< 备考CET6 - 替换词 >
- 结果 Result
- consequence
- 人 People, person
- citizen, individual
- 发展 Development
- advancement,progress
- 朋友 Friends
- companions
- 原因 Reason
- cause ,factor
- 影响 Influence
- effect,impact
- 方面 aspect
- facet
- 交流 communication
- interaction
- 利用 Use
- optimize, utilize
- 表明 Show
- illustrate ,reveal ,demonstrate,manifest
依靠 Depend on
hinge on - rely on - count on- 宣称 Declare
- Allege ,assert,claim
- 发生 Happen
- occur,come up ,take place (take place of 替代)
- 知道 Know
- be aware of ,be conversant with ,familiar with
- 拥有 Have
- be owned by ,possess
- 理解 Understand
- comprehend ,discern
- 开始 Begin
- commence (及物)
- 注意、重视 pay attention to
- pour attention into ,attach importance to
- 记住 remember
- bear in mind that
- 反对 disagree with sth
- frown on sth,be against
- 导致 cause
- lead to,result in,give rise to,trigger
- 昂贵的 Expensive
- pricey
- 复杂的 Complex
- intricate
- 不同的 Different
- various,a variety of,diverse
- 许多的 Many
- numerous,a large amount of ,a lot of,a host of,multitude of
- 有趣的 Interesting
- amusing ,entertaining ,engaging
- 重要的 Important
- significant,vital,crucial,prominent,prominent
- 普遍的 Common
- commonplace, universal
- 整个的 Whole
- entire
- 奇怪的 Strange
- weird, eccentric
- 最好的 Best
- optimal
- 难以置信的 Unbelievable
- incredible
- 著名的 Famous
- renowned
- 好的 Good
- excellent, terrific, extraordinary ,remarkable
- 危险的 Dangerous
- hazardous
- 富裕的 Rich
- wealthy, affluent,well-heeled
- 贫穷的 Poor
- needy ,in poverty,impoverished
- 有活力的 energetic
- dynamic ,animated
- 充足的 abundant
- ample ,plentiful , generous
- 合理的 reasonable
- sound ,rational ,sensible
- 唯一的/唯一地 Only
- unique ,merely ,solely ,uniquely
- 大的 Big
- vast ,massive ,enormous,huge
- 新的 new
- brand-new ,fresh
- 有害的 harmful
- ruinous , destructive
- 困难的 Difficult
- formidable ,laborious
- 怀疑的 doubtful
- skeptical ,suspicious
- 一些 some
- a slice of,quite a few,several
- 频繁地 offer
- frequently
- 现在 Nowaday
- currently
- 越来越 More and more
- increasingly,increasing+形容词,growing+形容词
- 非常地 Very
- extremely, greatly, highly
- 大约 About
- approximately
- 平稳地 Steadly
- smoothly ,slowly,slightly
- 明显地 Clearly
- obviously ,evidently,distinctly
- 首先 Firstly
- initially
- 然后 Then
- subsequently - afterward - thereafter - secondarily
- 最后 Lastly
- in conclusion - last but not least - eventually - ultimately
- 也、同时 Too
- as well - moreover - in addition
- 以及、额外 And
- Plus - as well as - bonus - in addition
- 否则 Or
- otherwise - if not - or else
- 因此 So
- therefore - thus - consequently
- 因为 Because
- due to - for the reason that
- 但是 But
- nevertheless - however - nonetheless
- 与...相比 - Compared with sb,compared to sth
- in comparison with/sb , by comparison with/sb
- 如果 if
- in the event of ,in case (of)
- 在...之前 Before
- prior to
- 例如 For example
- for instance,to name only a few+名词,as an example
- 我认为 - I think
- be convinced, hold the opinion that… ,it is universally acknowledged that
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