You are your greatest asset.


For most of us, there are few things that we can count on but ourselves.

If we lose confidence in our own life, in our own abilities, we may never win trusts from others.

That means the intrinsic motivation may be much more powerful than the extrinsic motivation, especially when we were in difficult times.

And in the ideal case, the intrinsic motivation helps us produce some outstanding outcomes and win some extrinsic motivation; accordingly, the extrinsic motivation can bring us a better life and work conditions and consolidate our confidence so as to cultivate more intrinsic motivation.

A best cycle, isn't it? But life is not always so smooth, and we should try to adjust our attitudes towards life to keep an upward spirit.

We need to all choose today our attitude, choose to be positive.

Today is a new day, today is day for us to begin creating a joyous fulfilling life.

Today is the day to begin to release all our limitations.

Today is the day for us to learn the secrets of life.

We are going to get breaks that we didn't see coming.

Problems that we thought were permanent are suddenly going to turn around.

We are not going to go through life constantly struggling, pressured, weighted down by problems.

This is a new day, ease is coming.

The thing we have to get up every day and realize is it's what we do from here on out that matters.

Then it is about what do we do today, what do we do tomorrow, what do we build tomorrow, how much energy do we bring to the game today.

Our only goal as soon as we open up our eyes in the morning is to make ourselves feel good, to give ourselves enough confidence to get through the day.

Don't worry about what needs to be done, think about who we have to be in order to get it done.

Remember who we are, we are heroes, we are victorious, we do have power, we do have work, we do have value.

And we matter so much that our presence in this earth is required and needed.

Funny is always a good way to start when in doubt.


From Ocean R Stark.

I always don't know how to start a presentation, how to start a conversation, how to start a new relationship.

Why not start with a joke to elicit some laughter?

Why not start a conversation or a new relationship with a smiling face first?

Things may get easier the next moment.

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