LeetCode(194.Transpose File)(awk进阶)
194. Transpose File
Given a text file file.txt
, transpose its content.
You may assume that each row has the same number of columns and each field is separated by the ' '
If file.txt
has the following content:
name age
alice 21
ryan 30
Output the following:
name alice ryan
age 21 30
awk ' ' file: ' ' 中是处理语句
# 执行之前的操作,一般是赋值
# 中间是对每一行的操作
# 处理完后的操作,一般是格式化输出
#!/bin/bash awk 'BEGIN{}
for(i = ; i <= NF; i++){
if (NR == ){
s[i]=s[i]" "$i;
for(i = ; i <= NF; i++){
print s[i];
}' file.txt
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