most important things to do

1.joint phd preparations

2.journal paper to write

3.solid fundamental knowledge

4.body fitness

2016/10/17 Monday

1.prepare ppt for this afternoon's group meeting

2.write introduction and words for email to professors abroad

3.take the group meeting from 15:15

4.modify database C member's ppt and hold a meeting for databases' subjects to the LP morency

2016/10/18 Tuesday

1.add the content of yesterday's ppt for group meeting

2.give a framework of ppt for next week's group meeting

3.>15:00 <17:35 swimming

4.make the detailed plan for this week

5.<22:00recite all words today for toefl test

5.20:00~22:00 hold a meeting for databases' subjects

2016/10/19 Wednesday

1.record the process of database construction to professors for joint phd(ICMI2016)

3.toefl recite words

2016/10/20 Thursday

1. record the process of database construction

2.reply the email from overseas professor

2016/10/21 Friday

1.prepare for toefl test the mail from japan and send mail to visa agency again

2016/10/22 Saturday

1.take part in the toefl test

2.dinner email to professors for joint phd~emotiw & LSTM related2015-2016

3.record the process of database construction

2016/10/23 Sunday

read action detection related paper-make ppt

schedule of 2016-10-17~2016-10-23(Monday~Sunday)——1st semester of 2nd Grade的更多相关文章

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