Read 阅读

Dear Susie(苏西)

It's after dinner, My family is working in the kitchen. My daughter Li is  washing the dishes. My daughter Mei is drying the dishes.My sons are taking out the tarsh.Where is my husband?He isn't in then kitchen. He is sleeping in the living room! I am not happy. I need help. What can I do?

I need help. What can I do?


Read and match  阅读回顾

1)She is not happy

2)She is washing the dishes

3)They are taking out the trash

4)She is drying the dishes

Rooms of a house 房子的房间

1)bathroom (注意咬舌音) 浴室;厕所;盥洗室     restroom 

What can you do in the room?

I can take a shower/bath, brush teeth,wash face, comb(b 不发音) hair and use the toilet.

what's in the room?

There is a mirror,  a cabinet, a sink, a shower and a toilet.

2)bed room 卧室 (注意可以连读)

What can you do in the room?

I can paly with the phone, sleep, read book, tell stories

what's in the room?

There is  a cabinet ,a closet and  a lamp

3)living room 起居室;客厅   (注意变化 live -> living)

What can you do in the room?

I can watch TV , drink tea, meet friend and chat with my wife

what's in the room?

There is a television , sofas ,chairs , plants ,an air conditioner and tea table

4)laundry room 洗衣房

What can you do in the room?

I can do laundry(wash clothes) and dry the clothes

what's in the room?

There is a washing machine and a cabinet

5)kitchen 厨房

What can you do in the room?

I can cook ,wash fruites and vegetables

what's in the room?

There is a refrigerator , a sink, an oven and cupboard  # an over考虑,注意使用an

6)dining room 饭厅

What can you do in the room?

I can eat three meals and sometimes do homework   # some time 分开是“一些时间”的意思,连在一起 sometimes 才是 有时候

what's in the room?

There are chairs and a dinner table


castle  ['kæsl] 城堡

palace [ˈpælɪs] 宫殿

swimming pool 游泳池

mirror 镜子

cabinet 陈列柜

sink n. 水槽;洗涤槽;污水坑

shower n. 淋浴;(倾泻般出现的)一阵,一大批;阵雨

toilet n. 厕所,盥洗室;梳妆,打扮

closet  壁橱

lamp 台灯

furniture 家具

comb hair 梳头

comb 梳子

brush teeth 刷牙

Study 书房

air conditioning  空调


There is/are .... in the ....

What room is this?

What room is that?

What can this room do?

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