Given two non-empty binary trees s and t, check whether tree t has
exactly the same structure and node values with a subtree of s.
A subtree of s is a tree consists of a node in s and all of this node's descendants.
The tree s could also be considered as a subtree of itself.

Example 1:
Given tree s:

/ \
4 5
/ \
1 2

Given tree t:

/ \
1 2

Return true, because t has the same structure and node values with a subtree of s.

Example 2:
Given tree s:

/ \
4 5
/ \
1 2

Given tree t:

/ \
1 2

Return false.




bool isSameTree(TreeNode* s, TreeNode* t)
if(s == NULL && t== NULL) return true;
if( (s == NULL && t != NULL )|| (s != NULL&&t == NULL) || (s->val !=t->val)) return false;
bool left = isSameTree(s->left,t->left);
bool right = isSameTree(s->right,t->right);
return (left && right);
bool isSubtree(TreeNode* s, TreeNode* t)
bool res = false;
if(s!=NULL && t!= NULL)
if(t->val== s->val) res = isSameTree(s,t);
if(!res) res = isSubtree(s->left,t);
if(!res) res = isSubtree(s->right,t);
return res;

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