鸡汤 - Choice is yours
- Our whole lives are driven by the choices we make.
- I am talking about the little choices that we make unconsciously every day. The day to day decisions like how you spend your time, what type of people you interact with and what you do etc.
If you want to change your life, you have to make good choices at every second.
- The secret is to make yourself conscious of your decision making; when you make decisions unconsciously, you get terrible results.
.5 Ultimately your destiny is determined by what you do and how you made the little choices over time. Before you do anything, ask yourself if the things that you are doing are draining you or are they building you up and act accordingly.
很多时候没办法改变环境、条件,但要每时每刻做好每个选择、决定;Our choices forge our destines.
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