
%define p1 ebp+8
%define p2 ebp+12
%define p3 ebp+16 section .text
global dllmain
export astrlwr_s dllmain:
mov eax,1
ret 12 ;-----------------------------------------;
; 将字符串转换为小写
push ebp
mov ebp,esp mov eax,[p1] ; str ptr
mov ecx,[p2] ; numberOfElements .for: test ecx,ecx
jz .return mov dl,[eax]
test dl,dl
jz .return ;----------------------------------------;
; 如果 < 0x41 next
cmp dl,41h
jb .next ;----------------------------------------;
; 如果 > 0x5A next
cmp dl,5Ah
ja .next add dl,20h
mov [eax],dl .next:
dec ecx
inc eax
jmp .for .return:
xor eax,eax
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
ret 8


#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h> typedef int (CALLBACK* astrlwr_s_t)(char* str, size_t numberOfElements); astrlwr_s_t astrlwr_s; int main()
HMODULE myDLL = LoadLibraryA("xxx.dll");
astrlwr_s = (astrlwr_s_t)GetProcAddress(myDLL, "astrlwr_s"); char a[10] = "aBcD";
printf("%d, %s\n", _strlwr_s(a, 10), a); // abcd char b[10] = "aBcD";
printf("%d, %s\n", astrlwr_s(b, 10), b); // abcd
return 0;

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