

 namespace MikeWare.GdiPlus.Rectangles
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Windows.Forms; public partial class FormDrawRectangles : Form
private Random random = null;
private Color penColor = Color.Transparent; public FormDrawRectangles()
random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
penColor = GetRandomColor();
} private Point GetRandomPoint()
return new Point(random.Next(, ClientRectangle.Width), random.Next(, ClientRectangle.Height - pnlToolbox.Height));
} private Rectangle GetRandomRectangle()
var pointA = GetRandomPoint();
var pointB = GetRandomPoint(); return new Rectangle(Math.Min(pointA.X, pointB.X)
, Math.Min(pointA.Y, pointB.Y)
, Math.Abs(pointA.X - pointB.X)
, Math.Abs(pointA.Y - pointB.Y));
} private Color GetRandomColor()
return Color.FromArgb(random.Next(, ), random.Next(, ), random.Next(, ));
} private void ShowInformation(string message)
lblInformation.Text = message;
} private void btnChangePenColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (colors.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
penColor = colors.Color;
} private void btnSwitchDoubleBuffered_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DoubleBuffered = !DoubleBuffered; ShowInformation($"二级缓冲:{DoubleBuffered}。");
} private void btnDrawRandomRectangle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var rectangle = GetRandomRectangle(); var style = (DashStyle)(random.Next(, ));
var dashCaps = new List<int> { , , };
var dashCap = (DashCap)dashCaps[random.Next(, )]; using (var g = CreateGraphics())
using (var pen = new Pen(penColor, 4f))
using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rectangle, Color.Red, Color.Blue, LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal))
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
pen.DashStyle = style;
pen.DashCap = dashCap;
g.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle);
} ShowInformation($"随机矩形,{rectangle},虚线冒:{dashCap.ToString()},线条样式:{style.ToString()}。");
} ……


与上一节给出的窗体定义及辅助方法雷同,这里不做过多说明,增加了两个辅助方法,一个是获取随机矩形Rectangle GetRandomRectangle(),一个是获取随机颜色Color GetRandomColor(),相信什么是矩形和颜色,生物老师都教过:)而且本节的重点也不在边线的绘制上,其基本方法就是Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pen pen, Rectangle rect),也直接给出了绘制“随机矩形”的代码,有了画线的基础,应该没什么问题了。



 private void btnFillLinearGradientColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var rectangle1 = GetRandomRectangle();
var rectangle2 = GetRandomRectangle(); var gradient = (LinearGradientMode)(random.Next(, ));
var angle = (random.Next(, )); using (var g = CreateGraphics())
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rectangle1, GetRandomColor(), GetRandomColor(), gradient))
g.FillRectangle(brush, rectangle1);
} using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rectangle2, GetRandomColor(), GetRandomColor(), angle, == angle % ))
g.FillRectangle(brush, rectangle2);
} ShowInformation($"渐变色填充,{rectangle1},LinearGradient:{gradient};{rectangle2},Angle:{angle}。");

渐变色填充 —— btnFillLinearGradientColor_Click

绘制渐变色填充,关键在于构造一个合适的LinearGradientBrush,然后调用Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle rect)就可以了。

// Summary:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush
// class with the specified points and colors.
// Parameters:
// point1:
// A System.Drawing.PointF structure that represents the starting point of the linear
// gradient.
// point2:
// A System.Drawing.PointF structure that represents the endpoint of the linear
// gradient.
// color1:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the starting color of the linear
// gradient.
// color2:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the ending color of the linear
// gradient.
public LinearGradientBrush(PointF point1, PointF point2, Color color1, Color color2);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush
// class with the specified points and colors.
// Parameters:
// point1:
// A System.Drawing.Point structure that represents the starting point of the linear
// gradient.
// point2:
// A System.Drawing.Point structure that represents the endpoint of the linear gradient.
// color1:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the starting color of the linear
// gradient.
// color2:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the ending color of the linear
// gradient.
public LinearGradientBrush(Point point1, Point point2, Color color1, Color color2);
// Summary:
// Creates a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush based
// on a rectangle, starting and ending colors, and an orientation mode.
// Parameters:
// rect:
// A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the linear
// gradient.
// color1:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the starting color for the gradient.
// color2:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the ending color for the gradient.
// linearGradientMode:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode enumeration element that specifies
// the orientation of the gradient. The orientation determines the starting and
// ending points of the gradient. For example, LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal
// specifies that the starting point is the upper-left corner of the rectangle and
// the ending point is the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
public LinearGradientBrush(RectangleF rect, Color color1, Color color2, LinearGradientMode linearGradientMode);
// Summary:
// Creates a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush class
// based on a rectangle, starting and ending colors, and orientation.
// Parameters:
// rect:
// A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the bounds of the linear
// gradient.
// color1:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the starting color for the gradient.
// color2:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the ending color for the gradient.
// linearGradientMode:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode enumeration element that specifies
// the orientation of the gradient. The orientation determines the starting and
// ending points of the gradient. For example, LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal
// specifies that the starting point is the upper-left corner of the rectangle and
// the ending point is the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
public LinearGradientBrush(Rectangle rect, Color color1, Color color2, LinearGradientMode linearGradientMode);
// Summary:
// Creates a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush class
// based on a rectangle, starting and ending colors, and an orientation angle.
// Parameters:
// rect:
// A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the linear
// gradient.
// color1:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the starting color for the gradient.
// color2:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the ending color for the gradient.
// angle:
// The angle, measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis, of the gradient's orientation
// line.
public LinearGradientBrush(RectangleF rect, Color color1, Color color2, float angle);
// Summary:
// Creates a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush class
// based on a rectangle, starting and ending colors, and an orientation angle.
// Parameters:
// rect:
// A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the bounds of the linear
// gradient.
// color1:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the starting color for the gradient.
// color2:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the ending color for the gradient.
// angle:
// The angle, measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis, of the gradient's orientation
// line.
public LinearGradientBrush(Rectangle rect, Color color1, Color color2, float angle);
// Summary:
// Creates a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush class
// based on a rectangle, starting and ending colors, and an orientation angle.
// Parameters:
// rect:
// A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the linear
// gradient.
// color1:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the starting color for the gradient.
// color2:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the ending color for the gradient.
// angle:
// The angle, measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis, of the gradient's orientation
// line.
// isAngleScaleable:
// Set to true to specify that the angle is affected by the transform associated
// with this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush; otherwise, false.
public LinearGradientBrush(RectangleF rect, Color color1, Color color2, float angle, bool isAngleScaleable);
// Summary:
// Creates a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush class
// based on a rectangle, starting and ending colors, and an orientation angle.
// Parameters:
// rect:
// A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the bounds of the linear
// gradient.
// color1:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the starting color for the gradient.
// color2:
// A System.Drawing.Color structure that represents the ending color for the gradient.
// angle:
// The angle, measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis, of the gradient's orientation
// line.
// isAngleScaleable:
// Set to true to specify that the angle is affected by the transform associated
// with this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush; otherwise, false.
public LinearGradientBrush(Rectangle rect, Color color1, Color color2, float angle, bool isAngleScaleable);







// Summary:
// Specifies the direction of a linear gradient.
public enum LinearGradientMode
// Summary:
// Specifies a gradient from left to right.
Horizontal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a gradient from top to bottom.
Vertical = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a gradient from upper left to lower right.
ForwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a gradient from upper right to lower left.
BackwardDiagonal =



关于LinearGradientBrush的另一个参数(float angle),它用来指示颜色过渡的方向,结合LinearGradientMode理解,同时,指出,angle可以为负数,下图帮助理解一下GDI+中的angle:


// Summary:
// Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.ColorBlend that defines a multicolor
// linear gradient.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.ColorBlend that defines a multicolor linear gradient.
public ColorBlend InterpolationColors { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Blend that specifies positions and factors
// that define a custom falloff for the gradient.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Blend that represents a custom falloff for the gradient.
public Blend Blend { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a value indicating whether gamma correction is enabled for this
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush.
// Returns:
// The value is true if gamma correction is enabled for this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush;
// otherwise, false.
public bool GammaCorrection { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets a rectangular region that defines the starting and ending points of the
// gradient.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that specifies the starting and ending
// points of the gradient.
public RectangleF Rectangle { get; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets the starting and ending colors of the gradient.
// Returns:
// An array of two System.Drawing.Color structures that represents the starting
// and ending colors of the gradient.
public Color[] LinearColors { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode enumeration that indicates the
// wrap mode for this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode that specifies how fills drawn with this
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush are tiled.
public WrapMode WrapMode { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a copy System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix that defines a local geometric
// transform for this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush.
// Returns:
// A copy of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix that defines a geometric transform
// that applies only to fills drawn with this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush.
public Matrix Transform { get; set; } //
// Summary:
// Creates an exact copy of this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush.
// Returns:
// The System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush this method creates, cast as
// an object.
public override object Clone();
// Summary:
// Multiplies the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix that represents the local geometric
// transform of this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush by the specified
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix in the specified order.
// Parameters:
// matrix:
// The System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix by which to multiply the geometric transform.
// order:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder that specifies in which order to multiply
// the two matrices.
public void MultiplyTransform(Matrix matrix, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Multiplies the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix that represents the local geometric
// transform of this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush by the specified
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix by prepending the specified System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix.
// Parameters:
// matrix:
// The System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix by which to multiply the geometric transform.
public void MultiplyTransform(Matrix matrix);
// Summary:
// Resets the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush.Transform property to
// identity.
public void ResetTransform();
// Summary:
// Rotates the local geometric transform by the specified amount. This method prepends
// the rotation to the transform.
// Parameters:
// angle:
// The angle of rotation.
public void RotateTransform(float angle);
// Summary:
// Rotates the local geometric transform by the specified amount in the specified
// order.
// Parameters:
// angle:
// The angle of rotation.
// order:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder that specifies whether to append or prepend
// the rotation matrix.
public void RotateTransform(float angle, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Scales the local geometric transform by the specified amounts. This method prepends
// the scaling matrix to the transform.
// Parameters:
// sx:
// The amount by which to scale the transform in the x-axis direction.
// sy:
// The amount by which to scale the transform in the y-axis direction.
public void ScaleTransform(float sx, float sy);
// Summary:
// Scales the local geometric transform by the specified amounts in the specified
// order.
// Parameters:
// sx:
// The amount by which to scale the transform in the x-axis direction.
// sy:
// The amount by which to scale the transform in the y-axis direction.
// order:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder that specifies whether to append or prepend
// the scaling matrix.
public void ScaleTransform(float sx, float sy, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Creates a linear gradient with a center color and a linear falloff to a single
// color on both ends.
// Parameters:
// focus:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies the center of the gradient (the point
// where the gradient is composed of only the ending color).
// scale:
// A value from 0 through1 that specifies how fast the colors falloff from the starting
// color to focus (ending color)
public void SetBlendTriangularShape(float focus, float scale);
// Summary:
// Creates a linear gradient with a center color and a linear falloff to a single
// color on both ends.
// Parameters:
// focus:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies the center of the gradient (the point
// where the gradient is composed of only the ending color).
public void SetBlendTriangularShape(float focus);
// Summary:
// Creates a gradient falloff based on a bell-shaped curve.
// Parameters:
// focus:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies the center of the gradient (the point
// where the gradient is composed of only the ending color).
// scale:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies how fast the colors falloff from the
// focus.
public void SetSigmaBellShape(float focus, float scale);
// Summary:
// Creates a gradient falloff based on a bell-shaped curve.
// Parameters:
// focus:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies the center of the gradient (the point
// where the starting color and ending color are blended equally).
public void SetSigmaBellShape(float focus);
// Summary:
// Translates the local geometric transform by the specified dimensions. This method
// prepends the translation to the transform.
// Parameters:
// dx:
// The value of the translation in x.
// dy:
// The value of the translation in y.
public void TranslateTransform(float dx, float dy);
// Summary:
// Translates the local geometric transform by the specified dimensions in the specified
// order.
// Parameters:
// dx:
// The value of the translation in x.
// dy:
// The value of the translation in y.
// order:
// The order (prepend or append) in which to apply the translation.
public void TranslateTransform(float dx, float dy, MatrixOrder order);



 private void btnFillWithSystemBrushes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var rectangle = GetRandomRectangle(); var systemBrushes = new List<Brush> {
SystemBrushes.GradientInactiveCaption ,
SystemBrushes.Window ,
SystemBrushes.ScrollBar ,
SystemBrushes.MenuText ,
SystemBrushes.MenuHighlight ,
SystemBrushes.MenuBar ,
SystemBrushes.Menu ,
SystemBrushes.InfoText ,
SystemBrushes.Info ,
SystemBrushes.InactiveCaptionText ,
SystemBrushes.InactiveBorder ,
SystemBrushes.InactiveCaption ,
SystemBrushes.HotTrack ,
SystemBrushes.HighlightText ,
SystemBrushes.Highlight ,
SystemBrushes.GrayText ,
SystemBrushes.WindowText ,
SystemBrushes.GradientActiveCaption ,
SystemBrushes.ActiveBorder ,
SystemBrushes.ActiveCaption ,
SystemBrushes.ActiveCaptionText ,
SystemBrushes.AppWorkspace ,
SystemBrushes.ButtonFace ,
SystemBrushes.ButtonHighlight ,
SystemBrushes.WindowFrame ,
SystemBrushes.ButtonShadow ,
SystemBrushes.ControlLightLight ,
SystemBrushes.ControlLight ,
SystemBrushes.ControlDark ,
SystemBrushes.ControlDarkDark ,
SystemBrushes.ControlText ,
SystemBrushes.Desktop ,
SystemBrushes.Control ,}; var brush = systemBrushes[random.Next(, systemBrushes.Count)]; using (var g = CreateGraphics())
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
g.FillRectangle(brush, rectangle);
} ShowInformation($"画刷填充,{rectangle},画刷名称:{(brush as SolidBrush)?.Color.Name}。");

画刷填充 —— btnFillWithSystemBrushes_Click



 private void btnFillWithHatchBrush_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var rectangle = GetRandomRectangle(); var style = (HatchStyle)(random.Next(, ));
var foreColor = GetRandomColor();
var backColor = GetRandomColor(); using (var g = CreateGraphics())
using (var brush = new HatchBrush(style, foreColor, backColor))
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
g.FillRectangle(brush, rectangle);
} ShowInformation($"镶嵌填充,{rectangle},前景色:{foreColor},背景色:{backColor},填充样式:{style.ToString()}。");

镶嵌填充 —— btnFillWithHatchBrush_Click



namespace System.Drawing.Drawing2D
// Summary:
// Specifies the different patterns available for System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchBrush
// objects.
public enum HatchStyle
// Summary:
// A pattern of horizontal lines.
Horizontal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies hatch style System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Horizontal.
Min = ,
// Summary:
// A pattern of vertical lines.
Vertical = ,
// Summary:
// A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper left to lower right.
ForwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper right to lower left.
BackwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies horizontal and vertical lines that cross.
Cross = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies the hatch style System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Cross.
LargeGrid = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies hatch style System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.SolidDiamond.
Max = ,
// Summary:
// A pattern of crisscross diagonal lines.
DiagonalCross = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 5-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 5:95.
Percent05 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 10-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 10:90.
Percent10 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 20-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 20:80.
Percent20 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 25-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 25:75.
Percent25 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 30-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 30:70.
Percent30 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 40-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 40:60.
Percent40 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 50-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 50:50.
Percent50 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 60-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 60:40.
Percent60 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 70-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 70:30.
Percent70 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 75-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 75:25.
Percent75 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 80-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 80:100.
Percent80 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a 90-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color
// is 90:10.
Percent90 = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points
// and are spaced 50 percent closer together than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.ForwardDiagonal,
// but are not antialiased.
LightDownwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points
// and are spaced 50 percent closer together than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.BackwardDiagonal,
// but they are not antialiased.
LightUpwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points,
// are spaced 50 percent closer together than, and are twice the width of System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.ForwardDiagonal.
// This hatch pattern is not antialiased.
DarkDownwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points,
// are spaced 50 percent closer together than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.BackwardDiagonal,
// and are twice its width, but the lines are not antialiased.
DarkUpwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points,
// have the same spacing as hatch style System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.ForwardDiagonal,
// and are triple its width, but are not antialiased.
WideDownwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points,
// have the same spacing as hatch style System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.BackwardDiagonal,
// and are triple its width, but are not antialiased.
WideUpwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies vertical lines that are spaced 50 percent closer together than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Vertical.
LightVertical = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies horizontal lines that are spaced 50 percent closer together than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Horizontal.
LightHorizontal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies vertical lines that are spaced 75 percent closer together than hatch
// style System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Vertical (or 25 percent closer together
// than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.LightVertical).
NarrowVertical = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies horizontal lines that are spaced 75 percent closer together than hatch
// style System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Horizontal (or 25 percent closer together
// than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.LightHorizontal).
NarrowHorizontal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies vertical lines that are spaced 50 percent closer together than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Vertical
// and are twice its width.
DarkVertical = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies horizontal lines that are spaced 50 percent closer together than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Horizontal
// and are twice the width of System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Horizontal.
DarkHorizontal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies dashed diagonal lines, that slant to the right from top points to bottom
// points.
DashedDownwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies dashed diagonal lines, that slant to the left from top points to bottom
// points.
DashedUpwardDiagonal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies dashed horizontal lines.
DashedHorizontal = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies dashed vertical lines.
DashedVertical = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of confetti.
SmallConfetti = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of confetti, and is composed of larger
// pieces than System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.SmallConfetti.
LargeConfetti = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies horizontal lines that are composed of zigzags.
ZigZag = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies horizontal lines that are composed of tildes.
Wave = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of layered bricks that slant to the
// left from top points to bottom points.
DiagonalBrick = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of horizontally layered bricks.
HorizontalBrick = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a woven material.
Weave = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a plaid material.
Plaid = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of divots.
Divot = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies horizontal and vertical lines, each of which is composed of dots, that
// cross.
DottedGrid = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies forward diagonal and backward diagonal lines, each of which is composed
// of dots, that cross.
DottedDiamond = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of diagonally layered shingles that
// slant to the right from top points to bottom points.
Shingle = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a trellis.
Trellis = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of spheres laid adjacent to one another.
Sphere = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies horizontal and vertical lines that cross and are spaced 50 percent
// closer together than hatch style System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.Cross.
SmallGrid = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a checkerboard.
SmallCheckerBoard = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a checkerboard with squares that
// are twice the size of System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.SmallCheckerBoard.
LargeCheckerBoard = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies forward diagonal and backward diagonal lines that cross but are not
// antialiased.
OutlinedDiamond = ,
// Summary:
// Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a checkerboard placed diagonally.
SolidDiamond =



 private void btnFillWithTextureBrush_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var rectangle = GetRandomRectangle(); var wrapMode = (WrapMode)(random.Next(, )); var image = Icon.ToBitmap(); using (var g = CreateGraphics())
using (var brush = new TextureBrush(image, wrapMode))
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
g.FillRectangle(brush, rectangle);
} ShowInformation($"纹理填充,{rectangle},WrapMode:{wrapMode}。");

纹理填充 —— btnFillWithTextureBrush_Click


namespace System.Drawing
// Summary:
// Each property of the System.Drawing.TextureBrush class is a System.Drawing.Brush
// object that uses an image to fill the interior of a shape. This class cannot
// be inherited.
public sealed class TextureBrush : Brush
// Summary:
// Initializes a new System.Drawing.TextureBrush object that uses the specified
// image.
// Parameters:
// bitmap:
// The System.Drawing.Image object with which this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object
// fills interiors.
public TextureBrush(Image bitmap);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new System.Drawing.TextureBrush object that uses the specified
// image and wrap mode.
// Parameters:
// image:
// The System.Drawing.Image object with which this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object
// fills interiors.
// wrapMode:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode enumeration that specifies how this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object is tiled.
public TextureBrush(Image image, WrapMode wrapMode);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new System.Drawing.TextureBrush object that uses the specified
// image and bounding rectangle.
// Parameters:
// image:
// The System.Drawing.Image object with which this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object
// fills interiors.
// dstRect:
// A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents the bounding rectangle
// for this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
public TextureBrush(Image image, RectangleF dstRect);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new System.Drawing.TextureBrush object that uses the specified
// image and bounding rectangle.
// Parameters:
// image:
// The System.Drawing.Image object with which this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object
// fills interiors.
// dstRect:
// A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents the bounding rectangle for
// this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
public TextureBrush(Image image, Rectangle dstRect);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new System.Drawing.TextureBrush object that uses the specified
// image, wrap mode, and bounding rectangle.
// Parameters:
// image:
// The System.Drawing.Image object with which this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object
// fills interiors.
// wrapMode:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode enumeration that specifies how this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object is tiled.
// dstRect:
// A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents the bounding rectangle
// for this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
public TextureBrush(Image image, WrapMode wrapMode, RectangleF dstRect);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new System.Drawing.TextureBrush object that uses the specified
// image, wrap mode, and bounding rectangle.
// Parameters:
// image:
// The System.Drawing.Image object with which this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object
// fills interiors.
// wrapMode:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode enumeration that specifies how this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object is tiled.
// dstRect:
// A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents the bounding rectangle for
// this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
public TextureBrush(Image image, WrapMode wrapMode, Rectangle dstRect);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new System.Drawing.TextureBrush object that uses the specified
// image, bounding rectangle, and image attributes.
// Parameters:
// image:
// The System.Drawing.Image object with which this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object
// fills interiors.
// dstRect:
// A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents the bounding rectangle
// for this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
// imageAttr:
// An System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes object that contains additional information
// about the image used by this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
public TextureBrush(Image image, RectangleF dstRect, ImageAttributes imageAttr);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new System.Drawing.TextureBrush object that uses the specified
// image, bounding rectangle, and image attributes.
// Parameters:
// image:
// The System.Drawing.Image object with which this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object
// fills interiors.
// dstRect:
// A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents the bounding rectangle for
// this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
// imageAttr:
// An System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes object that contains additional information
// about the image used by this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
public TextureBrush(Image image, Rectangle dstRect, ImageAttributes imageAttr); //
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a copy of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object that defines
// a local geometric transformation for the image associated with this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object.
// Returns:
// A copy of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object that defines a geometric
// transformation that applies only to fills drawn by using this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object.
public Matrix Transform { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode enumeration that indicates the
// wrap mode for this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode enumeration that specifies how fills drawn
// by using this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush object are tiled.
public WrapMode WrapMode { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets the System.Drawing.Image object associated with this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object.
// Returns:
// An System.Drawing.Image object that represents the image with which this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object fills shapes.
public Image Image { get; } //
// Summary:
// Creates an exact copy of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object.
// Returns:
// The System.Drawing.TextureBrush object this method creates, cast as an System.Object
// object.
public override object Clone();
// Summary:
// Multiplies the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object that represents the local
// geometric transformation of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object by the specified
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object in the specified order.
// Parameters:
// matrix:
// The System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object by which to multiply the geometric
// transformation.
// order:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder enumeration that specifies the order in
// which to multiply the two matrices.
public void MultiplyTransform(Matrix matrix, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Multiplies the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object that represents the local
// geometric transformation of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object by the specified
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object by prepending the specified System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix
// object.
// Parameters:
// matrix:
// The System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object by which to multiply the geometric
// transformation.
public void MultiplyTransform(Matrix matrix);
// Summary:
// Resets the Transform property of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush object to identity.
public void ResetTransform();
// Summary:
// Rotates the local geometric transformation of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object by the specified amount. This method prepends the rotation to the transformation.
// Parameters:
// angle:
// The angle of rotation.
public void RotateTransform(float angle);
// Summary:
// Rotates the local geometric transformation of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object by the specified amount in the specified order.
// Parameters:
// angle:
// The angle of rotation.
// order:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder enumeration that specifies whether to
// append or prepend the rotation matrix.
public void RotateTransform(float angle, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Scales the local geometric transformation of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object by the specified amounts. This method prepends the scaling matrix to the
// transformation.
// Parameters:
// sx:
// The amount by which to scale the transformation in the x direction.
// sy:
// The amount by which to scale the transformation in the y direction.
public void ScaleTransform(float sx, float sy);
// Summary:
// Scales the local geometric transformation of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object by the specified amounts in the specified order.
// Parameters:
// sx:
// The amount by which to scale the transformation in the x direction.
// sy:
// The amount by which to scale the transformation in the y direction.
// order:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder enumeration that specifies whether to
// append or prepend the scaling matrix.
public void ScaleTransform(float sx, float sy, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Translates the local geometric transformation of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object by the specified dimensions. This method prepends the translation to the
// transformation.
// Parameters:
// dx:
// The dimension by which to translate the transformation in the x direction.
// dy:
// The dimension by which to translate the transformation in the y direction.
public void TranslateTransform(float dx, float dy);
// Summary:
// Translates the local geometric transformation of this System.Drawing.TextureBrush
// object by the specified dimensions in the specified order.
// Parameters:
// dx:
// The dimension by which to translate the transformation in the x direction.
// dy:
// The dimension by which to translate the transformation in the y direction.
// order:
// The order (prepend or append) in which to apply the translation.
public void TranslateTransform(float dx, float dy, MatrixOrder order);


namespace System.Drawing.Drawing2D
// Summary:
// Specifies how a texture or gradient is tiled when it is smaller than the area
// being filled.
public enum WrapMode
// Summary:
// Tiles the gradient or texture.
Tile = ,
// Summary:
// Reverses the texture or gradient horizontally and then tiles the texture or gradient.
TileFlipX = ,
// Summary:
// Reverses the texture or gradient vertically and then tiles the texture or gradient.
TileFlipY = ,
// Summary:
// Reverses the texture or gradient horizontally and vertically and then tiles the
// texture or gradient.
TileFlipXY = ,
// Summary:
// The texture or gradient is not tiled.
Clamp =




 private void btnFillWithPathGradientBrush_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var rectangle = GetRandomRectangle(); var wrapMode = (WrapMode)(random.Next(, )); var points = new Point[] { GetRandomPoint(), GetRandomPoint(), GetRandomPoint(), GetRandomPoint(), GetRandomPoint() }; using (var g = CreateGraphics())
using (var pen = new Pen(penColor, 2f))
using (var brush = new PathGradientBrush(points, wrapMode))
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
g.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle);
g.FillRectangle(brush, rectangle);
} ShowInformation($"路径填充,{rectangle},WrapMode:{wrapMode}。");

路径填充 —— btnFillWithPathGradientBrush_Click


namespace System.Drawing.Drawing2D
// Summary:
// Encapsulates a System.Drawing.Brush object that fills the interior of a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath
// object with a gradient. This class cannot be inherited.
public sealed class PathGradientBrush : Brush
// Summary:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush
// class with the specified points.
// Parameters:
// points:
// An array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that represents the points that
// make up the vertices of the path.
public PathGradientBrush(PointF[] points);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush
// class with the specified points.
// Parameters:
// points:
// An array of System.Drawing.Point structures that represents the points that make
// up the vertices of the path.
public PathGradientBrush(Point[] points);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush
// class with the specified path.
// Parameters:
// path:
// The System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath that defines the area filled by this
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush.
public PathGradientBrush(GraphicsPath path);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush
// class with the specified points and wrap mode.
// Parameters:
// points:
// An array of System.Drawing.PointF structures that represents the points that
// make up the vertices of the path.
// wrapMode:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode that specifies how fills drawn with this
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush are tiled.
public PathGradientBrush(PointF[] points, WrapMode wrapMode);
// Summary:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush
// class with the specified points and wrap mode.
// Parameters:
// points:
// An array of System.Drawing.Point structures that represents the points that make
// up the vertices of the path.
// wrapMode:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode that specifies how fills drawn with this
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush are tiled.
public PathGradientBrush(Point[] points, WrapMode wrapMode); //
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a copy of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix that defines a local
// geometric transform for this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush.
// Returns:
// A copy of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix that defines a geometric transform
// that applies only to fills drawn with this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush.
public Matrix Transform { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.ColorBlend that defines a multicolor
// linear gradient.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.ColorBlend that defines a multicolor linear gradient.
public ColorBlend InterpolationColors { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Blend that specifies positions and factors
// that define a custom falloff for the gradient.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Blend that represents a custom falloff for the gradient.
public Blend Blend { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets a bounding rectangle for this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.RectangleF that represents a rectangular region that bounds
// the path this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush fills.
public RectangleF Rectangle { get; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets the center point of the path gradient.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.PointF that represents the center point of the path gradient.
public PointF CenterPoint { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets an array of colors that correspond to the points in the path this
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush fills.
// Returns:
// An array of System.Drawing.Color structures that represents the colors associated
// with each point in the path this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush fills.
public Color[] SurroundColors { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets the color at the center of the path gradient.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.Color that represents the color at the center of the path gradient.
public Color CenterColor { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets the focus point for the gradient falloff.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.PointF that represents the focus point for the gradient falloff.
public PointF FocusScales { get; set; }
// Summary:
// Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode that indicates the wrap mode
// for this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush.
// Returns:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode that specifies how fills drawn with this
// System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush are tiled.
public WrapMode WrapMode { get; set; } //
// Summary:
// Creates an exact copy of this System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush.
// Returns:
// The System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush this method creates, cast as an
// object.
public override object Clone();
// Summary:
// Updates the brush's transformation matrix with the product of brush's transformation
// matrix multiplied by another matrix.
// Parameters:
// matrix:
// The System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix that will be multiplied by the brush's current
// transformation matrix.
public void MultiplyTransform(Matrix matrix);
// Summary:
// Updates the brush's transformation matrix with the product of the brush's transformation
// matrix multiplied by another matrix.
// Parameters:
// matrix:
// The System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix that will be multiplied by the brush's current
// transformation matrix.
// order:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder that specifies in which order to multiply
// the two matrices.
public void MultiplyTransform(Matrix matrix, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Resets the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush.Transform property to identity.
public void ResetTransform();
// Summary:
// Rotates the local geometric transform by the specified amount. This method prepends
// the rotation to the transform.
// Parameters:
// angle:
// The angle (extent) of rotation.
public void RotateTransform(float angle);
// Summary:
// Rotates the local geometric transform by the specified amount in the specified
// order.
// Parameters:
// angle:
// The angle (extent) of rotation.
// order:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder that specifies whether to append or prepend
// the rotation matrix.
public void RotateTransform(float angle, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Scales the local geometric transform by the specified amounts. This method prepends
// the scaling matrix to the transform.
// Parameters:
// sx:
// The transform scale factor in the x-axis direction.
// sy:
// The transform scale factor in the y-axis direction.
public void ScaleTransform(float sx, float sy);
// Summary:
// Scales the local geometric transform by the specified amounts in the specified
// order.
// Parameters:
// sx:
// The transform scale factor in the x-axis direction.
// sy:
// The transform scale factor in the y-axis direction.
// order:
// A System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder that specifies whether to append or prepend
// the scaling matrix.
public void ScaleTransform(float sx, float sy, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Creates a gradient with a center color and a linear falloff to each surrounding
// color.
// Parameters:
// focus:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies where, along any radial from the center
// of the path to the path's boundary, the center color will be at its highest intensity.
// A value of 1 (the default) places the highest intensity at the center of the
// path.
// scale:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies the maximum intensity of the center color
// that gets blended with the boundary color. A value of 1 causes the highest possible
// intensity of the center color, and it is the default value.
public void SetBlendTriangularShape(float focus, float scale);
// Summary:
// Creates a gradient with a center color and a linear falloff to one surrounding
// color.
// Parameters:
// focus:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies where, along any radial from the center
// of the path to the path's boundary, the center color will be at its highest intensity.
// A value of 1 (the default) places the highest intensity at the center of the
// path.
public void SetBlendTriangularShape(float focus);
// Summary:
// Creates a gradient brush that changes color starting from the center of the path
// outward to the path's boundary. The transition from one color to another is based
// on a bell-shaped curve.
// Parameters:
// focus:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies where, along any radial from the center
// of the path to the path's boundary, the center color will be at its highest intensity.
// A value of 1 (the default) places the highest intensity at the center of the
// path.
// scale:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies the maximum intensity of the center color
// that gets blended with the boundary color. A value of 1 causes the highest possible
// intensity of the center color, and it is the default value.
public void SetSigmaBellShape(float focus, float scale);
// Summary:
// Creates a gradient brush that changes color starting from the center of the path
// outward to the path's boundary. The transition from one color to another is based
// on a bell-shaped curve.
// Parameters:
// focus:
// A value from 0 through 1 that specifies where, along any radial from the center
// of the path to the path's boundary, the center color will be at its highest intensity.
// A value of 1 (the default) places the highest intensity at the center of the
// path.
public void SetSigmaBellShape(float focus);
// Summary:
// Applies the specified translation to the local geometric transform in the specified
// order.
// Parameters:
// dx:
// The value of the translation in x.
// dy:
// The value of the translation in y.
// order:
// The order (prepend or append) in which to apply the translation.
public void TranslateTransform(float dx, float dy, MatrixOrder order);
// Summary:
// Applies the specified translation to the local geometric transform. This method
// prepends the translation to the transform.
// Parameters:
// dx:
// The value of the translation in x.
// dy:
// The value of the translation in y.
public void TranslateTransform(float dx, float dy);




好了,到这里呢,关于矩形的基本画法就已经全部介绍完了,感觉有点EZ? BORED?那么我们就来利用现有的知识,再来耍个花活?


 private Rectangle magicRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
enum Directions : short { UP = , RIGHT = , DOWN = , LEFT = , };
private Directions direction = Directions.UP | Directions.RIGHT;
private Color magicColor = Color.FromArgb(, , );
private int increament = ; private void btnMagicBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
direction = Directions.UP | Directions.RIGHT; magicRectangle = GetRandomRectangle(); using (var g = CreateGraphics())
g.Clear(SystemColors.AppWorkspace); timer.Enabled = !timer.Enabled; ShowInformation($"魔法箱,开始:{timer.Enabled}。");
} private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (var g = CreateGraphics())
using (var brush = new SolidBrush(magicColor))
g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(SystemColors.AppWorkspace), magicRectangle); magicColor = Color.FromArgb(magicColor.R + increament, magicColor.G + increament, magicColor.B - increament);
if ( == magicColor.R || == magicColor.R) increament = -increament; if (magicRectangle.Top <= ClientRectangle.Top && Directions.UP == (direction & Directions.UP))
direction = direction ^ Directions.UP | Directions.DOWN; if (magicRectangle.Left <= ClientRectangle.Left && Directions.LEFT == (direction & Directions.LEFT))
direction = direction ^ Directions.LEFT | Directions.RIGHT; if (magicRectangle.Right >= ClientRectangle.Right && Directions.RIGHT == (direction & Directions.RIGHT))
direction = direction ^ Directions.RIGHT | Directions.LEFT; if (magicRectangle.Bottom >= ClientRectangle.Bottom - pnlToolbox.Height && Directions.DOWN == (direction & Directions.DOWN))
direction = direction ^ Directions.DOWN | Directions.UP; if (Directions.UP == (direction & Directions.UP)) magicRectangle.Offset(, -);
if (Directions.LEFT == (direction & Directions.LEFT)) magicRectangle.Offset(-, );
if (Directions.RIGHT == (direction & Directions.RIGHT)) magicRectangle.Offset(, );
if (Directions.DOWN == (direction & Directions.DOWN)) magicRectangle.Offset(, ); g.FillRectangle(brush, magicRectangle);
} }

魔法箱 —— btnMagicBox_Click


  1. 将magicRectangle的当前位置填充成背景色;
  2. 获取一个变化的颜色,为了使颜色不那么跳跃,这里对magicColor的变化作了一些手脚;
  3. 做碰撞检测,以改变箱子的运动方向;
  4. 根据箱子的运动方向,用Rectangle.Offset()方法修改矩形的位置;
  5. 为矩形填充magicColor;



其实说了半天,也没多复杂,基本方法就是Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle rect),区别就在于我们如何构造一个合适的Brush。

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    最近被revit的外部扩展存储搞得死去活来,作为日后再次使用的预防针,此处随手留下印记,以作警示. 首先我们知道外部扩展存储ExtensibleStorage是revit提供给revit二次开发人员用 ...

  2. WIN10升级后输入法无法输入中文

    查看是否安装了中文输入法,可能在升级后用户文件出现问题. 在设置>语言.添加一下中文输入法.

  3. LGV - 求多条不相交路径的方案数

    推荐博客 :https://blog.csdn.net/qq_25576697/article/details/81138213 链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/con ...

  4. 记录初试Netty(2)-服务端心跳检测

    今天在在搭建的netty框架中添加心跳机制,特此记录一下:      1.什么是心跳机制? 心跳是在TCP长连接中,客户端和服务端定时向对方发送数据包通知对方自己还在线,保证连接的有效性的一种机制 在 ...

  5. 【转】KAFKA分布式消息系统

    Kafka[1]是linkedin用于日志处理的分布式消息队列,linkedin的日志数据容量大,但对可靠性要求不高,其日志数据主要包括用户行为(登录.浏览.点击.分享.喜欢)以及系统运行日志(CPU ...

  6. 本地Git绑定Gitee仓库

    前言 Window的小伙伴如果还没在本地配好Git环境可以参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/poloyy/p/12185132.html 创建Gitee仓库 Gitee绑定本地Gi ...

  7. Vmware Ubuntu18.04更换清华源

    一.安装Ubuntu18.04 省略 二.安装VmwareTool 1.选择机器右击安装2.打开文件,copy压缩文件到其它目录(理由: 内存不够解压)3.解压文件,运行./忘记名字了.pl文件4.注 ...

  8. iocp性能分析

    网络上找iocp性能分析的文章很少,因工作关系,花了点时间特意从客观数据和理论角度分析了下iocp的性能 环境 CPU i7 4核8线程 1G网卡,echo方式测试(一个客户机模拟多个客户端模式,模拟 ...

  9. qsort 函数笔记

    函数声明 void qsort(void *base, size_t nitems, size_t size, int (*compare)(const void *, const void*)); ...

  10. CAS的ABA问题详解

    CAS的ABA问题详解 ABA问题 在多线程场景下CAS会出现ABA问题,关于ABA问题这里简单科普下,例如有2个线程同时对同一个值(初始值为A)进行CAS操作,这三个线程如下 1.线程1,期望值为A ...