317. Fast Ride

Time limit per test: 0.25  second(s) Memory limit: 65536 kilobytes
input: standard output: standard

Is there a Russian who does not like a fast ride?! Royal messenger should get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Point A has coordinate 0 on the Ox axis. Point B has positive coordinate B on the Ox axis. Of course, the messenger will use horses to get to the destination point. The messenger is not allowed to travel by foot because of an importance of his mission and security reasons.
There are N stables on the straight line from A to B. The i-th stable has Mi horses inside. Each horse is characterized by its speed vj and maximum distance it can gallop dj (after that it falls exhausted). The messenger can change the horse reaching or passing a stable to any horse from that stable without losing time.
Your task is to find the minimum time the messenger needs to get to the point B.


The first line of the input contains two integer numbers B and N (1 ≤ B ≤ 108; 1 ≤ N ≤ 5000), where N is the number of stables. Descriptions of the stables follow. The first line of each description contains two integer numbers Xi, Mi (0 ≤ Xi ≤ 108; 0 < Mi) — the position of the stable and the number of horses in this stable respectively. The following Mi lines contain the description of the horses. Each description of a horse is a pair of integer numbers vj, dj (1 ≤ vj ≤ 108; 1 ≤ dj ≤ 108). The total number of horses in all stables is no more than 105. It is possible that two or more stables have the same position.


Write the minimum time which will take the messenger to get to the point B to the output. The answer should be written with no less than 3 digits after the decimal point. If the solution does not exist, write -1 to the output.

sample input
sample output
10 3
5 2
1 100
10 3
0 1
1 50
8 1
2 3

组队赛第九场 想到出来的一条DP 。

题目给了5000个驿站 , 然后每个驿站有M头马,有不同的速度还有能走的路程 。 然后问,到达B位置最少用的时间 。 马最多有10W头 。

然后用dp[i]表示到达第 i 个驿站的最小时间 。

然后 O(n) *O (Mi ) * O( n ) 枚举驿站 枚举马 枚举下一个状态 ,照过  -。-   数据都几弱下 。。

读入完数据之后要对每个驿站按距离从大到小排一下序。记录一个输入的时候的 id。然后马用个邻接链表保存就OK了~


驿站的位置可能超过B 。

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int N = ;
const int M = ;
const double inf = 1e10; double dp[N];
double B;
int n; struct node
double d,v;
bool operator <( const node &a )const{
if(v != a.v )return v > a.v;
else return d > a.d;
}; struct node2
double d;
int num,id;
bool operator < (const node2 &a )const {
return d < a.d;
}e[N]; vector< node >g[N]; void init()
for( int i = ; i <= n+ ; ++i ){
} int main()
#ifdef LOCAL
#endif int v,d;
node h;
while(~scanf("%lf%d",&B,&n) ){
init(); for ( int i = ; i < n ; ++i ){
scanf("%lf%d",&e[i].d ,&e[i].num);
e[i].id = i;
for( int j = ; j < e[i].num ; ++j ){
scanf("%lf%lf",&h.v,&h.d );
g[ i ].push_back(h);
} e[ n ].d = B;
e[ n ].num = ;
sort( e , e + n + ); int goal = ;
bool ok = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n ;++i ){
int idx = e[i].id;
if( dp[i] >= inf ){ ok = ; break; }
if( e[i].d == B ) { goal = i; break; }
sort ( g[ idx ].begin() , g[ idx ].end() );
int glen = g[idx].size();
for( int j = ; j < glen ; ++j ){
h = g[idx][j];
for(int k = i + ; k <= n && e[k].d - e[i].d <=h.d ;++k ){
dp[k] = min(dp[k] , dp[i] + (e[k].d - e[i].d) / h.v );
} if( !ok || dp[ goal ] >= inf ) puts("-1");
else printf("%.6lf\n",dp[ goal ] ); }
return ;

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