I’ve been in a bad mood since I started on the American Accent. I became even more upset when I added or talked to strangers.There’re some reasons why they made me sick.

No 1,the America people are not friendly as you think. They will never add you as a friend unless they need your help. Theykeep you waiting but you never know.

No 2,There’re always deceptions beyond your imagination, for example ,a man may call himself Ann to attract you or one from Algeria may turn himself or herself into American because they know you want English native speakers.

No 3,There’re bad persons who just want to talk about boyfriend or girlfriend or about sex. Well I wonder how could this kind of people have such a high technology, they even know Skype and take liberties with foreign girls.

No 4,Time difference between different countries decides that you must miss some good friends. You get up while he go to sleep.

As the saying says, one coin has two sides.We must take the risk to face all kinds of people whether they’re good or bad. It really made me sick to talk to those people but I have no idea how many these people I will meet in the future. The most important thing is that I need them, so I have to take the risk.

Facing the music is what I should do now.Be patient and calm down .I know it is full of frustration on the way to success, so I try and try. You never know how I faced the setbacks. The secret to keep me going is that I tell myself I love it and I can get great joy and satisfaction. Like the way we live , just forget the bad things and remember the good ones.

To be frank , learning English is much harder than learning program because it takes too much. As long as you believe you can overcome every difficulty and dreams will come true.

Here is what I wrote , for you for me:


I keep learning day after day

And I slowly go insane

I hear the voice on the computer

But it doesn’t make the boredom

Wherever you go

Whatever you do

I will be right here keep learning

Whatever it takes

Or how my schedule derailed

I will be right here keeping learning

I took for granted all the time

That I thought would last somehow

I hear the laughter I taste the tears

But …

I wonder how can I survive

This vacation

But in the end if I’m with you

I’ll take the chance

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