November 01st, 2017 Week 44th Wednesday
People always want to lead an active life, and is not it?
Be active, and walk towards things you want to touch.
Even if it is far away from the current position we are in, if we can keep moving toward it, we will get closer and closer to them and eventually touch them.
Rather than standing at the same point and complaining about the unfariness of fate, I would like to keep moving forward actively.
The road is not smooth, and I would fall down to the ground and hurt myself, but it is pretty better than being left behind by the era, especially in this rapid-developing world.
But I always doubt that whether I can get a not bad result.
Maybe man proposes, and God disposes.
Maybe we can gain some freedom when making important choices if we can prepare a bit more.
If you are naturally kind, you attract a lot of people you don't like.
From William Feather.
Don't be too tolerant, that would do harm to every of us.
And unprincipled accommodation and inclusiveness most often do a lot harm to the society, that would undermine the justice and fairness which are essential to the modern civilization.
So, hold on to our bottom lines.
If someone defies those basic things, please counter back violently.
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