Google Optimization Tools介绍
Google Optimization Tools(OR-Tools)是一款专门快速而便携地解决组合优化问题的套件。它包含了:
- 约束编程求解器。
- 简单而统一的接口,用于多种线性规划和混合整数规划求解,包括 CBC、CLP、GLOP、GLPK、Gurobi、CPLEX和SCIP。
- 图算法 (最短路径、最小成本、最大流量、线性求和分配)。
- 经典旅行推销员问题和车辆路径问题的算法。
- 经典装箱和背包算法。
安装Google OR-Tools
Google OR-Tools的源码在[Github] google/or-tools。其它开发环境下的安装如下。
Linux or Mac下安装
1. 确认使用了Python 2.7+,3.5+版本,以及pip 9.0.1+版本。
2. Mac OSX系统需要安装命令行工具Xcode,在Terminal中执行xcode-select --install。
Linux系统需要安装g++,在Terminal中执行sudo apt-get install g++ make。
如果使用C#请确认安装了Mono 4.2.0+的64位版本。
3. 在Terminal中执行pip install --upgrade ortools直接安装Python版本的OR-Tools包。C++/Java/C#版本的链接为:Mac, Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 7, Debian 9 ,下载到指定目录后执行make all。
Python版本的包的安装和Linux一样,可自行选用合适的开发工具。若是使用C++、C#,推荐使用64位版本的Windows10操作系统,并且使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 或者 2017作为开发工具,相应的库文件下载地址为: Visual Studio 2017 the Visual Studio 2015。
- C++使用lib/ortools.lib, 并且将or‑tools/include添加到项目引用。
- Java使用jar命令调用lib/的方式,并且将 ‑Djava.library.path=PATH_TO_or‑tools/lib添加到命令行。
- C#添加bin/Google.OrTools.dll到项目依赖,或者使用NuGet搜索Google.OrTools进行安装。
C++ 代码
- #include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.h"
- #include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.pb.h"
- namespace operations_research {
- void RunTest(
- MPSolver::OptimizationProblemType optimization_problem_type) {
- MPSolver solver("Glop", optimization_problem_type);
- MPVariable* const x = solver.MakeNumVar(0.0, , "x");
- MPVariable* const y = solver.MakeNumVar(0.0, , "y");
- MPObjective* const objective = solver.MutableObjective();
- objective->SetCoefficient(x, );
- objective->SetCoefficient(y, );
- objective->SetMaximization();
- solver.Solve();
- printf("\nSolution:");
- printf("\nx = %.1f", x->solution_value());
- printf("\ny = %.1f", y->solution_value());
- }
- void RunExample() {
- }
- }
- int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- operations_research::RunExample();
- return ;
- }
C# 代码
- using System;
- using Google.OrTools.LinearSolver;
- public class my_program
- {
- private static void RunLinearProgrammingExample(String solverType)
- {
- Solver solver = Solver.CreateSolver("IntegerProgramming", solverType);
- Variable x = solver.MakeNumVar(0.0, 1.0, "x");
- Variable y = solver.MakeNumVar(0.0, 2.0, "y");
- Objective objective = solver.Objective();
- objective.SetCoefficient(x, );
- objective.SetCoefficient(y, );
- objective.SetMaximization();
- solver.Solve();
- Console.WriteLine("Solution:");
- Console.WriteLine("x = " + x.SolutionValue());
- Console.WriteLine("y = " + y.SolutionValue());
- }
- static void Main()
- {
- RunLinearProgrammingExample("GLOP_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING");
- }
- }
Python 代码
- from __future__ import print_function
- from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
- def main():
- solver = pywraplp.Solver('SolveSimpleSystem',
- x = solver.NumVar(0, 1, 'x')
- y = solver.NumVar(0, 2, 'y')
- objective = solver.Objective()
- objective.SetCoefficient(x, 1)
- objective.SetCoefficient(y, 1)
- objective.SetMaximization()
- solver.Solve()
- print('Solution:')
- print('x = ', x.solution_value())
- print('y = ', y.solution_value())
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
Java 代码
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- public class my_program {
- static { System.loadLibrary("jniortools"); }
- private static MPSolver createSolver (String solverType) {
- return new MPSolver("my_program",
- MPSolver.OptimizationProblemType.valueOf(solverType));
- }
- private static void runmy_program(String solverType,
- boolean printModel) {
- MPSolver solver = createSolver(solverType);
- MPVariable x = solver.makeNumVar(0.0, 1.0, "x");
- MPVariable y = solver.makeNumVar(0.0, 2.0, "y");
- MPObjective objective = solver.objective();
- objective.setCoefficient(y, 1);
- objective.setMaximization();
- solver.solve();
- System.out.println("Solution:");
- System.out.println("x = " + x.solutionValue());
- System.out.println("y = " + y.solutionValue());
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- runmy_program("GLOP_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING", false);
- }
- }
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