
Asynchronous vs. Synchronous

A method call is considered synchronous if the caller cannot make progress until the method returns a value or throws an exception. On the other hand, an asynchronous call allows the caller to progress after a finite number of steps, and the completion of the method may be signalled via some additional mechanism (it might be a registered callback, a Future, or a message).

A synchronous API may use blocking to implement synchrony, but this is not a necessity. A very CPU intensive task might give a similar behavior as blocking. In general, it is preferred to use asynchronous APIs, as they guarantee that the system is able to progress.

Non-blocking vs. Blocking

We talk about blocking if the delay of one thread can indefinitely delay some of the other threads. A good example is a resource which can be used exclusively by one thread using mutual exclusion. If a thread holds on to the resource indefinitely (for example accidentally running an infinite loop) other threads waiting on the resource can not progress. In contrast, non-blocking means that no thread is able to indefinitely delay others.

Non-blocking operations are preferred to blocking ones, as the overall progress of the system is not trivially guaranteed when it contains blocking operations.

以上文献摘自akka文档,一个方法之所以被称为同步方法,是因为直到该方法返回某值或者抛出异常,该方法的调用者才能得到结果(make progress)。如果一个异步调用需要通过额外的机制(比如callback,Future,message)。如果一个线程的延迟导致了另一个(一些)线程的延迟,那么久出现了阻塞(blocking)。一个例子就是一个资源被一个线程所独占,那么其他线程需要等待这个线程释放资源才能继续执行。




  1. 如果计算未完成,那么这个Future就未完成。
  2. 如果计算完成(得到结果或者异常),这个Future就完成了。


object Main extends App {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
val f:Future[Int]=Future{
Thread.sleep(100)//模拟某个耗时操作 比如网络请求



scala提供了onSuccess等回调函数。其签名为:def onComplete[U](f: Try[T] => U)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Unit

case Success(i) => println(i)
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace()


  f.onComplete(result=>result match {
case Success(i)=>println(i)
case Failure(e)=>e.printStackTrace()


f.onComplete(result=>result match {
case Success(i)=>println(i)
f.onComplete(result=>result match {
case Success(i)=>println(i+20)




val r=Await.result(f,Duration.Inf) //Await.result(f,1 seconds)



object Main extends App {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.{Future,Promise}
// import scala.concurrent.duration._
val p=Promise[Int]
val f=p.future
val producer=Future{
p complete Try{
val consumer=Future{
f onComplete{
case Success(i)=>println(i)
case Failure(e)=>e.printStackTrace()


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