D. Treasure Hunting ( 思维题 , 贪心)
题意: 在一个 n * m 的地图里,有 k 个宝藏,你的起点在 (1, 1), 每次你能 向下向右向左移动(只要在地图里);
现在,有 q 个安全的列, 你只有在这些列上面,你才能向下走。 问你收集所有宝藏,需要走的最少步数
解: 首先,我们对每一行 维护数组 L, R,分别代表 这一行的所有宝藏中,最左的那个和最右的那个的 纵坐标
然后 维护两个值 ansl, ansr 分别代表你处理完前 i 行所有的宝藏都拿完了之后;
停在 L[ i ], 和停在 R[ i ]处的最小步数;
那么你更新 ansl, ansr 各有四种情况; ( 代码有提到,详见代码)
然后处理完N行后, 去 ansl, ansr 较小的那个,就是所有横向需要走的最小步数。
然后纵向的话,你走的步数就是 所有宝藏中最大的 x - 1 步;
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <deque>
- #include <vector>
- #include <queue>
- #include <string>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <map>
- #include <stack>
- #include <set>
- #define LL long long
- #define ULL unsigned long long
- #define rep(i,j,k) for(int i=j;i<=k;i++)
- #define dep(i,j,k) for(int i=k;i>=j;i--)
- #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f
- #define mem(i,j) memset(i,j,sizeof(i))
- #define make(i,j) make_pair(i,j)
- #define pb push_back
- #define Pi acos(-1.0)
- using namespace std;
- const int N = 2e5 + ;
- LL l[N], r[N], s[N];
- int main() {
- int n, m, k, q;
- while(~scanf("%d %d %d %d", &n, &m, &k, &q)) {
- rep(i, , n) l[i] = INF, r[i] = ;
- LL Y = ;
- rep(i, , k) {
- LL x, y;
- scanf("%lld %lld", &x, &y);
- Y = max(Y, x);
- l[x] = min(l[x], y);
- r[x] = max(r[x], y);
- }
- rep(i, , q) scanf("%lld", &s[i]);
- sort(s + , s + + q);
- LL ansl, ansr;
- LL L = l[], R = r[];
- if(r[] == ) ansl = , ansr = , L = R = ;
- else ansl = r[] - + r[] - l[], ansr = r[] - ;
- rep(i, , n) if(r[i]) {
- int indexl = lower_bound(s + , s + + q, L) - s;
- int indexr = lower_bound(s + , s + + q, R) - s;
- int Ll, Lr, Rl, Rr; Ll = Lr = Rl = Rr = INF;
- if(indexl <= q) Lr = s[indexl]; if(indexl > ) Ll = s[indexl - ];
- if(indexr <= q) Rr = s[indexr]; if(indexr > ) Rl = s[indexr - ];
- LL nowL = INF, nowR = INF;
- nowL = min(nowL, ansl + abs(L - Ll) + abs(Ll - r[i]) + abs(r[i] - l[i])); ///L -> Ll -> r[i] -> l[i]
- nowL = min(nowL, ansl + abs(L - Lr) + abs(Lr - r[i]) + abs(r[i] - l[i])); ///L -> Lr -> r[i] -> l[i]
- nowL = min(nowL, ansr + abs(R - Rl) + abs(Rl - r[i]) + abs(r[i] - l[i])); ///R -> Rl -> r[i] -> l[i]
- nowL = min(nowL, ansr + abs(R - Rr) + abs(Rr - r[i]) + abs(r[i] - l[i])); ///R -> Rr -> r[i] -> l[i]
- nowR = min(nowR, ansl + abs(L - Ll) + abs(Ll - l[i]) + abs(l[i] - r[i])); ///L -> Ll -> l[i] -> r[i]
- nowR = min(nowR, ansl + abs(L - Lr) + abs(Lr - l[i]) + abs(l[i] - r[i])); ///L -> Lr -> l[i] -> r[i]
- nowR = min(nowR, ansr + abs(R - Rl) + abs(Rl - l[i]) + abs(l[i] - r[i])); ///R -> Rl -> l[i] -> r[i]
- nowR = min(nowR, ansr + abs(R - Rr) + abs(Rr - l[i]) + abs(l[i] - r[i])); ///R -> Rr -> l[i] -> r[i]
- ansl = nowL, ansr = nowR; L = l[i], R = r[i];
- }
- printf("%lld\n", min(ansl, ansr) + Y - );
- }
- return ;
- }
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