We decided to ask the Go expert and CTO at QArea’s, Maksim Kuharenko, to share his personal list of must-have Golang sites with news, analytics, cases, and tutorials - so you can receive the information from different experts, form own opinion about the language and improve coding skills. QArea developers write on Go for 4 years (this experience is pretty rare in developers community, especially if you consider the fact that the language was officially announced only 8 years ago). Maksim Kuharenko and his team were practically pioneers of Golang development so if there is someone to be asked about most credible sites, it is him.

Golang Code


Golang Code provides brief how-to articles with less words and more code samples - the articles are tiny and to the point. The blog provides short answers to little everyday questions (how to generate a random number, print a variable’s type, convert an int to a string etc). It definitely deserves to be on your must-read list just in case a problem arrives.

GoalngBrdge Forum


Go Forum is a perfect source of experience and professional advice for beginners. Questions and topics are divided into few categories:

Each of the categories is regularly updated and discussed both by experts and beginners. The community is very active (17.4k posts, 2.1 k topics, 4.2k users, 5.4 k likes). New questions and answers about Golang app and web development are published at least 2-3 times a day.

GoForum Statistics. Source: https://forum.golangbridge.org/about



What can be better for a beginner than watching a full-time Golang show with world’s best experts? Go Time Show is hosted by Erik St. Martin (Cloud Developer Advocate for Microsoft, Azure, and GopherCon), Carlisia Pinto (Golang trainer), Brian Ketelsen (Go expert, author of numerous talks and webinars).

Each week they invite best Golang experts (the show was already visited by Dmitri Shuralyov, Chase Adams, Alexander Neumann and many others) to discuss getting into Golang, its advantages, and specifics.

The show can be watched both live and in-record - the new episode goes out every Thursday.

Golang Programs


The website is a perfect source of free education and Golang development tools. The programs and tutorials are divided into two categories: basic programs and advanced ones. Here you can find practical code solution to your problem and find patterns and techniques for creating Go applications.

If you haven’t worked on Golang projects before, we suggest you find interesting the page “What is Go?”. There is everything a beginning developer wants to know - information about data type, constants, variables, operators, concurrency, tutorials for working with interface, channels, and logging go programs. You can subscribe and regularly receive new Go programs to your e-mail.

Golang on JetBrains


GoLand blog is one of the most popular Go blogs. They publish tons of free guides every week where they not only tell but show how to solve the problem, give advice on which Golang framework or package to use. The blog is new (was created in 2016) - there is no outdated information.

Golang issue tracker on JetBrains. Source: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/GO 

The thing we love most about the site is not only the materials itself but also comments on the articles. The discussions between experts are not only engaging to read, but also are very useful for those who have only started exploring Golang.

Golang community on Reddit


If you want to be a real GoLang geek, welcome to Reddit Go community. Where else can you find 85+ posts per week with hundreds of comments under? For those who are interested in keeping track on latest Golang trends and participating in the most active discussions, Reddit community is a must-have.

The list was created by QArea CTO, Maksim Kuharenko, a credible Golang expert and trainer. Do you have your own list? Share it in comments.

P.S. QArea’s blog is also a good source of recent Golang news and updates - so stay tuned for new publications. Look at some articles we have published recently:

If you have some questions or project ideas, contact us - our Golang developers are going to provide you a detailed consult.

原文: https://qarea.com/articles/top-15-resources-and-sites-learn-golang


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