参考 Find substring with K distinct characters

Find substring with K distinct characters(http://www.cnblogs.com/pegasus923/p/8444653.html)

Given a string and number K, find the substrings of size K with K-1 distinct characters. If no, output empty list. Remember to emit the duplicate substrings, i.e. if the substring repeated twice, only output once.

  • 字符串中等题。Sliding window algorithm + Hash。此题跟上题的区别在于,子串中有一个重复字符。
  • 思路还是跟上题一样,只是需要把对count的判断条件改成dupCount。当窗口size为K时,如果重复字符只有一个的话,则为结果集。对dupCount操作的判断条件,也需要改为>0, >1。
// main.cpp
// LeetCode
// Created by Hao on 2017/3/16.
// Copyright © 2017年 Hao. All rights reserved.
// #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std; class Solution {
vector<string> subStringK1Dist(string S, int K) {
vector<string> vResult; // corner case
if (S.empty()) return vResult; unordered_map<char, int> hash; // window start/end pointer, hit count
int left = , right = , dupCount = ; while (right < S.size()) {
if (hash[S.at(right)] > ) // hit the condition dup char
++ dupCount; ++ hash[S.at(right)]; // count the occurrence ++ right; // move window end pointer rightward // window size reaches K
if (right - left == K) {
if ( == dupCount) { // find 1 dup char
if (find(vResult.begin(), vResult.end(), S.substr(left, K)) == vResult.end()) // using STL find() to avoid dup
vResult.push_back(S.substr(left, K));
} // dupCount is only increased when hash[i] > 0, so only hash[i] > 1 means that dupCount was increased.
if (hash[S.at(left)] > )
-- dupCount; -- hash[S.at(left)]; // decrease to restore occurrence ++ left; // move window start pointer rightward
} return vResult;
}; int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Solution testSolution; vector<string> sInputs = {"aaabbcccc","awaglknagawunagwkwagl", "abccdef", "", "aaaaaaa", "ababab"};
vector<int> iInputs = {, , , , , };
vector<string> result; /*
{abbc }
{awag naga agaw gwkw wkwa }
{cc }
{aa }
{aba bab }
for (auto i = ; i < sInputs.size(); ++ i) {
result = testSolution.subStringK1Dist(sInputs[i], iInputs[i]); cout << "{";
for (auto it : result)
cout << it << " ";
cout << "}" << endl;
} return ;

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