefile that describes the relationships among files in your program, and the
states the commands for updating each file. In a program, typically the executable file is updated from object files, which are in
turn made by compiling source files. Once a suitable makefile exists, each time you change some source files, this simple shell command: make suffices to perform all necessary recompilations. The make program uses the makefile description and the last-modification times of
the files to decide which of the files need to be updated. For each of those files, it issues the commands recorded in the makefile. make executes commands in the makefile to update one or more target names, where name is typically a program. If no -f option is
present, make will look for the makefiles GNUmakefile, makefile, and Makefile, in that order. Normally you should call your makefile either makefile or Makefile. (We recommend Makefile because it appears prominently near the
beginning of a directory listing, right near other important files such as README.) The first name checked, GNUmakefile, is not recom‐
mended for most makefiles. You should use this name if you have a makefile that is specific to GNU make, and will not be understood by
other versions of make. If makefile is '-', the standard input is read. make updates a target if it depends on prerequisite files that have been modified since the target was last modified, or if the target
does not exist.

大致是说make是GNU中维护和组织程序的。比如我们的C语言编译, 再比如源码安装某些软件,比如nginx的时候。那么GNU是什么鬼?

GNU(GNU's Not Unix)是一个类Unix系统, 目标是创建一套完全自由的操作系统。在Linux出现之前,GNU已经完成了除了内核之外大部分的软件。Linux出现之后,与GNU结合变成GNU/Linux

严格的说,Linux只代表Linux内核,其他Linux软件称为Linux发行版。但由于商业发行商坚持称呼Linux, 虽然已经更名为GNU/Linux, 但大家依然叫Linux.

## 比如我的本机Ubuntu
~ ❯ uname
~ ❯ uname -a
Linux ryan-computer 4.18.0-20-generic #21~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 8 08:43:37 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ## 大部分基于Debian的docker镜像
airflow@88e36c088b81:~$ cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux 9 \n \l ## RedHat
[root@data-docker001 docker-airflow]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
[root@data-docker001 docker-airflow]# uname -a
Linux data-docker001 3.10.0-693.2.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 12 22:26:13 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


make target









<target> : <prerequisites>
[tab] <commands>
  • target 目标
  • prerequisites 前置条件
  • tab command必须由tab隔开
  • commands 只能有一行的shell


当我们设置的target和当前目录下的文件名一样的话,target会被忽略,所以,通常,我们把target都用做phony target。

.PHONY: build start push

表示, build start push 这3个target,不检查当前目录下的文件,直接执行命令。



NAME = ryan/airflow
VERSION = 1.10.4 .PHONY: build start push build: build-version build-version:
docker build -t ${NAME}:${VERSION} . tag-latest:
docker tag ${NAME}:${VERSION} ${NAME}:latest start:
docker run -it --rm ${NAME}:${VERSION} /bin/bash push: build-version tag-latest
docker push ${NAME}:${VERSION}; docker push ${NAME}:latest


make build


make start


make push



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