Search a 2D Matrix 题解




Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in an m x n matrix. This matrix has the following properties:

  • Integers in each row are sorted from left to right.
  • The first integer of each row is greater than the last integer of the previous row.


For example,

Consider the following matrix:

[1, 3, 5, 7],
[10, 11, 16, 20],
[23, 30, 34, 50]

Given target = 3, return true.


class Solution {
bool searchMatrix(vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int target) {
if (matrix.empty() || matrix[0].empty()) {
return false;
} int size = matrix.size();
int low = 0, high = size - 1, mid;
while (low < high) {
mid = (high + low) / 2;
if (target == matrix[mid].back())
return true;
else if (target < matrix[mid].back())
high = mid;
low = mid + 1;
size = matrix[low].size();
vector<int>& arr = matrix[low];
low = 0;
high = size - 1;
while (low < high) {
mid = (high + low) / 2;
if (target == arr[mid])
return true;
else if (target < arr[mid])
high = mid;
low = mid + 1;
return arr[low] == target;



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