最近想尝尝鲜,FQ去www.myeclipseide.com上下载了最新版的MyEclipse 15CI版,安装的时候,报告如下错误(MyEclipse 14也会出现这个问题):

Your system does not have sufficient memory to support MyEclipse. MyEclipse requires 256 MBs physical memory and 64 MBs of virtual memory. Your system only has 4056708 MBs of physical memory, and 0 MBs of virtual memory".




2、双击打开,此时会出现一个MyEclipse 15 XXXXX Installer.app文件,右键显示包内容


4、删除 Contents/_CodeSignature 目录

5、编辑 MacOS/standard-install文件,里面大概是这样的:

1 #!/bin/sh
2 dir=`dirname "$0"`
3 cd "${dir}/../Installer"
4 dir=`pwd`
5 ./pulse-one -vmargs -Xms192m -Xmx256m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -d32 -XstartOnFirstThread -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts "-Dpulse.settings.directory=${dir}/../Settings" "-Dpulse.artifact.bin.path=${dir}/../Resources/artifacts.bin" "-Dpulse.installer.directory=${dir}" &


7、运行Contents/MacOS/standard-install 文件,搞定!


Download the full installer 
- Open the DMG and then show the package content of the installer 
- Copy the content of the Show Package contents to a separate folder 
- Delete the CodeSignature folder 
- From SystemPrefences temporarly enable "Allow apps downloaded from Anywhere" (in your Security & Privacy settings) 
- Edit the file MacOS/standard-install and add the following to the vmargs: "-Dcom.genuitec.pulse.debug.memory.check=true" 
- Run standard-install


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