
string::substr(start_pos, length)


 class Solution {
vector<string> restoreIpAddresses(string s) {
vector<string> ret;
if(s.size() > )
return ret;
for(int i = ; i < s.size(); i ++)
{// [0, i]
string ip1 = s.substr(, i+);
if ( !check(ip1) ) break;
for(int j = i+; j < s.size(); j ++)
{// [i+1, j]
string ip2 = s.substr(i+, j-i);
if ( !check(ip2) ) break;
for(int k = j+; k < s.size()-; k ++)
{// [j+1, k], [k+1, s.size()-1]
string ip3 = s.substr(j+, k-j);
string ip4 = s.substr(k+);
if(check(ip3) && check(ip4))
string ip = ip1 + "." + ip2 + "." + ip3 + "." + ip4;
return ret;
bool check(string ip)
int value = stoi(ip);
if(ip[] == '') return ip.size() == ;
return value <= ? true : false;

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