1163 - Bank Robbery
In one very cold morning, Mark decides to rob a bank. But while trying hacking into the security system, he found that it is locked by some random value. He also found a pattern on the random number, that is if he chops off the last digit of a number A, he gets a new number B. Then he calculates (A-B). He checked the first few numbers of the security system which exactly equals (A-B). Being very excited to have found the pattern, he learns that there are like 500 levels on the security system. He calculated all those numbers by hand but took a lot of time. As a sign of his accomplishment he left a note on the vault stating the pattern. You were the first officer on the crime scene and you've obtained the note. So if you can figure out A from (A-B), you can rob the bank very quick!
By the way, Mark succeeded in robbing the bank but had a heart attack on the getaway car and crashed.
Input starts with an integer T (≤ 500), denoting the number of test cases.
Each line contains a single positive integer between 10 and 1018 (inclusive), giving the value of A-B.
For each case, print the case number and the possible values of A in ascending order. Separate consecutive numbers with a single space.
Sample Input |
Output for Sample Input |
4 31 18 12 17 |
Case 1: 34 Case 2: 19 20 Case 3: 13 Case 4: 18 |
题意:给出A-B,求A, B为A去掉最后一位形成的数。
分析:B = A / 10, 设A的最后一位为x, A-B的值为n(已知), B * 10 + x - B = n, 即9 * B = n - x; 而 x的取值为0 到9. A = (n - x)* 10 / 9 + x。
typedef unsigned long long ll;///注意是无符号位长整型,有符号位长整型会溢出。
#define N 100
using namespace std;
ll n;
int main()
int T, cas;
ll a[N];
scanf("%d", &T);
cas = 0;
memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));
scanf("%llu", &n);
int k = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
if((n - i) % 9 == 0)
a[k++] =(n-i)*10/9 + i;
sort(a, a+k);///输出要求按升序排列。
k = unique(a, a+k) - a;///类属性算法unique的作用是从输入序列中“删除”所有相邻的重复元素。
printf("Case %d:", cas);
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
printf(" %llu", a[i]);
return 0;
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