title: linux一键安装vncserver脚本

date: 2016-04-11 14:32:04



  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #########################################
  3. #Function: install vnc server
  4. #Usage: bash install_vnc_server.sh
  5. #Author: Customer service department
  6. #Company: Alibaba Cloud Computing
  7. #Version: 3.0
  8. #########################################
  9. check_os_release()
  10. {
  11. while true
  12. do
  13. os_release=$(grep "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release" /etc/issue 2>/dev/null)
  14. os_release_2=$(grep "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release" /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null)
  15. if [ "$os_release" ] && [ "$os_release_2" ]
  16. then
  17. if echo "$os_release"|grep "release 5" >/dev/null 2>&1
  18. then
  19. os_release=redhat5
  20. echo "$os_release"
  21. elif echo "$os_release"|grep "release 6" >/dev/null 2>&1
  22. then
  23. os_release=redhat6
  24. echo "$os_release"
  25. else
  26. os_release=""
  27. echo "$os_release"
  28. fi
  29. break
  30. fi
  31. os_release=$(grep "Aliyun Linux release" /etc/issue 2>/dev/null)
  32. os_release_2=$(grep "Aliyun Linux release" /etc/aliyun-release 2>/dev/null)
  33. if [ "$os_release" ] && [ "$os_release_2" ]
  34. then
  35. if echo "$os_release"|grep "release 5" >/dev/null 2>&1
  36. then
  37. os_release=aliyun5
  38. echo "$os_release"
  39. elif echo "$os_release"|grep "release 6" >/dev/null 2>&1
  40. then
  41. os_release=aliyun6
  42. echo "$os_release"
  43. elif echo "$os_release"|grep "release 7" >/dev/null 2>&1
  44. then
  45. os_release=aliyun7
  46. echo "$os_release"
  47. else
  48. os_release=""
  49. echo "$os_release"
  50. fi
  51. break
  52. fi
  53. os_release_2=$(grep "CentOS" /etc/*release 2>/dev/null)
  54. if [ "$os_release_2" ]
  55. then
  56. if echo "$os_release_2"|grep "release 5" >/dev/null 2>&1
  57. then
  58. os_release=centos5
  59. echo "$os_release"
  60. elif echo "$os_release_2"|grep "release 6" >/dev/null 2>&1
  61. then
  62. os_release=centos6
  63. echo "$os_release"
  64. elif echo "$os_release_2"|grep "release 7" >/dev/null 2>&1
  65. then
  66. os_release=centos7
  67. echo "$os_release"
  68. else
  69. os_release=""
  70. echo "$os_release"
  71. fi
  72. break
  73. fi
  74. os_release=$(grep -i "ubuntu" /etc/issue 2>/dev/null)
  75. os_release_2=$(grep -i "ubuntu" /etc/lsb-release 2>/dev/null)
  76. if [ "$os_release" ] && [ "$os_release_2" ]
  77. then
  78. if echo "$os_release"|grep "Ubuntu 10" >/dev/null 2>&1
  79. then
  80. os_release=ubuntu10
  81. echo "$os_release"
  82. elif echo "$os_release"|grep "Ubuntu 12.04" >/dev/null 2>&1
  83. then
  84. os_release=ubuntu1204
  85. echo "$os_release"
  86. elif echo "$os_release"|grep "Ubuntu 12.10" >/dev/null 2>&1
  87. then
  88. os_release=ubuntu1210
  89. echo "$os_release"
  90. elif echo "$os_release"|grep "Ubuntu 14.04" >/dev/null 2>&1
  91. then
  92. os_release=ubuntu1204
  93. echo "$os_release"
  94. else
  95. os_release=""
  96. echo "$os_release"
  97. fi
  98. break
  99. fi
  100. os_release=$(grep -i "debian" /etc/issue 2>/dev/null)
  101. os_release_2=$(grep -i "debian" /proc/version 2>/dev/null)
  102. if [ "$os_release" ] && [ "$os_release_2" ]
  103. then
  104. if echo "$os_release"|grep "Linux 6" >/dev/null 2>&1
  105. then
  106. os_release=debian6
  107. echo "$os_release"
  108. elif echo "$os_release"|grep "Linux 7" >/dev/null 2>&1
  109. then
  110. os_release=debian7
  111. echo "$os_release"
  112. else
  113. os_release=""
  114. echo "$os_release"
  115. fi
  116. break
  117. fi
  118. break
  119. done
  120. }
  121. exit_script()
  122. {
  123. echo -e "\033[1;40;31mInstall $1 error,will exit.\n\033[0m"
  124. rm -f $LOCKfile
  125. exit 1
  126. }
  127. update_source()
  128. {
  129. wget "http://oss.aliyuncs.com/aliyunecs/update_source.tgz?spm=5176.7150518.1996836753.5.67nzlg&file=update_source.tgz" -O update_source.tgz
  130. tar -zxvf update_source.tgz
  131. bash update_source.sh
  132. }
  133. rhel5_vnc_config()
  134. {
  135. cat >$vnc_xstartup_config<<EOF
  136. #!/bin/sh
  137. # Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
  138. # unset SESSION_MANAGER
  139. # exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
  140. [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
  141. [ -r \$HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb \$HOME/.Xresources
  142. xsetroot -solid grey
  143. vncconfig -iconic &
  144. xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "\$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
  145. #twm &
  146. gnome-session &
  147. EOF
  148. cat >$vnc_sysconfig_vncservers<<EOF
  149. # The VNCSERVERS variable is a list of display:user pairs.
  150. #
  151. # Uncomment the lines below to start a VNC server on display :2
  152. # as my 'myusername' (adjust this to your own). You will also
  153. # need to set a VNC password; run 'man vncpasswd' to see how
  154. # to do that.
  155. #
  156. # DO NOT RUN THIS SERVICE if your local area network is
  157. # untrusted! For a secure way of using VNC, see
  158. # <URL:http://www.uk.research.att.com/archive/vnc/sshvnc.html>.
  159. # Use "-nolisten tcp" to prevent X connections to your VNC server via TCP.
  160. # Use "-nohttpd" to prevent web-based VNC clients connecting.
  161. # Use "-localhost" to prevent remote VNC clients connecting except when
  162. # doing so through a secure tunnel. See the "-via" option in the
  163. # 'man vncviewer' manual page.
  164. # VNCSERVERS="2:myusername"
  165. # VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 800x600 -nolisten tcp -nohttpd -localhost"
  166. VNCSERVERS="1:root"
  167. EOF
  168. }
  169. check_selinux_config()
  170. {
  171. if grep "SELINUX=enforcing" $selinux_config >/dev/null 2>&1
  172. then
  173. sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/' $selinux_config
  174. fi
  175. }
  176. centos5_install_vnc_server()
  177. {
  178. if [ "$1" == "redhat5" ]
  179. then
  180. if rpm -qa|grep redhat-logos >/dev/null 2>&1
  181. then
  182. yum remove $(rpm -qa|grep redhat-logos) -y
  183. fi
  184. fi
  185. if yum grouplist "GNOME Desktop Environment"|grep "Available" >/dev/null 2>&1
  186. then
  187. if ! yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" -y
  188. then
  189. exit_script "GNOME Desktop Environment"
  190. fi
  191. fi
  192. if ! rpm -q vnc-server >/dev/null 2>&1
  193. then
  194. if ! yum install vnc-server -y
  195. then
  196. exit_script vnc-server
  197. fi
  198. vncserver <<EOF
  199. $password
  200. $password
  201. EOF
  202. else
  203. vncpasswd <<EOF
  204. $password
  205. $password
  206. EOF
  207. fi
  208. vncserver -kill :1
  209. service vncserver stop
  210. service pcscd stop
  211. chkconfig --del pcscd
  212. yum remove esc -y
  213. rhel5_vnc_config
  214. chmod 755 $vnc_xstartup_config
  215. chkconfig --level 345 vncserver on
  216. service NetworkManager stop
  217. chkconfig --del NetworkManager
  218. check_selinux_config
  219. sleep 20
  220. service vncserver start
  221. }
  222. centos6_install_vnc_server()
  223. {
  224. if yum grouplist "X Window System"|grep "Available" >/dev/null 2>&1
  225. then
  226. if ! yum groupinstall "X Window System" -y
  227. then
  228. exit_script "X Window System"
  229. fi
  230. fi
  231. if yum grouplist "Desktop"|grep "Available" >/dev/null 2>&1
  232. then
  233. if ! yum groupinstall "Desktop" -y
  234. then
  235. exit_script Desktop
  236. fi
  237. fi
  238. if yum grouplist "Chinese Support"|grep "Available" >/dev/null 2>&1
  239. then
  240. if ! yum groupinstall "Chinese Support" -y
  241. then
  242. exit_script "Chinese Support"
  243. fi
  244. fi
  245. if ! rpm -q tigervnc-server >/dev/null 2>&1
  246. then
  247. if ! yum install tigervnc-server -y
  248. then
  249. exit_script tigervnc-server
  250. fi
  251. vncserver <<EOF
  252. $password
  253. $password
  254. EOF
  255. else
  256. vncpasswd <<EOF
  257. $password
  258. $password
  259. EOF
  260. fi
  261. vncserver -kill :1
  262. service vncserver stop
  263. service pcscd stop
  264. chkconfig --del pcscd
  265. yum remove esc -y
  266. sed -i 's/.*!= root.*/#&/' /etc/pam.d/gdm
  267. dbus-uuidgen >/var/lib/dbus/machine-id
  268. rhel5_vnc_config
  269. chmod 755 $vnc_xstartup_config
  270. chkconfig --level 345 vncserver on
  271. service NetworkManager stop
  272. chkconfig --del NetworkManager
  273. sleep 20
  274. service vncserver start
  275. check_selinux_config
  276. }
  277. centos7_install_vnc_server()
  278. {
  279. if ! yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop" "Graphical Administration Tools" -y
  280. then
  281. exit_script "NOME Desktop Graphical Administration Tools"
  282. fi
  283. if ! yum install tigervnc-server -y
  284. then
  285. exit_script "tigervnc-server"
  286. fi
  287. cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@\:1.service
  288. sed -i 's/%i/:1/g' /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@\:1.service
  289. sed -i 's/<USER>/root/g' /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@\:1.service
  290. sed -i 's/home\/root/root/g' /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@\:1.service
  291. vncpasswd <<EOF
  292. $password
  293. $password
  294. EOF
  295. systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service
  296. systemctl start vncserver@:1.service
  297. systemctl status vncserver@:1.service
  298. systemctl disable initial-setup-text.service
  299. }
  300. ubuntu_install_vnc_server()
  301. {
  302. if ! dpkg -s lxde >/dev/null 2>&1
  303. then
  304. if ! apt-get install lxde -y --force-yes --fix-missing
  305. then
  306. exit_script lxde
  307. fi
  308. fi
  309. if ! dpkg -s ttf-arphic-uming >/dev/null 2>&1
  310. then
  311. if ! apt-get install ttf-arphic-uming -y --force-yes --fix-missing
  312. then
  313. exit_script ttf-arphic-uming
  314. fi
  315. fi
  316. if ! dpkg -s vnc4server >/dev/null 2>&1
  317. then
  318. if ! apt-get install vnc4server -y --force-yes --fix-missing
  319. then
  320. exit_script vnc4server
  321. fi
  322. vncserver <<EOF
  323. $password
  324. $password
  325. EOF
  326. else
  327. vncpasswd <<EOF
  328. $password
  329. $password
  330. EOF
  331. fi
  332. vncserver -kill :1
  333. sed -i 's/x-window-manager \&/startlxde \&/' $vnc_xstartup_config
  334. sed -i '/vncserver/d' $rc_local
  335. sed -i 's/^exit 0$/su root \-c "\/usr\/bin\/vncserver \-name my-vnc-server \-geometry 1280x800 \:1"\nexit 0/' $rc_local
  336. sleep 5
  337. vncserver
  338. }
  339. ####################Start###################
  340. #check lock file ,one time only let the script run one time
  341. LOCKfile=/tmp/.$(basename $0)
  342. if [ -f "$LOCKfile" ]
  343. then
  344. echo -e "\033[1;40;31mThe script is already exist,please next time to run this script.\n\033[0m"
  345. exit
  346. else
  347. echo -e "\033[40;32mStep 1.No lock file,begin to create lock file and continue.\n\033[40;37m"
  348. touch $LOCKfile
  349. fi
  350. #check user
  351. if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]
  352. then
  353. echo -e "\033[1;40;31mError: You must be root to run this script, please use root to install this script.\n\033[0m"
  354. rm -f $LOCKfile
  355. exit 1
  356. fi
  357. vnc_xstartup_config=/root/.vnc/xstartup
  358. vnc_sysconfig_vncservers=/etc/sysconfig/vncservers
  359. selinux_config=/etc/selinux/config
  360. rc_local=/etc/rc.local
  361. password=$(cat /dev/urandom | head -1 | md5sum | head -c 6)
  362. echo -e "\033[40;32mStep 2.Begen to check the OS issue.\n\033[40;37m"
  363. os_release=$(check_os_release)
  364. if [ "X$os_release" == "X" ]
  365. then
  366. echo -e "\033[1;40;31mThe OS does not identify,So this script is not executede.\n\033[0m"
  367. rm -f $LOCKfile
  368. exit 0
  369. else
  370. echo -e "\033[40;32mThis OS is $os_release.\n\033[40;37m"
  371. fi
  372. echo -e "\033[40;32mStep 3.Begen to modify the source configration file and update.\n\033[40;37m"
  373. update_source
  374. echo -e "\033[40;32mStep 4.Begen to check and install vnc server.\n\033[40;37m"
  375. case "$os_release" in
  376. redhat5|centos5|aliyun5)
  377. centos5_install_vnc_server $os_release
  378. ;;
  379. redhat6|centos6|aliyun6)
  380. centos6_install_vnc_server
  381. ;;
  382. centos7)
  383. centos7_install_vnc_server
  384. ;;
  385. ubuntu10|ubuntu1204|ubuntu1210|debian6)
  386. ubuntu_install_vnc_server
  387. ;;
  388. esac
  389. echo -e "\033[40;32mInstall success.The vnc password is \"$password\",this script now exit!\n\033[40;37m"
  390. rm -f $LOCKfile


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