Fractal Streets
Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 445   Accepted: 162


With a growing desire for modernization in our increasingly larger cities comes a need for new street designs. Chris is one of the unfortunate city planners responsible for these designs. Each year the demands keep increasing, and this year he has even been asked to design a completely new city.
More work is not something Chris needs right now, since like any
good bureaucrat, he is extremely lazy. Given that this is a character
trait he has in common with most computer scientists it should come as
no surprise that one of his closest friends, Paul, is in fact a computer
scientist. And it was Paul who suggested the brilliant idea that has
made Chris a hero among his peers: Fractal Streets! By using a Hilbert
curve, he can easily fill in rectangular plots of arbitrary size with
very little work.

A Hilbert curve of order 1 consists of one "cup". In a Hilbert curve
of order 2 that cup is replaced by four smaller but identical cups and
three connecting roads. In a Hilbert curve of order 3 those four cups
are in turn replaced by four identical but still smaller cups and three
connecting roads, etc. At each corner of a cup a driveway (with mailbox)
is placed for a house, with a simple successive numbering. The house in
the top left corner has number 1, and the distance between two adjacent
houses is 10m.

The situation is shown graphically in figure 2. As you can see the
Fractal Streets concept successfully eliminates the need for boring
street grids, while still requiring very little effort from our

As a token of their gratitude, several mayors have offered Chris a
house in one of the many new neighborhoods built with his own new
scheme. Chris would now like to know which of these offerings will get
him a house closest to the local city planning office (of course each of
these new neighborhoods has one). Luckily he will not have to actually
drive along the street, because his new company "car" is one of those
new flying cars. This high-tech vehicle allows him to travel in a
straight line from his driveway to the driveway of his new office. Can
you write a program to determine the distance he will have to fly for
each offier (excluding the vertical distance at takeoff and landing)?


On the first line of the input is a positive integer, the number of test cases. Then for each test case:

A line containing a three positive integers, n < 16 and h, o < 231, specifying the order of the Hilbert curve, and the house numbers of the offered house and the local city planning office.


For each test case:

One line containing the distance Chris will have to fly to his work in meters, rounded to the nearest integer.

Sample Input

1 1 2
2 16 1
3 4 33

Sample Output



š关键是要解决calc(N,P,M) :求编号为M的房屋在旋转P度的N级城市中的位置(P=0,90,180或270,逆时针为正方向)。本题就是求calc(N,0,S)与calc(N,0,D)的距离。
 #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath> inline void read(long long &x)
x = ;char ch = getchar(),c = ch;
while(ch < '' || ch > '')c = ch, ch = getchar();
while(ch <= '' && ch >= '')x = x * + ch - '', ch = getchar();
if(c == '-')x = -x;
} const long long INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; long long t, N, S, D, pow4[], pow2[]; struct Node
long long x, y;
Node(long long _x, long long _y){x = _x,y = _y;}
}; //求解编号为m的房子,在逆时针旋转p度后的n级城市中的坐标
//90,270编号反转,0不变 Node cal(long long n, long long p, long long m)
if(n == )
if(p == )
if(m == )return Node(,);
else if(m == ) return Node(,);
else if(m == ) return Node(,);
else return Node(,);
else if(p == )
if(m == )return Node(,);
else if(m == ) return Node(,);
else if(m == ) return Node(,);
else return Node(,);
else if(p == )
if(m == )return Node(,);
else if(m == ) return Node(,);
else if(m == ) return Node(,);
else return Node(,);
else if(p == )
if(m == )return Node(,);
else if(m == ) return Node(,);
else if(m == ) return Node(,);
else return Node(,);
Node tmp;
long long a = pow4[n - ];
long long r = (m - ) / a + ;
if(p == )
if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m);
else if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m - a), tmp.y += pow2[n - ];
else if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m - * a), tmp.x += pow2[n - ], tmp.y += pow2[n - ];
else tmp = cal(n - , , m - a * ), tmp.x += pow2[n - ];
else if(p == )
if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m), tmp.x += pow2[n - ], tmp.y += pow2[n - ];
else if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m - a), tmp.y += pow2[n - ];
else if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m - a * );
else tmp = cal(n - , , m - a * ), tmp.x += pow2[n - ];
else if(p == )
if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m);
else if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m - a), tmp.x += pow2[n - ];
else if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m - * a), tmp.x += pow2[n - ], tmp.y += pow2[n - ];
else tmp = cal(n - , , m - * a), tmp.y += pow2[n - ];
else if(p == )
if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m), tmp.x += pow2[n - ], tmp.y += pow2[n - ];
else if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m - a), tmp.x += pow2[n - ];
else if(r == ) tmp = cal(n - , , m - a * );
else tmp = cal(n - , , m - a * ), tmp.y += pow2[n - ];
return tmp;
} int main()
//freopen("data.txt", "r" ,stdin);
pow4[] = , pow2[] = ;
for(register int i = ;i <= ;++ i) pow4[i] = (pow4[i - ] << ), pow2[i] = (pow2[i - ] << );
Node tmp1, tmp2;
for(;t;-- t)
tmp1 = cal(N, , S);
tmp2 = cal(N, , D);
double len = sqrt((long long)abs(tmp1.x - tmp2.x) * abs(tmp1.x - tmp2.x) + (long long)abs(tmp1.y - tmp2.y) * abs(tmp1.y - tmp2.y)) * ;
printf("%lld\n", (long long)(len + 0.5));
return ;


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