
libexif 地址:





1.前面代码来至src sample下面的;



  1. static const unsigned char exif_header[] = {
  2. 0xff, 0xd8, 0xff, 0xe1,
  3. };
  4. /* length of data in exif_header */
  5. static const unsigned int exif_header_len = sizeof(exif_header);
  6. /* length of data in image_jpg */
  7. static const unsigned int image_jpg_len ;//= sizeof(image_jpg);
  8. /* start of JPEG image data section */
  9. static const unsigned int image_data_offset = ;
  10. #define image_data_len (image_jpg_len - image_data_offset)
  12. const char *pucMaker = "xx公司";
  13. const char *pucModel = "拍照设备";
  15. /* Create a brand-new tag with a data field of the given length, in the
  16. * given IFD. This is needed when exif_entry_initialize() isn't able to create
  17. * this type of tag itself, or the default data length it creates isn't the
  18. * correct length.
  19. */
  20. static ExifEntry *create_tag(ExifData *exif, ExifIfd ifd, ExifTag tag, size_t len)
  21. {
  22. void *buf;
  23. ExifEntry *entry;
  25. /* Create a memory allocator to manage this ExifEntry */
  26. ExifMem *mem = exif_mem_new_default();
  27. assert(mem != NULL); /* catch an out of memory condition */
  29. /* Create a new ExifEntry using our allocator */
  30. entry = exif_entry_new_mem (mem);
  31. assert(entry != NULL);
  33. /* Allocate memory to use for holding the tag data */
  34. buf = exif_mem_alloc(mem, len);
  35. assert(buf != NULL);
  37. /* Fill in the entry */
  38. entry->data = buf;
  39. entry->size = len;
  40. entry->tag = tag;
  41. entry->components = len;
  42. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
  44. /* Attach the ExifEntry to an IFD */
  45. exif_content_add_entry (exif->ifd[ifd], entry);
  47. /* The ExifMem and ExifEntry are now owned elsewhere */
  48. exif_mem_unref(mem);
  49. exif_entry_unref(entry);
  50. return entry;
  51. }
  53. //需要参考PowerExif.exe软件打开图片
  54. //添加对应的只需要对应的代码ID,exifname、数据类型、和数据长度;
  55. int cdr_write_exif_to_jpg(char *pSrcFileName, GPS_INFO sGpsInfo)
  56. {
  57. int rc = ;
  58. char GPSversionid[]={0x02,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00};
  59. FILE *f = NULL;
  61. unsigned char *exif_data;
  62. unsigned int exif_data_len;
  63. FILE *f2 = fopen(pSrcFileName, "r");
  64. if (!f2) {
  65. fprintf(stderr, "Error creating file \n");
  66. return -;
  67. }
  68. fseek (f2, , SEEK_END); ///将文件指针移动文件结尾
  69. int iFileSize = ftell (f2); ///求出当前文件指针距离文件开始的字节数
  70. fseek (f2, , SEEK_SET);
  72. char *buf = calloc(iFileSize,sizeof(char));
  73. if(buf == NULL){
  74. printf("calloc fails!\n");
  75. fclose(f2);
  76. return -;
  77. }
  79. int i = ;
  80. int pos = ;
  81. char temp = ;
  83. for(i=; i<iFileSize-; i++)
  84. {
  85. temp = fgetc(f2);
  86. if(EOF == temp) break;
  87. buf[pos++] = temp;
  88. }
  89. buf[pos] = ;
  90. fclose(f2);
  92. ExifEntry *entry = NULL;
  94. ExifData *exif = exif_data_new();
  95. if (!exif) {
  96. fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
  97. free(buf);
  98. buf=NULL;
  99. return ;
  100. }
  102. /* Set the image options */
  103. exif_data_set_option(exif, EXIF_DATA_OPTION_FOLLOW_SPECIFICATION);
  104. exif_data_set_data_type(exif, EXIF_DATA_TYPE_COMPRESSED);
  105. exif_data_set_byte_order(exif, FILE_BYTE_ORDER);
  107. /* Create the mandatory EXIF fields with default data */
  108. //exif_data_fix(exif);
  110. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_GPS, EXIF_TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID,);
  111. /* Write the special header needed for a comment tag */
  112. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_BYTE;
  113. entry->components = ;
  114. exif_set_sshort(entry->data, FILE_BYTE_ORDER, GPSversionid[]);
  115. exif_set_sshort(entry->data+, FILE_BYTE_ORDER, GPSversionid[]);
  116. exif_set_sshort(entry->data+, FILE_BYTE_ORDER, GPSversionid[]);
  117. exif_set_sshort(entry->data+, FILE_BYTE_ORDER, GPSversionid[]);
  119. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_GPS, EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF,);
  120. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_ASCII;
  121. memcpy(entry->data, "N", );
  122. ExifRational a;
  123. ExifRational b;
  124. ExifRational c;
  125. a.numerator = sGpsInfo.latitude_Degree;//纬度
  126. a.denominator = ;
  127. b.numerator = sGpsInfo.latitude_Cent;
  128. b.denominator = ;
  129. c.numerator = sGpsInfo.latitude_Second;
  130. c.denominator = ;
  131. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_GPS, EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE,);
  132. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL;
  133. entry->components = ;
  134. exif_set_rational(entry->data,FILE_BYTE_ORDER,a);
  135. exif_set_rational(entry->data+,FILE_BYTE_ORDER,b);
  136. exif_set_rational(entry->data+,FILE_BYTE_ORDER,c);
  138. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_GPS, EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF,);
  139. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_ASCII;
  140. entry->components = ;
  141. memcpy(entry->data, "E", );
  143. a.numerator = sGpsInfo.longitude_Degree;
  144. a.denominator = ;
  145. b.numerator = sGpsInfo.longitude_Cent;
  146. b.denominator = ;
  147. c.numerator = sGpsInfo.longitude_Second;
  148. c.denominator = ;
  149. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_GPS, EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE,);
  150. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL;
  151. entry->components = ;
  152. exif_set_rational(entry->data,FILE_BYTE_ORDER,a);
  153. exif_set_rational(entry->data+,FILE_BYTE_ORDER,b);
  154. exif_set_rational(entry->data+,FILE_BYTE_ORDER,c);
  156. //GPS速度单位K KM/H
  157. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_GPS, EXIF_TAG_GPS_SPEED_REF,);
  158. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_ASCII;
  159. //entry->components = 1;
  160. memcpy(entry->data, "K", );
  162. //GPS速度值.
  163. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_GPS, EXIF_TAG_GPS_SPEED,);
  164. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL;
  165. entry->components = ;
  166. a.numerator = sGpsInfo.speed;
  167. a.denominator = ;
  168. exif_set_rational(entry->data,FILE_BYTE_ORDER,a);
  170. /*date time*/
  171. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_EXIF, EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL,);
  172. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_ASCII;
  173. //entry->components = 20;
  174. char pDataTime[] = {};
  175. sprintf(pDataTime,"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",sGpsInfo.D.year,sGpsInfo.D.month,,
  176. sGpsInfo.D.hour,sGpsInfo.D.minute,sGpsInfo.D.second);
  177. memcpy(entry->data,pDataTime,);
  178. //厂商信息和设备信息
  179. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_0, EXIF_TAG_MAKE,strlen(pucMaker)+);
  180. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_ASCII;
  181. memcpy(entry->data,pucMaker,strlen(pucMaker));
  183. entry = create_tag(exif, EXIF_IFD_0, EXIF_TAG_MODEL,strlen(pucModel)+);
  184. entry->format = EXIF_FORMAT_ASCII;
  185. memcpy(entry->data,pucModel,strlen(pucModel));
  187. exif_data_save_data(exif, &exif_data, &exif_data_len);
  188. assert(exif_data != NULL);
  190. f = fopen(pSrcFileName, "wb");//write exif to this file pSrcFileName
  191. if (!f) {
  192. exif_data_unref(exif);
  193. free(buf);
  194. buf=NULL;
  195. return rc;
  196. }
  197. /* Write EXIF header */
  198. if (fwrite(exif_header, exif_header_len, , f) != ) {
  199. goto errout;
  200. }
  201. /* Write EXIF block length in big-endian order */
  202. if (fputc((exif_data_len+) >> , f) < ) {
  203. goto errout;
  204. }
  205. if (fputc((exif_data_len+) & 0xff, f) < ) {
  206. goto errout;
  207. }
  208. /* Write EXIF data block */
  209. if (fwrite(exif_data, exif_data_len, , f) != ) {
  210. goto errout;
  211. }
  213. int image_data_len2 = iFileSize - image_data_offset;
  214. /* Write JPEG image data, skipping the non-EXIF header */
  215. if (fwrite(buf+image_data_offset, image_data_len2, , f) != ) {
  216. goto errout;
  217. }
  218. rc = ;
  219. free(buf);
  220. buf = NULL;
  221. fflush(f);
  222. errout:
  223. if (fclose(f)) {
  224. fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to file %s\n", FILE_NAME);
  225. rc = ;
  226. }
  227. /* The allocator we're using for ExifData is the standard one, so use
  228. * it directly to free this pointer.
  229. */
  230. free(exif_data);
  231. exif_data_unref(exif);
  232. return rc;
  233. }


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