function [tpr,fpr,thresholds] = roc(targets,outputs)
%ROC Receiver operating characteristic.
% The receiver operating characteristic is a metric used to check
% the quality of classifiers. For each class of a classifier,
% threshold values across the interval [0,1] are applied to
% outputs. For each threshold, two values are calculated, the
% True Positive Ratio (the number of outputs greater or equal
% to the threshold, divided by the number of one targets),
% and the False Positive Ratio (the number of outputs greater
% then the threshold, divided by the number of zero targets).
% For single class problems, [TPR,FPR,TH] = <a href="matlab:doc roc">roc</a>(T,Y) takes
% a 1xQ target matrix T, where each element is either 1 or 0 indicating
% class membership or non-menbership respectively, and 1xQ outputs Y of
% values in the range [0,1].
% It returns three 1xQ vectors: the true-positive/positive ratios TPR,
% the false-positive/negative ratios FPR, and the thresholds associated
% with each of those values TH.
% For multi-class problems [TPR,FPR,TH] = <a href="matlab:doc roc">roc</a>(T,Y) takes
% an SxQ target matrix T, where each column contains a single 1 value,
% with all other elements 0. The row index of each 1 indicates which of S
% categories that vector represents. It also takes an SxQ output matrix Y,
% with values in the range [0,1]. The row indices of the largest elements in
% each column of Y indicate the most likely class.
% In the multi-class case, all three values returned are 1xS cell arrays,
% so that TPR{i}, FPR{i} and TH{i} are the ratios and thresholds for the
% ith class.
% <a href="matlab:doc roc">roc</a>(T,Y) can also take a boolean row vector T, and row vector Y, in
% which case two categories are represented by targets 1 and 0.
% Here a network is trained to recognize iris flowers the ROC is
% calculated and plotted.
% [x,t] = <a href="matlab:doc iris_dataset">iris_dataset</a>;
% net = <a href="matlab:doc patternnet">patternnet</a>(10);
% net = <a href="matlab:doc train">train</a>(net,x,t);
% y = net(x);
% [tpr,fpr,th] = <a href="matlab:doc roc">roc</a>(t,y)
% <a href="matlab:doc plotroc">plotroc</a>(t,y)
% See also PLOTROC, CONFUSION % Copyright 2007-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. nnassert.minargs(nargin,2);
targets ='format',targets,'Targets');
outputs ='format',outputs,'Outputs');
% TOTO - nnassert_samesize({targets,outputs},{'Targets','Outputs'});
if size(targets,1) > 1
targets = [targets{1,:}];
outputs = [outputs{1,:}];
numClasses = size(targets,1); known = find(~isnan(sum(targets,1)));
targets = targets(:,known);
outputs = outputs(:,known); if (numClasses == 1)
targets = [targets; 1-targets];
outputs = [outputs; 1-outputs-eps*(outputs==0.5)];
[tpr,fpr,thresholds] = roc(targets,outputs);
tpr = tpr{1};
fpr = fpr{1};
thresholds = thresholds{1};
end fpr = cell(1,numClasses);
tpr = cell(1,numClasses);
thresholds = cell(1,numClasses); for i=1:numClasses
[tpr{i},fpr{i},thresholds{i}] = roc_one(targets(i,:),outputs(i,:));
end %%
function [tpr,fpr,thresholds] = roc_one(targets,outputs) numSamples = length(targets);
numPositiveTargets = sum(targets);
numNegativeTargets = numSamples-numPositiveTargets; thresholds = unique([0 outputs 1]);
numThresholds = length(thresholds); sortedPosTargetOutputs = sort(outputs(targets == 1));
numPosTargetOutputs = length(sortedPosTargetOutputs);
sortedNegTargetOutputs = sort(outputs(targets == 0));
numNegTargetOutputs = length(sortedNegTargetOutputs); fpcount = zeros(1,numThresholds);
tpcount = zeros(1,numThresholds); posInd = 1;
negInd = 1;
for i=1:numThresholds
threshold = thresholds(i);
while (posInd <= numPosTargetOutputs) && (sortedPosTargetOutputs(posInd) <= threshold)
posInd = posInd + 1;
tpcount(i) = numPosTargetOutputs + 1 - posInd;
while (negInd <= numNegTargetOutputs) && (sortedNegTargetOutputs(negInd) <= threshold)
negInd = negInd + 1;
fpcount(i) = numNegTargetOutputs + 1 - negInd;
end tpr = fliplr(tpcount) ./ max(1,numPositiveTargets);
fpr = fliplr(fpcount) ./ max(1,numNegativeTargets);
thresholds = fliplr(thresholds);



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