08 MySQL_SQL_DQL_select数据查询条件判断
source d:/tables.sql;
source /home/soft/桌面/tables.sql;
导入完成后 测试查询
show tables; 查询出两个表 emp和dept
select * from emp; 里面会有一堆数据
is null 和 is not null
当查询字段的值为空值时 不能用等号进行判断,使用is
1. 查询没有上级领导的员工信息;
select * from emp where manager is null;
2. 查询有上级领导的员工信息;
select * from emp where manager is not null;
别名 --select查询 as
把查询到的员工姓名name 改成名字
- select name as '名字' from emp;
- select name '名字' from emp;
- seclect 名字 from emp;
1. 查询员工表中出现了哪几种不同的工作
select distinct job from emp;
2. 查询员工表里面有哪几个部门id
select distinct deptId from emp;
比较运算符 > < >= <= = !=和<>
1. 查询工资大于等于3000的员工姓名和工资
select name,sal from emp where sal>=3000;
2. 查询1号部门的员工姓名和工作
select name,job from emp where deptId=1;
3. 查询不是程序员的员工姓名,工资和工作 (用到上面两种不等的写法)
select name,sal,job from emp where job!='程序员';
select name,sal,job from emp where job<>'程序员';
4. 查询有奖金的员工姓名和奖金
select name,comm from emp where comm>0;
- and / or / not 与或非
and 类似Java中的 &&
or 类似Java中的||
not 类似Java中的!
1. 查询1号部门工资高于2000块钱的员工信息
select * from emp where deptId=1 and sal>2000;
2. 查询是程序员或者工资等于5000的员工信息
select * from emp where job='程序员' or sal=5000;
3. 查询出CEO和项目经理的名字
select name from emp where job='CEO' or job='项目经理';
4. 查询出奖金为500并且是销售的员工信息 select * from emp where comm=500 and job='销售'
1. 查询出工资为3000,1500和5000的员工信息
select * from emp where sal=3000 or sal=1500 or sal=5000;
select * from emp where sal in(3000,1500,5000);
2. 查询工资不是3000,1500和5000的员工信息
select * from emp where sal not in(3000,1500,5000);
3. 查询1号和2号部门工资大于2000的员工信息
select * from emp where deptId in(1,2) and sal>2000;
between x and y
查询数据在两者之间使用 , 包含x和y
1. 查询工资在2000到3000之间的员工信息
select * from emp where sal>=2000 and sal<=3000;
select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 3000;
2. 查询工资在2000到3000之外的员工信息
select * from emp where sal not between 2000 and 3000;
- _: 代表1个未知字符
- %: 代表0或多个未知字符
- 举例:
- 以x开头 x%
- 以x结尾 %x
- 包含x %x%
- 第二个字符是x _x%
- 第三个是x倒数第二个是y _ _ x%y _
select * from emp where name like "孙%";
select * from emp where job like "_售%";
select name from emp where name like '%精';
select * from emp where name like '%僧%' and sal>2000;
select * from emp where deptId in(1,2) and job like '市%';
select name from emp where manager is not null and job like '%经理%';
select * from t_item where title like '%记事本%'and price<100;
select * from t_item where title like '得力' and price between 50 and 100;
select * from t_item where image is not null;
select * from t_item where category_id in(238,917);
select * from t_item where sellpoint '%赠%';
select title from t_item where title not like '%得力%';
select * from t_item where price not between 50 and 200;
排序 order by
格式: order by 排序字段名 asc升序( 默认 ) 或 desc降序
多字段排序 : order by 字段名1 asc/desc,字段名2 asc/desc;
1. 查询所有员工的姓名和工资并安装工资升序排序
select name,sal from emp order by sal;
2. 查询所有员工的姓名和工资并安装工资降序排序
select name,sal from emp order by sal desc;
3. 查询所有员工姓名,工资和部门编号 , 安装部门编号升序排序,如果部门编号一致则按照工资降序排序
select name,sal,deptid from emp order by deptid ,sal desc;
- 格式: limit 跳过的条数,请求的条数(每页的条数)
- 跳过的条数=(请求的页数-1)*每页的条数
- 举例 :
- 查询第一页的10条数据 limit 0,10
- 查询第二页的10条数据 limit 10,10
- 查询第5页的10条数据 limit 40,10
- 查询第8页的5条数据 limit 35,5
- 查询第7页的9条数据 limit 54,9
工资升序排序 查询前三名
select * from emp order by sal limit 0,3;
查询员工表中工资降序排序 第二页的3条数据
select * from emp order by sal desc limit 3,3;
select * from emp where deptId=1 order by sal desc limit 0,1;
select name,sal from emp where job like '%销售%'
order by sal limit 0,1;
按照工资降序排序查询工资高于1000的所有员工姓名和工资, 查询第三页的两条数据
select name,sal from emp where sal>1000 order by sal desc limit 4,2;
数值计算 + - * / %
- 7%2 等效于 mod(7,2)
1. 查询每个员工的姓名,工资和年终奖(年终奖=5*月工资)
select name,sal,sal*5 from emp;
//select price,num,price*num 总金额 from t-item;
select name,sal+5 from emp;
uddate emp set sal=sal+10;
- 改回去
upate emp set sal=sal-10
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