CF757G Can Bash Save the Day?
CF757G Can Bash Save the Day?
#define RG register
#define IL inline
#define _ 200100
#define ycb (1<<30)
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
IL int gi(){
RG int data = 0 , m = 1; RG char ch = 0;
while(ch != '-' && (ch<'0' || ch > '9')) ch = getchar();
if(ch == '-'){m = 0; ch = getchar();}
while(ch>='0' && ch<='9'){data = (data<<1) + (data<<3) + ch - '0' ; ch = getchar();}
return (m) ? data : -data ;
int fa[_],son[_],sz[_],dep[_],dfn[_],top[_];
struct YCB{int ls,rs; ll tag,sum;} t[120*_] ; int n,Q,a[_],rt[_],tot;
struct Road{int to,next,w;}edg[2*_] ; int head[_],cnt; ll dis[_],bit[_],ans,predist[_];
IL void add(int u,int v,int w){
edg[++cnt] = (Road){v , head[u] , w} ; head[u] = cnt ;
void dfs1(int u,int fth,ll dist){
fa[u] = fth; dis[u] = dist;
son[u] = 0; sz[u] = 1;
for(int i = head[u]; i; i = edg[i].next){
int v = edg[i].to;
if(v == fth)continue;
dfs1(v,u,dist + edg[i].w);
if(!son[u] || sz[son[u]] < sz[v])son[u] = v;
sz[u] = sz[u] + sz[v];
void dfs2(RG int u,RG int upp){
top[u] = upp; dfn[u] = ++cnt;
predist[cnt] = predist[cnt-1] + dis[u] - dis[fa[u]] ;
if(son[u]) dfs2(son[u] ,upp) ; else return ;
for(RG int i = head[u] ; i ; i = edg[i].next){
RG int v = edg[i].to;
if(v == fa[u] || v == son[u]) continue;
if(v != son[u]) dfs2(v , v) ;
}return ;
IL void Pre(){
n = gi(); Q = gi();
for(RG int i = 1; i <= n; i ++) a[i] = gi() ;
for(RG int i = 1,u,v,w; i <= n-1; i ++)
u = gi() , v = gi() , w = gi() , add(u,v,w) , add(v,u,w) ;
dfs1(1,0,0); cnt = 0; dfs2(1,1);
IL void Ins(int x,ll d){while(x<=n)bit[x] += d , x += (x&-x); }
IL ll get(int x){RG ll ret = 0; while(x)ret += bit[x] , x -= (x&-x); return ret ; }
void Build(int &o,int l,int r){
o = ++ tot;
t[o].tag = t[o].sum =0; if(l == r)return ;
RG int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
Build(t[o].ls , l , mid) ; Build(t[o].rs , mid + 1 , r) ;
void Update(int &o,int l,int r,int ql,int qr){
t[++tot] = t[o]; o = tot;
if(ql == l && r == qr){t[o].tag++; return ; }
t[o].sum += predist[qr] - predist[ql-1] ;
RG int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if(qr <= mid) Update(t[o].ls , l , mid , ql , qr) ;
else if(ql > mid) Update(t[o].rs , mid + 1, r , ql , qr) ;
else Update(t[o].ls,l,mid,ql,mid) , Update(t[o].rs,mid+1,r,mid+1,qr) ;
ll Query(int o,int l,int r,int ql,int qr){
RG ll dt = 1ll * t[o].tag * (predist[qr]-predist[ql-1]) ;
if(ql == l && r == qr) return t[o].sum + dt;
RG int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if(qr <= mid) return dt + Query(t[o].ls , l , mid , ql , qr) ;
if(ql > mid) return dt + Query(t[o].rs , mid + 1 , r , ql , qr) ;
return dt + Query(t[o].ls , l , mid , ql , mid) + Query(t[o].rs , mid + 1, r , mid + 1, qr);
IL void Modify_Pre(int P,int p){
while(top[p] ^ 1)
Update(rt[P] , 1 , n , dfn[top[p]] , dfn[p]) ,
p = fa[top[p]] ;
if(p ^ 1) Update(rt[P] , 1 , n , dfn[son[1]] , dfn[p]) ;
IL ll Calc_Pre(int root,int p){
RG ll ret = 0;
while(top[p] ^ 1)
ret = ret + Query(root , 1 , n , dfn[top[p]] , dfn[p]) ,
p = fa[top[p]] ;
if(p ^ 1) ret += Query(root , 1 , n , dfn[son[1]] , dfn[p]) ;
return ret ;
int main(){
Build(rt[0] , 1 , n) ;
for(RG int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
rt[i] = rt[i-1] , Modify_Pre(i , a[i]) ;
for(RG int i = 1; i <= n; i ++) Ins(i , dis[a[i]]) ;
RG int opt,l,r,x;
ans = 0;
opt = gi();
if(opt == 2) x = gi() ;
else l = gi() , r = gi() , x = gi() ;
l = (ans % ycb) ^ l ;
r = (ans % ycb) ^ r ;
x = (ans % ycb) ^ x ;
if(l > r) swap(l , r) ;
if(opt == 1){
ans = 0;
ans += 1ll * (r-l+1) * dis[x] ;
ans += get(r) - get(l-1) ;
ans -= 1ll * 2 * (Calc_Pre(rt[r] , x) - Calc_Pre(rt[l-1] , x));
printf("%lld\n" , ans) ;
else if(opt == 2){
rt[x] = rt[x-1] ;
Modify_Pre(x , a[x+1]) ;
Ins(x , -dis[a[x]]); Ins(x+1 , -dis[a[x+1]]);
swap(a[x] , a[x+1]) ;
Ins(x , dis[a[x]]) ; Ins(x+1 , dis[a[x+1]]) ;
}return 0;
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