



这样,从\(x\)往下走形成的长为\(h\)的链中,其中倒数\(i,i\in T\)步时走向右儿子,倒数\(i,i\not\in T\)步走向左儿子,这样得到的编号和为

\[x(2^h-1)+\sum_{i\in T}2^i-|T|=S

令\(L=\lfloor\frac{S}{2^h-1}\rfloor\),显然\(|T|<h\le\log_2(S+1),x\le L\)。又因为

\[(L-1)(2^h-1)+\sum_{i\in T}2^i-|T|\le S-(2^h-1)+(2^h-h-1)\\

故\(x>L-1\)进而\(x=L\),或称对每个\(h\)有唯一的\(x=L\),那么方案数为方程\(\sum_{i\in T}2^i=S+|T|+L(2^h-1)\)的解的个数。(这显然最多只有一组解)



\[x+2x(2^{h_0}-1)+(2x+1)(2^{h_1}-1)+\sum_{i\in T_0}2^i+\sum_{i\in T_1}2^i-|T_0|-|T_1|\\
=x(2^{h_0+1}+2^{h_1+1}-3)+2^{h_1}-1+\sum_{i\in T_0}2^i+\sum_{i\in T_1}2^i-|T_0|-|T_1|=S




答案是\(\sum_{h_0,h_1}(\sum_n f[\max(h_0,h_1),n,0])\)。时间复杂度\(O(\log_2^5S)\)。

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define LL long long
using namespace std;
const int N=53; LL S,L,ans;
LL P[N]={1};
LL f[N][N*2][2]; int main() {
scanf("%lld",&S); L=log2(S+1);
for(int i=1; i<N; ++i) P[i]=P[i-1]<<1;
for(int h=1; h<=L; ++h) {
LL x=S%(P[h]-1);
for(int i=h; i; --i) if(x>=P[i]-1) x-=P[i]-1;
for(int h0=1; h0<L; ++h0)
for(int h1=1; S+1-P[h1]>=P[h0+1]+P[h1+1]-3; ++h1) {
LL x=(S+1-P[h1])/(P[h0+1]+P[h1+1]-3);
LL r=(S+1-P[h1])%(P[h0+1]+P[h1+1]-3);
if(!r) {ans++; continue;}
if(h0==1&&h1==1) {ans+=(S==x*5+1); continue;}
for(int n=1; n<=h0+h1; ++n) {
LL C=r+n,L=log2(C);
if(C&1) continue;
memset(f[0],0,sizeof f[0]); f[0][0][0]=1;
for(int i=1; i<=L; ++i) {
int d=(C>>i)&1; memset(f[i],0,sizeof f[i]);
for(int j=0; j<=i+i-2&&j<=n; ++j)
for(int k=0; k<2; ++k) if(f[i-1][j][k])
for(int x=0; x<2; ++x) if(!x||i<h0)
for(int y=0; y<2; ++y) if(!y||i<h1)
if(((k+x+y)&1)==d) f[i][j+x+y][(k+x+y)>>1]+=f[i-1][j][k];
return 0;


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