Installing XSS&MySQL FILE

Download the Pentester Lab: XSS and MySQL FILE from the following website:,66/

Load the iso file and open the vm through vmware.

Enter the world of XSS and MYSQL FILE...

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(1)的更多相关文章

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    Remote File Inclusion[RFI] Prepare: Download the DVWA from the following website and deploy it on yo ...

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    Local File Inclusion[LFI] Target Pentester Lab: Download from the following website: https://www.vul ...

  3. OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)

    SQL Injection[SQLi] Refrence: SQL Injection Authentication Bypass Cheat Sheet https://pentestlab.blo ...

  4. OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(2)

    Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) 1. Using the tool - netdiscover to find the IP of target server. netdiscov ...

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    Windows Post Exploitation Target Server: IE8-Win 7 VM 1. Download and upload the fgdump, PwDump7, wc ...

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    Linux Post Exploitation Target Sever: Kioptrix Level 1 1. Search the payloads types. msfvenom -l pay ...

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    Pivoting 1. Edit the virtual network settings of the Vmware. 2. Set the Network Adapter(s) of Kali L ...

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    Post-Exploit Password Attacks 1. Crack using the tool - john (Too slow in real world) Locate the roc ...

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    Prerequisites: Knowledge of scripting languages(Bash/Pyhon) Understanding of basic networking concep ...


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