









Sample Input


1 2

2 3

1 4

2 5


1 4 5

2 1 5

1 1 3

2 5 3

2 4 3

Sample Output







  1. var
  2. son,siz,dep,top,w,fa,tt2,c,flag:array[-..]of longint;
  3. tt:array[-..,-..]of longint;
  4. b:array[-..,..]of longint;
  5. i,j,k,l,n,m,totw,q,t:longint;
  6. function cc2(x,l,r:longint):longint;
  7. begin
  8. cc2:=; cc2:=cc2+(r-l+)*tt[x,];
  9. if tt[x,]=tt[x,] then exit;
  10. if r<=(tt[x,]+tt[x,])div then cc2:=cc2+cc2(tt[x,-],l,r)else
  11. if l>(tt[x,]+tt[x,])div then cc2:=cc2+cc2(tt[x,-],l,r)else
  12. begin cc2:=cc2+cc2(tt[x,-],l,(tt[x,]+tt[x,])div );
  13. cc2:=cc2+cc2(tt[x,-],((tt[x,]+tt[x,])div )+,r); end;
  14. end;
  15. procedure cc1(x,l,r:longint);
  16. begin
  17. if(l=tt[x,])and(r=tt[x,])then
  18. begin tt[x,]:=tt[x,]+; exit; end;
  19. if r<=(tt[x,]+tt[x,])div then cc1(tt[x,-],l,r)else
  20. if l>(tt[x,]+tt[x,])div then cc1(tt[x,-],l,r)else
  21. begin cc1(tt[x,-],l,(tt[x,]+tt[x,])div );
  22. cc1(tt[x,-],((tt[x,]+tt[x,])div )+,r); end;
  23. end;
  24. procedure ss(z,x,y:longint);
  25. var i,j,k,l,f1,f2,tot:longint;
  26. begin
  27. f1:=top[x]; f2:=top[y]; tot:=;
  28. while f1<>f2 do
  29. begin
  30. if dep[f1]<dep[f2] then
  31. begin j:=f1; f1:=f2; f2:=j; j:=x; x:=y; y:=j; end;
  32. if z= then cc1(,w[f1],w[x])else
  33. tot:=tot+cc2(,w[f1],w[x]); x:=fa[f1]; f1:=top[x];
  34. end;
  35. if w[x]>w[y] then begin j:=x; x:=y; y:=j; end;
  36. if z= then cc1(,w[x],w[y])else
  37. begin tot:=tot+cc2(,w[x],w[y]); writeln(tot); end;
  38. end;
  39. procedure dfs2(x:longint);
  40. var i,j,k,l:longint;
  41. begin
  42. j:=c[x];
  43. while b[j,]=x do
  44. begin
  45. if b[j,]=son[x] then
  46. begin
  47. flag[b[j,]]:=; top[b[j,]]:=top[x];
  48. inc(totw); w[b[j,]]:=totw; tt2[totw]:=b[j,];
  49. dfs2(b[j,]);
  50. end;
  51. inc(j);
  52. end;
  53. j:=c[x];
  54. while b[j,]=x do
  55. begin
  56. if flag[b[j,]]= then
  57. begin
  58. flag[b[j,]]:=; top[b[j,]]:=b[j,];
  59. inc(totw); w[b[j,]]:=totw; tt2[totw]:=b[j,];
  60. dfs2(b[j,]);
  61. end;
  62. inc(j);
  63. end;
  64. end;
  65. procedure dfs1(x:longint);
  66. var i,j,k,l:longint;
  67. begin
  68. j:=c[x]; siz[x]:=;
  69. while b[j,]=x do
  70. begin
  71. if fa[b[j,]]= then
  72. begin
  73. fa[b[j,]]:=x;
  74. dep[b[j,]]:=dep[x]+;
  75. dfs1(b[j,]); siz[x]:=siz[x]+siz[b[j,]];
  76. if(son[x]=)or(siz[son[x]]<siz[b[j,]])then
  77. son[x]:=b[j,];
  78. end;
  79. inc(j);
  80. end;
  81. end;
  82. procedure sort(l,r:longint);
  83. var
  84. i,j,x,x2:longint;
  85. y:array[..]of longint;
  86. begin
  87. i:=l; j:=r;
  88. x:=b[(l+r)div ,];
  89. x2:=b[(l+r)div ,];
  90. repeat
  91. while(b[i,]<x)or((b[i,]=x)and(b[i,]<x2))do inc(i);
  92. while(x<b[j,])or((b[j,]=x)and(b[j,]>x2))do dec(j);
  93. if not(i>j) then
  94. begin
  95. y:=b[i];
  96. b[i]:=b[j];
  97. b[j]:=y;
  98. inc(i);
  99. j:=j-;
  100. end;
  101. until i>j;
  102. if l<j then sort(l,j);
  103. if i<r then sort(i,r);
  104. end;
  105. procedure make(l,r:longint);
  106. var i,j,k:longint;
  107. begin
  108. inc(t); i:=t; tt[i,]:=l; tt[i,]:=r;
  109. if l<>r then
  110. begin
  111. tt[i,-]:=t+; make(l,(l+r)div );
  112. tt[i,-]:=t+; make(((l+r)div )+,r);
  113. end;
  114. end;
  115. begin
  116. readln(n); m:=(n-)*;
  117. for i:= to n- do
  118. begin
  119. readln(b[i*-,],b[i*-,]);
  120. b[i*,]:=b[i*-,]; b[i*,]:=b[i*-,];
  121. end;
  122. sort(,m); j:=;
  123. for i:= to n do
  124. begin
  125. if j>m then break;
  126. if b[j,]>i then continue;
  127. c[i]:=j; while b[j,]=i do inc(j);
  128. end;
  129. dep[]:=; fa[]:=-; dfs1();
  130. totw:=; top[]:=; tt2[]:=; w[]:=; flag[]:=; dfs2();
  131. t:=; make(,n);
  132. readln(q);
  133. for i:= to q do
  134. begin
  135. readln(j,k,l);
  136. ss(j,k,l);
  137. end;
  138. end.


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